Agricultural Commission, April 18, 2017

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 18, 2017



April 18, 2017



Attendance:       Steve D’Aquila, Jim Dunn, Eileen Charbonneau (@7:40)

Absent:                Maleah Gustafson

Others Present:  Amy Parker, Chris Hugo (Red Barn Committee)


Meeting called to order @7:35 PM


A quorum of members was not present at the start of the meeting.  Therefore, acceptance of the minutes was moved to later in the agenda.


The ‘Raising Chickens’ talk by Andrea Martin is still set for Saturday, April 22.  Notice was posted on the Town’s www site, on the Town’s electronic bulletin board, sent out in a press release to the Landmark, and posted on the Ag Comm’s Facebook page and the Red Barn’s Facebook page.  We seem to be ready to go.  The presentation will start at 10:00 AM.


No new information was presented regarding the Open Space Preservation Fund.


Jim reported that the Ag Comm’s proposed acceptance of changes to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 8L is on the Town Meeting warrant.


No update on Central Mass Grown was available.


Amy Parker has sent in a ‘Do Something’ questionnaire with hopes of becoming a member of the Ag Comm.  Jim reported that he had attempted to recruit Ryan Mackay from Lilac Hedge Farm.  Ryan has expressed interest, but will not move his legal residence to Holden until after Town Meeting season.


On a motion by Steve, seconded by Eileen, the minutes of the March 21 meeting were accepted unanimously.


The next meeting will be May 16. 


On a motion by Jim, seconded by Steve, the meeting was adjourned at 9:53 PM






Respectfully submitted;


James Dunn

Acting Secretary