2018 Finance Committee Reports

Budget season is upon us again. If you ever wondered how your tax dollars are spent, the next few weeks are your opportunity to find out firsthand. Next Wednesday, February 14, at 7 p.m. in the Holden Senior Center is a public meeting where the Holden Town Manager will present an overall summary of his proposed budget for next year to the Finance Committee.

The presentation will include estimates of how much money the Town will have to spend this year and where it will come from, as well as discussion of the major challenges and decisions made during budget preparation. It will be a short, concise, overview of our financial status and prospects.

For the following 6 Wednesdays the Finance Committee will meet with each department head to gain a full understanding of the proposed budget for every department. These discussions will cover any new employees to be hired, major equipment to be purchased and any other changes that the department head is proposing. The first review will cover the Police Department. These meetings will be held in the Holden Municipal Light Department on Holden Street at 7 p.m. and are open to the public.

Holden Finance Committee Vice-Chair

Paul Challenger