Finance Committee, April 11, 2018

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

                          Minutes Holden Finance Committee April 11, 2018, HMLD

Members Present: Dave White, Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Joe Dolak, Karl Makela, John Lambert, Chris Lucchesi, Don Graves, Marilynn Foley

Also Present; Town Manager Peter Lukes, Asst. Town Manager Stephanie Bacon, Selectmen Anthony Renzoni, Gerri Herlihy, Tim Eithier, Members Eagle Lake Study Committee, Members DPW Building Study Committee

The meeting was called to order at 7:01.

Members of the Eagle Lake Study Committee presented their report and recommendations to the Committee.  The focus of their study was the status dam which has 3 owners, White Oak, Millpond Realty Trust and Scott Sundin.  A motion by Al 2nd by Chris to approve $65,000.00 to study the solution of the Eagle Lake Dam was voted in favor 8-1 (opposed Marilynn).

The DPW Study Committee Reported on the status of 18 Industrial Drive project.

The Committee discussed a proposal to study all municipal buildings in the Town as a Capital project.

There is a citizen's petition on the warrant for the Town Meeting about an educational enrichment fund to be controlled by volunteers from each school who would not be appointed by town officials. A motion by Al 2nd by Karl to oppose the citizens petition was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Chris to approve the minutes of June 6, 2017 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve the minutes of  March 28, 2018 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Al to approve the minutes of March 29, 2018 was voted unanimously (abstained Marilynn, Joe).

A motion by John 2nd by Paul to approve the minutes of April 4, 2018 was voted unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marilynn Foley, Clerk