Agricultural Commission, October 9, 2016

Meeting date: 
Sunday, October 9, 2016


October 9, 2016



Attendance:       Steve D’Aquila, Denise Cummings, Jim Dunn

Absent:                Maleah Gustafson, Eileen Charbonneau

Others Present:  Mike Antinarella (@ 1222 PM), Nona Antinarella (@ 1220 PM)

Meeting called to order @12:05 PM


A motion (Jim; 2nd by Denise) was made and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2016 meeting.


A motion (Jim; 2nd by Denise) was made to recommend that the BOS not exercise or transfer the First Right of Refusal on the proposed Massey River Street Chapter 61A conversion.  The motion was approved unanimously.


MFBF has not responded to Denise’s request for comment on the Summitwynds Town Counsel letter.  Jim will attempt to re-contact MFBF.


The Ag Comm is scheduled to present the results of the Massey River St Chapter 61A review at the BOS meeting on Oct 17. 


Mike Antinarella presented information on proposed changes to Mass regulations (CMR 330.25) governing composting.  The changes are in draft and a public hearing will be held on Oct 20.  The change of most significance is a new requirement that at least 50% of the composting product of a farm operation be generated on the farm.  If approved, this change will effectively put Mike’s composting operation out of business and require Nona, and many small animal operations, as well as many landscapers, to find other locations or services to deal with their compostable by-products.  Mike requested the Ag Comm generate a letter of support to be delivered to the MDAR before the public hearing.  Jim will draft a letter of support to be available at the October 18 Ag Comm meeting.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:41 PM.





Respectfully submitted;


James Dunn

Acting Secretary