Board of Selectmen, March 19, 2018

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 19, 2018



March 19, 2018

6:36PM                                                                                               Memorial Hall


Present:  Jeremy Kurtz, Anthony Renzoni, Tim Ethier


Not Present:   Robert Lavigne, Geri Herlihy


Others Present:           Peter Lukes, Town Manager

                                    Stephanie Bacon, Assistant Town Manager

                                    Liz Fotos, Town Recorder


Sel. Renzoni called the meeting to order at 6:36PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, Licenses, and Permits


David George was present at the meeting.  Sel. Renzoni asked what interested Mr. George in the CMRPC.


Mr. George replied that he worked for Lexington as the Zoning Administrator and that his family was settling in Town and looking for opportunities where they could be of service.  He stated that he became aware of this opportunity and he wanted to assist. 


Sel. Ethier thanked Mr. George for volunteering for this Committee along with the ZBA. 










  1. Legislative and Budget Update// Senate President Harriette Chandler and Representative Kimberly Ferguson

Representative Ferguson was present.  Senate President Chandler was expected as well.


Rep. Ferguson stated that it was a pleasure to be here and that there was a lot going on at the State House.  She stated that one of the most important things right now was that they were in the middle of budget.  She stated that the budget came in January and they were reworking it and should be releasing it in April right before school vacation.  She stated they would then have two days for amendments and then the debates would start the Monday after vacation (April 23, 2018).  She stated that they were continuing to focus at local aid, Chapter 90 money, and Regional School Transportation. Rep. Ferguson stated that they were looking to increase the Regional School Transportation.  She stated the number is about 73% and she know that it is supposed to be 100%.  She stated that certainly over the years they have tried to get it increased through budget amendments but they are trying to get the word out about the dire situation due to the lack of full reimbursement.


Rep. Ferguson stated that they were looking at increases in the House Budget to the areas of Regional Transportation, Circuit Breaking Funding, and Chapter 90.  She stated that Chapter 90 was going to be released and it was looking like $615,000 again this year for roads.


Rep. Ferguson stated that while the budget is the number one thing; there were a lot of other things they were working on as well.  She stated they were working on Criminal Justice Reform, language on Air BNB, and many other things as well. 


Rep. Ferguson stated that they were all great about reaching out to her and that she appreciated that as she couldn’t do her job without them.


Sel. Renzoni opened it up for questions for the House.


Sel. Ethier asked about Regional Transportation further.


Rep. Ferguson stated that there was an additional letter from the Regional School Caucus with cosigners advocating for 85%.  She stated that they haven’t given up on the 100% and that it was currently at 73%.  She stated that the letter that was released stated that they would be agreeing on the 85%.


Sel. Ethier asked if the 73% was from the Governors office.


Rep. Ferguson confirmed it was.


Sel. Ethier stated that at the last Board meeting there was a lot of people in attendance from Eagle Lake.  He stated that one question that came up was if the Town took control of Eagle Lake Dam would it make it more likely to get grants.  He asked if she had any information on that.


Rep. Ferguson stated that she had heard from people from Eagle Lake as well as the Town Manager.  She stated that her understanding was that the people from Eagle Lake were in the process of applying for grants and they ran out of time.  She stated that she had actually called on their behalf and that she does have information and did pass it along and if/when the time comes she would be happy to advocate for it. 


Sel. Ethier asked if private entities or Town owned properties would receive more grant money.


Rep. Ferguson replied she did not know if she could answer that accurately and did not know if public v. private would be a factor. She stated that she does not believe that anyone would have more favorable treatment and that it would be project based.  She stated the last application just ran into bad timing.


Sel. Ethier stated that one of the listed owners refused to acknowledge that he was an owner; he stated that had stopped them in their track.


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Governors budget for FY 18 was just shy of 41 billion; he asked where the FY 19 proposal was.


Rep. Ferguson replied it was slightly over $41 billion; a small increase. 


Sel. Renzoni asked where the Governor was on Regional Education and Transportation.  He stated that he had spoken to the Governor during the campaign and he had the platform on education but they weren’t hearing much about it currently.


Rep. Ferguson stated that she would let him speak for himself but that they had conversations and that they understand the need for them to do their own work and amendments and to form an independent budget.


Sel. Renzoni welcomed Senate President Chandler to the meeting. 


Senate President Chandler apologized for being late.


Sel. Renzoni stated that they were speaking about where we were with Regional Education specifically transportation.  He stated that he had asked about the Governor because in his campaign he spoke about education a lot and they had not heard much from him since them.


Senate President Chandler stated that she agreed with him and had said this to the Governor.  She stated that she has not forgotten the promise that was made that if you became a Regional School, you would be 100% covered for transportation.  She stated that she knows that Wachusett has never reached that and she understands that it is a large expense.  She stated that she would suggest that the people that created the Regional Transportation did not have a lot of understanding.  She stated that as they know she has put in for this year after year and also has suggested that they look at Regional School Foundation Budget again as it has not been looked at in 25 years.  She stated that she understands that year after year there is issues with the budget and the five towns have involved with a conflict of those that can afford versus those that cannot.  She stated that they need to do a study with people who are involved in the Regional Schools for Regional Schools. 


Sel. Renzoni thanked Senate President Chandler.  He stated that he thinks that they would like the formula to be looked at and that they keep bringing this up.  He asked where the House and the Senate were as it related to this matter.


Rep. Ferguson stated that the House budget won’t be released until before April vacation and then they can put their own amendments to it before they debate it.  She stated right now she has no indication as to what the number is and that they need to get the word out to people who don’t know about Regional School Districts. 


Senate President Chandler stated that they were fortunate that Rep. Ferguson represents the Town so well.  She stated that she knows what the problems are and understands them.  She stated that it may be an easier issue in the Senate because the districts are larger and have more Regional Schools involved.  She stated that their budget does not come out until the first week in May and they will debate it after that so she has no numbers to give to them either.  She stated that Regional School Transportation was important though.


Rep. Ferguson stated that she did make a commitment that she would put the Amendment to the Chair so the will be submitting that.


Senate President Chandler stated that if that happened in the House it would be more likely to be included in the Senate.


Sel. Ethier thanked them both for their efforts. He asked Senate President Chandler about Eagle Lake.


Senate President Chandler stated that she would hope that Mr. Lukes would get that information to them.  She stated that there is an Environmental Bond Bill that she thinks they will see in the next few weeks and if the Town Manager can get that request to both of them she was certain Rep. Ferguson would put it in the house bond bill.


Sel. Ethier stated that the Wachusett Regional School Committee had a discussion that involved the walk out to protest gun violence and what could be done to improve safety.  He stated that Massachusetts has some of the safest gun laws but there is nothing that stops anyone from crossing state lines. He asked if they had looked at gun laws or had any other suggestions.


Senate President Chandler stated that we were fortunate in Massachusetts that we did have some of the toughest gun laws but that does not mean we are safe.  She stated that she had planned to attend a walk out but was unable to because of the no school.  She stated instead she met with students in the Boston area.  She stated that she thinks we need tougher laws and she wishes she could say what they should be.  She stated that they are looking to the Speaker and hopes he takes the lead on this because he has in the past.   


Senate President Chandler asked if they would like both herself and Rep. Ferguson to come to the school and have a student forum on the subject.  She stated these students have a lot to say and she wants the students to be involved.  She stated she is offering her time and she hopes Rep. Ferguson and Chief Armstrong will join her in this forum.  She stated that the one area that has been missed is the mental health aspect. She stated that she hopes that they can do it in the next few weeks while it is on students’ minds.


Sel. Renzoni stated he would gladly pass that along to the School Committee.


Rep. Ferguson stated that their hearts go out to the people in Florida and that they want to do everything in their power to keep kids safe.  She stated that we do have strict gun laws and we have passed a comprehensive gun reform to tighten up the loop holes that were in it.  She stated that they had the conversation with the Speaker about looking at the Mental Health piece of this and looking at addiction so that was another piece of the puzzle they were looking at.


Rep. Ferguson stated that there are discussions happening but that this was not something that they would be able to fix overnight.  She stated the other thing she wanted to say is that if you see someone in school that needs kindness, be a friend to them.  She stated that the kids needed to start doing that in their peer group as well.  She stated she was not trying to analyze anything but to be a friend and show kindness could also go a long way.


Senate President Chandler stated that there was a program that she was able to bring to Massachusetts.  She stated that it was MA Mental Health First Aid and it was a train the trainer program that teaches people that deal with the public how to spot someone that may need extra help.  She stated that Worcester uses it very effectively and perhaps Wachusett would be interested in it as well. 


Sel. Ethier stated that Chief Armstrong was one of the first officers assigned to the High School.  He stated that it worked great and there was still someone there.  He applauded the district for being forward thinking on that years ago.


Sel. Renzoni stated that bringing the conversation back to the budget; the Regional Transportation was a commitment that was made in the 50’s; that if we regionalized the schools the state would pay for that cost. 


Senate President Chandler stated that we have never made it to the 100% but hopefully one day they will be able to.


Rep. Ferguson stated that within that statue it says subject to appropriation.


Sel. Renzoni stated that is where their (Holden’s) gripe was.  He stated there is a budget north of $41 Billion for the Governors budget.  He asked where Regional Transportation was as a priority. He stated that before now we had never been a priority but now we have a Chair of the Regional Caucus (Rep. Ferguson) and the Senate President (Chandler) so there should be the power to champion the message that this needs to be a priority.  He asked if he was hearing that this was a priority to them. 


Senate President Chandler stated that of course this was a priority but she would not be telling the truth if she did not say that this was a balancing act.  She stated there were several social issues, public, safety issues, and more that are great concerns and each of them are just as important. She stated that she is not able to make any guarantees at this point.   


Sel. Renzoni asked if she was making it a priority as the Senate President.


Senate President Chandler stated that they were moving in the right direction trying to move it forward year over year.   She stated that the problem was that these were not expenses that stayed stagnant; they crept up year over year. She stated that she would say that she would do what she could to increase the percentage that they were able to give.


Sel. Renzoni stated that was fantastic to hear.  He stated he understood but there is one issue that binds them together and that is education.  He stated that every time we get funded less than 100% it takes away from education.  He stated that dollars that are supposed to go to education then get used for transportation.  He stated that they were talking over $10 million in the last 8 years that were promised to us. He stated this was very important for the Town and he appreciated their time.


Sel. Ethier asked about the cut to the sales tax. He stated this was a political issue and he asked if this would give the Governor reason to not consider any increase. He asked if they supported this.


Senate President Chandler stated that she was concerned with this and she was sure that the Governor would agree.  She stated that there other referendum was a concern as well, the fair share plan which is a tax on people over $1 million/ year and tax 4% on every dollar over the first million.  She stated that was a lot of money and it is before Supreme Judicial Court.  She stated that they don’t know what is going to happen there and it was a lot of money to anticipate and not get.  She stated they needed to plan this budget without knowing these answers and it could make a huge difference to money that could be devoted to transportation or education.


Sel. Ethier asked if it was earmarked.


Senate President Chandler replied it was.


Sel. Renzoni stated that if they ever want to know how to do more with less the Board could invite them back in and tell them how we do it because the Town was great at it. 

Sel. Ethier asked if the tax from the legalization of marijuana was being used for education.


Rep. Ferguson stated that the way the ballot question was worded on voted on precluded that it was not earmarked for that.


Senate President Chandler stated that the Cannabis Commission was taking a long time with the referendum issues.


Sel. Ethier stated that maybe the key to that support would be to earmark it for education so it could not just go into a huge budget.


Sel. Renzoni thanked both Senate President Chandler and Rep. Ferguson for coming to the meeting and invited them back anytime.


  1. Citizen Address


Sel. Renzoni stated that they did not call for Citizens Address previously and apologized for the delay.  He asked if any members of the public would like to step forward; no members of the public did.  Sel. Renzoni closed Citizens Address.


  1. DPW Mutual Aid Presentation


John Woodsmall, Director of DPW was present at the meeting. 


Mr. Lukes left the meeting at 7:31PM.


Mr. Woodsmall stated that this was intended to be another tool in DPW’s toolbox and that while they hoped that they didn’t need to implement it, they did want it available to them.  He stated that it was a series of Legislative Acts that govern the Police, Fire, and Public Works in a state. 


Mr. Woodsmall stated that the Board had previously voted to accept MGL Chapter 40 Section 4J as an overall policy and what he was bringing forward tonight was an expansion of that agreement and a separate mutual aid agreement for water/ sewer agencies in a state.  He stated this was another level of protection for the Town.


Mr. Lukes returned to the meeting at 7:32PM.


Mr. Woodsmall stated that this agreement would cover a variety of things that focused on water and sewer issues.  He stated the other part of the expansion is to allow for mutual aid for some mundane small things that pop up.  He stated that the adoption of this has been recommended to the Town by MA DEP to join MAWARN.


Mr. Woodsmall stated that this would allow if the Town were asked to send equipment to another location the Town could bill the receiving community for time/equipment using FEMA rates.  He stated that was one of the biggest differences in this agreement and the previous one; that in this one you can recoup costs and in the previous one you could not recoup cost expect in the event of a federal aid disaster. 


Mr. Woodsmall stated that this was simply a tool.  He stated this would be something that could be done on a volunteer basis and there was no requirements attached to it. He stated to put this into effect he would like the Board to vote to authorize the Town Manager to enter in the agreement.


Mr. Lukes stated there would not be a lot that would impact the day to day workings.


Sel. Ethier left the meeting at 7:35PM.


Sel. Renzoni asked if this would allow the Town to mutually share smaller equipment with other towns.


Sel. Ethier returned to the meeting at 7:37PM.


Mr. Woodsmall replied that it would be used for more short term issues; such as a large water main break or something similar, not a longer prolonged usage situation.


Sel. Kurtz stated that it sounded like the Town was already doing a lot of this.  He stated he goes back to the Light Department and the shared resources that were sent to the Virgin Islands. He stated he thought it was a good thing to maintain these things for our protection as well as for our neighbors.


Sel. Ethier asked if every community in the state was involved in this.


Mr. Woodsmall replied it was not every community as everyone operates slightly differently but that it was a large group that they were working with.




  1. Town Manager Update


Nomination Papers Available: The Town Clerk’s Office would like to remind everyone that nomination papers for elected town offices are available for the May 14th town elections.  Nomination papers must be obtained by the candidates by Thursday, March 22 and signatures need to be turned into the Town Clerk’s Office by April 9th.  An Election schedule, along with offices on the ballot and polling locations bas been included in your packet.

Senator Warren Town Hall Event: In your packet is a letter from Holden PD Chief Armstrong congratulating and thanking Holden FD Chief Hall and his staff for collaborative efforts providing security at the Town Hall Event that was hosted by Senator Elizabeth Warren at Wachusett Regional High School earlier this month.  Several departments including the Mass State Police and Worcester County Sheriff’s Office worked together to provide security and public safety at the event.


DCR Payment in Lieu of Taxes: Forwarded is the encloses letter from the Mass Department of Conservation and Recreation which explains their payment to the Town for land that they control within our borders in lieu of paying taxes.  This year’s PILOT is the same dollar amount as last year’s and the calculation are included in their letter.  Holden will once again receive $919,615.57 from DCR for FY 18. 


Best Places to Start a Small Business: Holden was recently ranked seventh in a survey by LendEDU. Com which listed the top 150 cities and towns in Massachusetts to start a small business.  We are very proud of our variety of locally owned businesses and my office tires to work closely with the Wachusett Area Chamber along with independent business owners to foster a friendly and supportive environment.  Id like to commend our local business for engaging in a great deal of civic involvement.  They support the Holden Community and the community supports them.  The survey was posted on the Town’s Facebook page.


Twitter: The Town has expanded our social media presence by starting an experimental Twitter account.  The Twitter account will be linked to our Facebook page and the two will mirror one another as far as posts and information.  The account can be found at TownMgrHoldenMA.


Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports: Lori Rose, Town Accountant, has prepared the encloses monthly Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the month ending February 2018. 


HMLD Monthly Report: Encloses is the monthly activity report from February 2018 prepared by Jim Robinson, HMLD General Manager.


HOLDEN DPW Snow/ Ice: Congratulations and thanks to the Holden DPW for jobs well done handling the three Nor’Easters in less than three weeks.  The updates that we posted on social media regarding the DPW snow clearing efforts were incredibly well received by residents and the positive feedback was overwhelming.  Kudos to DPW Director John Woodsmall and his entire staff for all their work and attention to detail.


Mr. Lukes stated that with regards to the snow; the town is now over budget but that the plowing in recent days had been exceptional and received a great response.


Sel. Ethier stated that he heard great things but that he had met someone that was concerned with the walking to schools and the sidewalks that were not plowed.  He asked if it was a policy that if the sidewalks were not plowed that school should be cancelled.


Mr. Lukes replied that the Town had no obligation to plow sidewalks and with that particular storm there were so many plows on the streets overnight that they needed to rest and go back to finish sidewalks later in the day.


Sel. Kurtz stated that he had heard a lot of positive things about the storms. He stated that one concern that was bought up to him was that some of the banks at intersections were getting larger.  He stated that he knew that DPW had tried to knock some back but he asked if there was a plan to do more of this at key intersections in town.


Mr. Lukes replied that he agreed and would reach out to DPW but was hopeful that nature does much of that for us.


Recreation Department Summer Brochure: Residents can find the Summer catalog for Holden’s Recreation programs online on the Town of Holden website or through a link on the Facebook page.


  1. Follow Up to Citizen Address




  1. Selectmen Subcommittee


Sel. Kurtz: none


Sel. Renzoni stated that tomorrow night (March 20) at the Senior Center there would be Veterans Advisory Committee to talk about the Memorial Day Parade. He stated that he had also spoke with the American Legion Post 42 and they were hoping to bring in any Veteran.  He stated that they were looking for help with the parade but also to identify veterans in the community to get them involved with veterans and veteran issues.  He stated he could be reached for any questions anyone may have.


Sel. Renzoni stated that Fin Com met last week to discuss the DPW Budget. He stated that it was a solid budget that was well represented on the municipal side and it was under a 3% increase.  He stated that Fin Com did a line by line securitization of the budget and he knows that the Town Manager has taken the budget to heart this year.


Sel. Ethier stated that Ag Com was meeting tomorrow (March 20) and was having ongoing discussion about the Farmers Markets. He stated that they should have a representative from the Farmer’s Market there to speak about Holden residents as a priority.


Sel. Ethier stated that he attended budget hearing as well two weeks ago and they reviewed the Recreation Budget. He stated he would have loved someone to ask why there was no monthly budget set for Eagle Lake as it was one of the Town’s three recreational areas.  He stated that he hoped that they would re-think that and money would be allocated to that.  He stated that on April 21 there would be a Friend of Eagle Lake Boat Race and he got something today asking for volunteers to rake and clean up.  He stated the fee was $175 for the use of the facility and he thins the Town should be involved as well.  He stated that DPW did as it was told and he thinks its about time to spruce up the area.  He stated he was concerned that nothing was allocated to it.  He asked if Mr. Lukes wished to respond to that.


Mr. Lukes replied that he thinks that what the Recreation Director was saying was to stop maintaining the space because it was not being used.  He stated that he thinks that if the Town wanted to do something to the space there needs to be a long term maintenance plan in place to make sure the space stays that way.  He stated he would be more in favor of a full scale plan than small one.


Sel. Ethier stated that in the meantime Eagle Lake was open and was listed as a Town Recreation Area. He stated the condition of the space is disgraceful; the benches were broken, the beach was bad and more.  He stated that the Town cannot ignore it and something needs to be done.   He stated that the Recreation Director had not stepped foot over there in a long time and that people do use the space and would use it all year round if some basic repair were done.  He stated that the Recreation Budget was doing fine and it was not a money problem. 


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Recreation Director was not present and her Committee recommended to do nothing.


Sel. Ethier stated that he had been to a meeting and it was not run like a meeting and he didn’t really respect that opinion.


Sel. Renzoni stated that in the past, members of this Board had made it clear that the Board has to respect Citizen Committees and follow recommendations.  He stated that the Town Manager gives his guidance and takes feedback.  He stated that he does not disagree that if we were going to do something they should do it right.  He stated that he thinks this belongs in the Town Manager goals.  He stated that there is a budget process and that was to put money aside to work on something.  He stated that to say that there is money in the Recreation Fund and it should be used is not the Towns practice. He suggested this be a FY 20 Goal for the Town Manager.


Sel. Ethier stated that he would go to the meeting and report back the Recreation Directors reasoning to not look at the huge money.  He stated that they were looking at $25,000-$30,000 for sand, paint, turf work.  He stated that the Recreation Fund has $700,000 in it and the lowest it had been was $300,000.  He stated that there was money and that they were just not willing to spend it.


Sel. Renzoni stated that Sel. Ethier should make it a priority for Town Manager Goals/Budget.


Sel. Ethier stated that he did not want to wait for next year; he wanted this for the spring.

Sel. Renzoni stated that he should reach out to the Chair and post it as an agenda item and get the majority of the Board to agree.  He stated that if this was an issue for one Selectmen than it was a waste of time.


Sel. Ethier asked if they could ask the Recreation Director to be present. 


Sel. Renzoni replied that he was not the Chair and could not do so.


Mr. Lukes stated that he does not have a stake in Eagle Lake.  He stated that he does not disagree but that he would like it to be a full project so he could make it fantastic.


Sel. Ethier replied he hoped so because they could not open it up in the condition it was last year.


  1. Selectmen Minutes




  1. Selectmen Miscellaneous


Sel. Ethier stated that he read the kindergarteners at Mayo for Reading Day and it was a lot of fun.


Sel. Ethier stated that the Good Neighbor Awards were March 23rd and were given to Glen Sullivan for his work with the Boy Scouts, Sue and Jerry Albertini for their work with the Gale Free Library Book Cellar and the Wachusett Food Pantry, and Osman Bilsel and Howie Blatt for their work with Holden Youth Soccer.


Sel. Renzoni reminded everyone of the Veterans Advisory Meeting at 6PM tomorrow.


Motion by Sel. Kurtz, seconded by Sel. Ethier, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE MARCH 19, 2018 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 8:02PM.




APPROVED: _April 23, 2018__