Board of Selectmen, January 2, 2018

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 2, 2018



January 2, 2018

6:35PM                                                                                               Memorial Hall


Present: Chairman Robert Lavigne, Geri Herlihy, Jeremy Kurtz, Anthony Renzoni, Tim Ethier


Others Present:           Peter Lukes, Town Manager

                                    Stephanie Bacon, Assistant Town Manager

                                    Stephen Madaus, Town Counsel

                                    Liz Fotos, Town Recorder

Chairman Lavigne called the meeting to order at 6:35PM. The Board stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, Licenses, and Permits




Chairman Lavigne asked Mr. Lukes if the Annual License Renewals were at 100%.


Mr. Lukes stated that the last he had heard from the Clerk, the Town had received everything they had expected.


Sel. Renzoni asked about the Blue Plate.


Mr. Lukes replied that they did not hear about the Blue Plate.


Sel. Ethier stated that he had missed the last meeting; he stated that because there was no license on the premises if someone were to acquire the property they would need to go though the process of licensing again.


Mr. Lukes replied it would need to go through normal licensing procedures for all licensing and the ABCC for alcohol.


  1. Eagle Scout Recognition


Chairman Lavigne stated that they wanted to recognize Eagle Scout, Will Weegan from Troop 182 in Holden. He asked Will to tell the Board about him and his project.


Will Weegan stated that he was currently a freshman at Assumption and was in Troop 182 since he crossed over from the cub scouts.  He stated that his project was to repaint the kennels at the Worcester Animal League.  He stated he needed to do a lot of measuring to figure out the amount of paint and he needed to get a lot of volunteers so they could finish the project in one day.  He stated they began at 8am and finished at 4pm.  He stated that in addition to the painting, he needed to do the drop clothes, taping, washing, and clean up.  Will thanked Eric Johansen for his expert help with the painting.


Chairman Lavigne presented Will Weegan with a Certificate of Recognition; the Board paused to shake his hands and for a photo.


  1. Discussion of Pool Rates and Policies


Sel. Renzoni stated that he asked for this agenda item because last year they had spoken about capacity for the pool.  He stated there were some measures taken to alleviate the crowding and they did see some relief but not as much as they had hoped for.  He stated that he wanted to discuss this matter again and that he had asked the director for some data on the pool and she had prepared that for them.


Sel. Renzoni stated that the pool crowding condition was an increasing concern and a detriment to residents.  He stated that the parking was full and it was frustrating residents. He stated that they had decreased the non residents passes and they did see a slight reduction in the annual passes from 168 to 128 passes but there was no real reduction in the daily passes sold. Sel. Renzoni outlined the costs and revenues generated.  He stated when they talk about eliminating daily non resident passes, he would like to speak about ways to make up the loss of revenue.  He stated that he would like to propose the elimination of daily non resident passes and replace them with guest passes and then have the professionals look at what is being proposed.


Sel. Renzoni stated that he would leave this up to the professionals but that he wanted to stop having buses unload non residential visitors.  He stated he would also like to propose that the children that school choice into Holden are very much members of the community and that he feels that the Town should open the pool up to these families as well.  He stated that in addition he thinks that Town employees should be given the same consideration. 


Sel. Renzoni stated that to make up the different; he would recommend a slight increase from $93 to $99 and 200 passes for non residents at a slight increase from $156 to $160 per person.  He stated that the above changes would result in the pool showing a surplus of $14,000-$20,000. He stated that he spent a lot of time thinking about this and the goal was to create a more positive experience for Holden residents.


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Holden Pool would be paid off this year.  He stated that when the Town first build this they needed the revenue to pay it off but with the growing amount of people in Town he would like to have the Boards endorsement to move forward with this.


Chairman Lavigne stated that he was a big supporter of this plan.  He stated that the question was how to get the pool to become a Holden asset and it was not a matter of the Town raising the rates, it was a question of raising the rates to provide benefits for the Town.


Sel. Renzoni stated that they had also spoken about making upgrades to the pool.  He stated they could ask the Recreation Director about what upgrades she thought they would need so that they were raising rates to provide a benefit.


Chairman Lavigne suggested that they could look into electronic passes to improve of the pool.  He stated that would help on tracking as well rather than a printed spread sheet.


Sel. Ethier stated that he did agree with some of the proposals; he stated that he thought that it made sense to include the school choice kids and that he thought it was appropriate to include passes for those people that work in Holden as a nice gesture.  He stated that he felt that to eliminate out of town passes was not right.  He stated that the Town reduced passes from 400 to 200 and he has used the pool in the past and did not think that there was an issues with overcrowding. He asked if there were any days last summer that the pool had to stop letting people in.


Mr. Lukes replied that there was not but that the capacity of the pool was different then the amount in attendance.


Sel. Ethier stated that he liked to see Holden kids involved with kids in other communities.  He asked who was on the buses; season pass holders or residents.


Sel. Renzoni stated that he only suggested non resident daily passes he was not suggesting the annual non resident passes to be eliminated. He stated that he did not subscribe to the theory that the town owes non residents anything.  He stated that he was not suggesting to get rid of non resident annual passes just the daily ones and replacing them with a guest pass.  He stated they could still get sponsored as guests to the pool.  He stated that he was not suggesting to get rid of it entirely just to make it more of a community asset.


Sel. Ethier stated that they wanted to eliminate it unless they can latch onto a Holden family.  He stated that the crowding was not that big of a deal and they were not required to do this.


Chairman Lavigne stated that he believed that they opened it up because they needed the revenue.  He stated that he agreed with Sel. Renzoni that the Holden pool should benefit kids in our community.  He stated that he does not have the data in front of him but he imagines that there were other intangible things such as wear and tear that came into effect too.  He stated that he did not think the revenue was substantial enough to warrant the cost and that the risk increased as well with the larger number of people.  He stated that the intention was to create a Holden asset that put Holden first.


Sel. Renzoni stated that he was not suggesting making it a Holden only asset; he stated he just wanted to take the numbers down as it was a population issue for the Town.  He stated that no one saw Holden getting this big this fast and that they were looking for a way to create a more enjoyable experience.  He stated that his concern was to protect Holden’s asset.


Sel. Herlihy stated that even after the change last year the pool was too crowded and there was no where to park and that was without hitting those max numbers. She stated that the Board should do what they can for Holden families.


Sel. Kurtz stated that it comes down to enjoying the pool with family and friends.  He stated that he had been there when 200 students from other districts show up and you can get into the pool but that doesn’t mean it is enjoyable. He stated that one thought he had was last year they made an exception for those that were interested in joining the swim team; he asked if they added that as an exclusion to non resident passes.


Sel. Renzoni stated that was a great point; he stated they corrected it last year.


Sel. Ethier stated he was against it and thought it was a bad signal from our community an unnecessary.  He stated that he doesn’t go to the pool as much as some of the other Board members but he didn’t recall a bus dropping off people; he asked if there were camps that funneled kids to the pool.


Sel. Ethier stated that he had never seen a bus drop off. He stated that he does not support 400 passes to 200 passes and getting rid of day passes.  He stated he does not think it speaks well from our community to be that non inclusive.


Sel. Renzoni stated that he does not think they need a motion but just a friendly agreement to pass along the Boards point of view.  He stated that he thinks they need to act on it now in order to give the pool and the staff time to come up with ideas and implement them.


Chairman Lavigne stated he would forward it along.


Mr. Lukes stated that logistically annual passes being allowed for school choice kids may be challenging.  He stated that he is not sure if it is a confidential list and if that was possible but he would look into it.


  1. Citizen’s Address


Dave White, 84 Wachusett Street, was present at the meeting.  He stated that on June 5, 2017 a member of this Board wanted to read a letter and the letter was relative to his employment situation and it referenced the Chairman of Fin Com and Mountview and for anyone that hadn’t figured it out, it was him (White).  He stated that this attempt to slander him by this individual was really disheartening and the individual that perpetrated this knew that he had received a ruling from Town Counsel relative to his taking a job with someone he had known for 20 years. He stated that these people pushed the issue despite of this knowledge and the ulterior motive was to have him step down from Fin Com.


Mr. White stated that he would not be bullied by a poor accusation that he did something unethical.  He stated that after that meeting a letter was written to the Landmark about Fin Com and how members served too long and how other Towns (Shrewsbury) did things.  He asked why anyone would be a volunteer in this Town when you are subject to this.  He stated these people were trying to affect this livelihood.  


Mr. White stated that he knew he did not do anything wrong but they pushed to make him look bad and it was unbecoming of an elected/ appointed official.  He stated that he thinks it is awful that this member sent the letter to the paper.  He stated he was on the Board of Selectmen for 9 years, Fin Com for 5, the Pool Building Committee, the Public Safety Building Committee, and the building committees for Mountview and the High School.  He asked do they think he has done more harm then good or more good than harm.  He stated this was done as an effort to make him look bad and through all this service he gave, his own children had never put a toe in the pool or go to any of the new schools.  He stated that people with their own political agenda should be ashamed.


Mr. White stated that he is strong willed and opinionated but he backs it up with service and action.  He stated people shouldn’t be fearful of the Dave Whites of the world but you should be fearful of the wolves in sheep’s clothing.


Mr. White stated that as he stated before he took a job and he asked through the Town Manager for Town Counsel opinion. He stated that he received their opinion and resigned from the Mountview Building Committee.


Mr. White stated that on December 22 he received a call from the State Ethics Commission wanting information.  He stated that he provided this information and was asked to forward the opinion he received from Town Counsel to their (State Ethics Commission) attention.  He stated that it was privileged so it was not required but he (White) did anyway.  Mr. White stated that within 36 hours he received word that there was no issue and that he had nothing to worry about; that there was no conflict of interest.


Sel. Ethier interrupted Mr. White and asked him to read the letter he received.


Chairman Lavigne stated that this was Citizen’s Address and there was no back and forth and the Board did not make demands like that.


Mr. White stated that the whole thing was confidential and he was bringing it forward.  He stated that if they were questioning his integrity he was taking offense to that.


Sel. Ethier again asked for him to read the letter.


Chairman Lavigne told Sel. Ethier to stand down.

Mr. White stated that it was clear who the perpetrator was and who was trying to slander him.  He stated that he was there to tell the Board that he had a letter than clears him of anything.  He stated that last year he was also asked to share emails and he was not going to share privileged information with anyone but he would tell them what Town Counsel said and what the State Ethics Commission said.  He stated it was ruled that he, Dave White had no issues.  He thanked the Board for their time.


Chairman Lavigne closed Citizens Address.


  1. Ratification of Brown-Fields Covenant Not to Sue


Mr. Lukes gave the floor to Mr. Madaus to explain this matter as it pertained to 18 Industrial Drive.


Mr. Madaus stated that this has taken some time to get effect.  He stated that the property in question was a contaminated property and one of the things that happened was Legislation did a Revision to 21E and created tools that would help people that would want to invest in these contaminated properties.


Mr. Madaus stated that this was available through the Attorney Generals office and they worked for months and had lots of assistance from Town Managers, John Woodsmall, and more.  He stated that they ended up with an agreement with the Commonwealth that they will not sue the Town and the Town will adhere to what is required in 21E and will benefit from being protected with the limited liabilities for third parties that can come in contact with contamination on the site.  He stated that the Town Charter stated that the Town Manager shall manage all litigation and it has to be approved by the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Madaus stated that there will be no action but in the abundance of precaution they should have the Board of Selectmen ratify and approve this for the acquisition of the property at 18 Industrial Drive.


Sel. Ethier asked if this was a necessity; he asked if the insurance on the property covered it.


Mr. Madaus stated that because the agreement concerns what was known it would not cover what would be discovered later.  He stated that this has been a well studied piece of land with the DEP and LSP doing testing onsite


Sel. Ethier asked if the Town was doing more testing.


Mr. Lukes replied there was no reason to do more testing.  He stated that short of discovering something unforeseen the Town has insurance for that but there is no reason to do more testing.


Sel. Kurtz stated that it seemed straight forward. He asked what the risk of not ratifying this would be.


Mr. Madaus stated that he thinks the Board would discuss that in Executive Session if that was what they chose.  He stated this gives more protection to the Town.


Sel. Kurtz asked if there was any risk of ratifying this.


Mr. Madaus stated that the Town Manager’s office was charged with town processes; he stated that there is argument that the Town does not need the Board approval but he thinks the Board should be aware of it. 




  1. Town Position on Proposed Resolutions at the MMA Meeting


Chairman Lavigne stated that every year the Board of Selectmen and certain members of the Town go to the MMA and as a Town take positions.  He stated that there were a few this year that were worthy of debating at this meeting.


Chairman Lavigne stated that Proposed Resolution 1 was regarding fiscal partnership with the Town where the Town wants to work with the state for better financial planning.




Chairman Lavigne stated that Resolution #3 was about local, state, and federal government and climate change.


Sel. Renzoni stated that he felt this one was dangerous because it suggested that they form an alliance and he thinks it could turn into unfunded state and federal mandates.  He stated that they could do all the things proposed without adhering to another agreement to the state.  He stated he thinks that they should oppose it.


Chairman Lavigne stated that one of the things they learned a few years back was that the state wanted to mandate that a certain amount was renewable energy which ended up being a discussion for investments in infrastructure.  He stated that he worries that the resolution of this would turn this into an unfunded mandate.


Sel. Ethier stated that he never thought of that.


Sel. Kurtz called a point of order; he asked if there was a motion to oppose the resolution.


A motion was made by Sel. Renzoni to oppose the resolution #3, it was seconded by Sel. Kurtz.


Sel. Ethier stated that he sees no harm in this resolution. He stated that the Town has a Light Department that goes above and beyond with solar and hydroelectric and this would show that the Town supports green energy. 


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Town was already doing what we needed to do; he asked why we would need to subscribe to state and federal mandates.  He stated that we were already diversified and we do not need to ratify or enter into an agreement that would ultimately put us in a bad position.


Chairman Lavigne stated that Mr. Robinson, HMLD was in talking about increasing the green energy but doing it wisely and not having such a drastic impact.  He stated we should do it at our own rate.


Sel. Kurtz stated that every time the federal or state government starts to ponder something it ends up costing the Town money.  He stated that we need to look out for Holden both in the short term and the long term and unfounded mandates usually means that something will be imposed on them. 


Sel. Ethier stated that Holden was the one of the leaders in MA for green / renewable energy and it would take a level of requirements to touch us.  He stated that others are behind us and he thinks that we would be at the top.  He stated that he thinks that we should support this because we are proud of where we are.


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Kurtz, it was VOTED TO OPPOSE RESOLUTION #3 BY A VOTE OF 4-1.  (Ethier: no).


Chairman Lavigne stated that Resolution #2 was a resolution to oppose reducing the sales tax. He stated under Governor Patrick when MA was in financial crisis he increased taxes from 5% to 6.25%; he stated that this resolution was to oppose that.


A Motion was made by Sel. Renzoni and seconded by Sel. Kurtz to oppose the resolution.


Sel. Ethier stated that MA does not have enough money to fund schools.  He asked what this would do to local aid and school aid.  He stated that he thinks if this passes they could have a huge problem in the state.


Chairman Lavigne asked if we knew what the impact would be to Holden.


Mr. Lukes replied he had not researched it.


Sel. Renzoni stated that if we increased the stated tax by a percentage they still would not fund our school budget.  He stated that the state has a priority issue and he is hopeful that the acting Senate President now who said she did not have the power now has the power.  He stated that he thinks this is good for consumers and we can go back.


Chairman Lavigne stated that he would support this pending us realizing that it would have a major impact financially on us.  He stated that he remembers when this sales tax got increased and the sales pitch was it was temporary ten years ago.  He stated that we have become reliant on it and he would like to see us go back.


Sel. Kurtz stated that we may see an increase if we go back.  He stated that this was not a funding issue it was a spending issue.


Sel. Herlihy stated that she agreed with Sel. Renzoni that taxes were not the answer and that transportation had not been funded since 1994.


Sel. Ethier asked if we cut this how it would effect our Town.  He stated that he did not hear residents crying about sales taxes.   He stated this should not be a resolution that we oppose.


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Kurtz, it was VOTED TO OPPOSE RESOLUTION #2 BY A VOTE OF 4-1.  (Ethier: no).


  1. Town Manager Update


Year-To-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports: Lori Rose, Town Accountant, has prepared the enclosed monthly Year-to-Date Revenue and expenditure Reports for the month ending November 2017. I will email those to you they were missing from you report


HMLD Monthly Report- Enclosed is the monthly activity report for November 2017, prepared by Jim Robinson, General Manager


Christmas Tree Chipping Program: The Department of Public Works will be chipping Christmas trees on Saturday, January 6, and Saturday January 13, 2018 between the hours of 8AM and 2:30PM.  Residents may bring their trees, free of any decorations, to be chipped at the Adams Road facility.


2018 MMA Annual Meeting and Trade Show:  The MA Municipal Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show will be held on January 19 &20 at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA.  The MMA will be releasing an application for smartphones, similar to the one the initiated last year, that will put all the schedules, worships and events at your fingertips.  Information on how to access the applications will be emailed to registrants on January 11. 


Fire Union Contract: The collective bargaining agreement between the Town and the Holden Firefighters has been ratified by the union membership and signed by me.  It will be effective retroactively to July 1, 2017 and run though June 30, 2020.  We will begin negotiations for new contract with our DPW and Light Dept Union in the next month.  Negotiation with the Police Patrolmen, HPD Superior Officers, along with Dispatch unions will take place later this year as well


DPW Christmas Day Storm Operations: Id like to thank DPW employees for their diligence on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with snow removal operations.  We had several sanding trucks prior to the Christmas Day snow storm because of ice and freezing rain.  Our DPW Director John Woodsmall joined the plowing efforts for most of Christmas Day de to a shortage of personnel.  We had street cleared for holiday travel in spite of the added difficulty with lots of street parking taking place due to the holiday.


Chairman Lavigne asked Mr. Lukes to pass along a kudos from the Board; he stated they did amazing.


18 Industrial Drive: The DPW Facility Committee was not able to meeting December due to scheduling conflict of committee members.  We have, however, begun the process to bid and monitor demolition and hazmat removal at 18 Industrial Drive.  Working with the Owners’ Project Manager and Town Counsel, I have refined and agreed on a contract which will keep the plan on schedule for demotion and hazmat removal to be completed by the end of May 2018, barring any unforeseen delays.


Morning Glory Café: After a short break for the holiday season, the Morning Glory Café will reopen at the Senior Center on Fridays, beginning January 5 from 8:00-10:30am.  The volunteer-run effort is a great chance for seniors to enjoy coffee and home baked goods at a very reasonable cost, all among a friendly fun atmosphere.


Mr. Lukes stated that he also wished to add that at this time it was not possible to continue to assist in the efforts for the hurricanes.  He stated that the efforts need for Puerto Rico were larger and the call for assistance was for a much larger operation than HMLD was able to provide.


  1. Follow-Up to Citizens Address


Chairman Lavigne stated that the Board would not be getting into a debate on this matter.  He stated it was not the business of the Board of Selectmen, it was an issue bought forth by a resident and was the business of the Town Moderator that appointed Fin Com.  He thanked Mr. White for coming out and was glad the matter was being put to bed.  He stated that if Mr. White said he received that letter it was good enough for him.


Sel. Ethier stated that to him this was a follow up to Citizens Address and that he has the right to speak to it.  He stated that he asked if this was discussed because Fin Com bought it to their attention.


Chairman Lavigne stated this was not a debate.


Sel. Ethier replied that Mr. White bought this up for the town people to hear.


Chairman Lavigne gaveled Sel. Ethier; he asked him to stop as this was not the business of the Boards.


Sel. Ethier stated that he had a right to speak to this.


Chairman Lavigne stated that the Board was discussing Follow Up to Citizen’s Address and he had followed up.


Sel. Ethier stated that he wanted to follow up as well.


Chairman Lavigne stated that he controls the meeting as the Chair.


Sel. Ethier stated he wanted to clarify a few things.


Chairman Lavigne replied he was not.


Sel. Ethier stated that there were lies and slanders pertaining to members of the Building Committee.


Chairman Lavigne told Sel. Ethier to stop.


Sel. Ethier continued to speak.


Chairman Lavigne again told Sel. Ethier to stop.  He called a recess at 7:40PM.


Chairman Lavigne called the meeting back to order at 7:45PM.


  1. Selectmen Subcommittee


Sel. Ethier stated that the Education Options Committee did a final report many months ago and he wanted the Board to schedule a time for them to come in and discuss it.


Chairman Lavigne stated that he had not heard from them and he did receive Sel. Ethier’s email and it would be on the schedule in February.


Sel. Kurtz: none


Sel. Renzoni: none

Sel. Herlihy stated that the DPW Building Committee would be meeting on Monday.


Sel. Renzoni asked if they had not met recently.


Mr. Lukes replied they did not have a quorum.


Sel. Renzoni stated that there was a lot of work to be done and to not have a quorum for the next major capital project that was five months away was concerning. 


Chairman Lavigne stated that Eagle Lake Committee met before Christmas and spoke about preparing an outline for final report to give to the Board.  He stated there were working on the finances of it and if the Town was involved.  He stated they had a meeting this coming Wednesday.


Sel. Ethier stated that he could not blame White Oak for asking if the Town wished to take ownership of the dam.  He stated that they ended up with the mill and he is sure they come that the Town is responsible for it.


Chairman Lavigne stated that it would be the same protocol to accept it as accepting streets; the town would require a certain level of standard before accepting responsibility.


Sel. Ethier stated he wanted to link this to the conversation of pool rates and revenue.  He stated that he thinks the best way to divert some people from the pool was to send them to Eagle Lake.


Chairman Lavigne stated that they were years away from that.


  1. Selectmen’s Miscellaneous


Sel. Ethier: none


Sel. Kurtz: none


Sel. Renzoni stated that for a future discussion he would like to discuss Chapter 115 Veteran Benefits.  He stated that the Board of Selectmen shall appoint a veteran grave officer.  He stated that with this appointment we could improve the cemetery.


Chairman Lavigne stated that if there was not any opposition he would direct Sel. Renzoni to bring this to the VA Committee.


Sel. Renzoni stated that he wanted the Board to discuss this; he stated it was a great non paid job for someone that would be able to request a budget and go to parks and cemeteries to improve graves.


Chairman Lavigne stated it would need to be before Town Meeting because of budget. He asked Sel. Renzoni to send an email.

Sel. Herlihy: none.


Chairman Lavigne stated that the Wachusett Recycling Center was closed until mid January.  He stated that they accept drop off but if you are going to drop off to make sure that they were open first.


Mr. Lukes stated that the Town was accepting applications for the Master Plan Committee.  He stated it was an 18 month long committee and the task would be to evaluate where the Town goes for the next ten years from things such as recreation, to public safety, and buildings.  He stated this was an important task and they needed four more people.


Chairman Lavigne stated that it was cold out and reminded people to check on senior citizens in their neighborhood.


Chairman Lavigne welcomed Seven Saws Brewery.  He wished them luck and welcomed them to Town.


  1. Selectmen Minutes






Motion by Sel. Renzoni, second by Sel. Kurtz, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 2, 2018 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 7:56PM.




APPROVED:  _March 5, 2018 as Amended________________