Finance Committee, April 18, 2018

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

                       Minutes Holden Finance Committee, April 18, 2018, HMLD

Members Present: Dave White, Al Berg, Joe Dolak, Karl Makela, John Lambert, Chris Lucchesi, Don Graves, Marilynn Foley

Also Present: Town Manager, Peter Lukes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

Dave announced that he will be attending the BO meeting on next Monday to report on the Finance Committee's deliberations on the F/Y 19 Budget.   Any members can attend as the meeting will be posted.

The Committee received an updated Resource Profile.  The tax increase for F/Y 19 is $403.00 with $331.00 for the WRSD and $72.00 for the Town.

The Committee continued voting on the Department Budgets.

A motion by Al 2nd by Chris to approve the Veteran's Budget for $79,462.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by John 2nd by Marilynn to approve the Senior Citizens Budget for $280,715.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Don to approve the Library Budget for $884,618.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Karl 2nd by Marilynn to approve the Historical Commission Budget for $6,700.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Don to approve the W/S Enterprise Fund for $8,132,490.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by John 2nd by Joe to approve the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund for $1,299,787.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Don 2nd by Al to approve the Inspection Revolving Fund for $262,176.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by John 2nd by Don to approve the Cable Revolving Fund for $403,018.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Chris to approve the Recreation Before and After School Revolving Fund for $352,653.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Joe to transfer $500,000.00 into the General Stabilization Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by John 2nd by Joe to to transfer $100,000.00 from free cash into the Fire Stabilization Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by John to transfer $102.515.00 into the Open Space Stabilization Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Don 2nd by Joe to approve the Dispatch Budget for $604,969.00 was voted in favor 7-1 (opposed Al).

A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Chris to transfer $100,000.00 into the DPW Stabilization Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Chris to reopen the WRSD assessment voted on 3-28-18.  After discussion the vote to approve the motion was 7-1 (opposed Marilynn).

The Committee voted on the Capital Budget items.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Don to approve $28,500.00 for the Fire Departmentwas voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve $90,000.00 for the Police Department was voted unanimously.

A motion by John 2nd y Marilynn to approve $90,000.00 for the Public sSfety Building was voted unanimously.

A motion by Karl 2nd by Don to approve $196,000.00 for Buildings and Grounds was voted unanimously.

A motion by John 2nd by Joe to approve $1,308.00 for DPW was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve $2,455,000.00 for W/S was voted unanimously.

A motion by John 2nd by Marilynn to approve $58,000.00 for Recreation was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by John to approve $50,000.00 for the Senior Center was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by John to approve $11,040.00 for the Town Clerk was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Karl to approve $$25,000.00 for the Assessor was voted unanimously.

A motion by Karl 2nd by Marilynn to approve $15,000.00 for IT was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Don to approve $103,170.00 for CATV was voted unanimously.

Dave will send the Committee assignments for town meeting. John will prepare the write up for Town Meeting.

The Committee thanked Peter and the Department Staff for their work in the budget preparation.

Thank you to Paul for preparing articles for The Landmark reporting on the Finance Committee's deliberations.

The meeting adjourned art 9:00.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marilynn Foley, Clerk