Eagle Lake Committee, November 29, 2017

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Eagle Lake Committee

Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2017


The regular meeting of the Eagle Lake Committee was called to order at 7:05 pm on November 29, 2017 in Starbard Building by Mark Aucoin and seconded by Stephen Isabelle


Gerald Kersus

Dan Marinone

Sarah Edmonstone

Stephen Isabelle

Mark Aucoin

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the November 15, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Mark Aucoin was asked to correct one name change from Erik to Earl and changing the title of Representative Ferguson from Senator to Representative. Stephen Isabelle made the motion to approve the minutes with no corrections, and Earl Nezuch seconded the motion. All members voted to approve the minutes.

Old Business

The Chair acknowledged that it sent an email invitation to Selectman Bob Lavigne to attend this meeting. No reply to this request was received.                                     

Recreational Use of Eagle Lake and the public park area

Stephen Isabelle was asked by the chairman of the committee to report on his research into what the annual cost of maintaining Eagle Lake Park’s public area would be. His research included a spring and fall clean up of the area, raking the beach, bringing in new sand, annual painting of the shed and upkeep of the play areas. The cost of general yearly maintenance cost is *$5,650. Every three years the shed and some playground equipment would need painting at a cost of $1,000. 

*All costs are based on outsourcing of materials and labor.  

Eagle Lake Dam

  • ATTACHMENT #1: Earl Nezuch prepared for the ELC a list of questions that need answering by the Holden Board of Selectmen. These questions require input before any other considerations of what use the lake and park would be to the town.

A Review of these questions and a discussion of what the ramifications of the location of the high-water mark. It is considered complicated and would most likely need the support of lawyers for the landowners that abut Eagle Lake. By reviewing a map of Eagle Lake as if it were drained, and picking a midpoint with lines drawn from properties to that point proves that a significant rewriting of the landowner’s deeds would have to be done and it is believed that this would be a burden the town would have to take on. It is recognized that each time the lake has been drawn down a natural stream forms, and would be there even if the lake was permanently drained with the dam taken down. It is recognized that the town would have to prepare for the fact that during times of significant run off and flooding there could be danger for life and property downstream.

The consideration of what needs to happen to the current Eagle Lake Dam, is paramount. It is a question requiring the input of the Holden Board of Selectmen. Due to liability issues of public safety, it is out consideration that the Phase Two Study must be done whether of not the dam is to be saved, repaired or demolished. The future of any considerations of an Eagle Lake Park is intertwined with whether or not there is a “lake”, due to the possibility of taking the dam down or lowering the water level permanently.   

The Chairman asked all the committee members to review the questions generated by Earl and come to the next meeting with suggestions for a focused set we can share with all the Selectmen to help identify the urgency for the Phase II study

Public Information Regarding Eagle Lake

Once again, the chair recognized that without a selectman present to answer our questions regarding how to proceed with informing the public of the possibility that Eagle Lake might be drawn down permanently, and there might be a removal of the current dam and the possibility of any public safety ramifications. It is also important that the public recognizes that without the lake, there is a possibility of loosing what can be a wonderful waterfront, beach and park area within the Town of Holden, that adds great value to this community. We need to ask the Board of Selectman what methods are appropriate for us to use to inform the public of Eagle Lake and its future.  

Selectman Renzoni participated at our meeting and provided a good discussion regarding Public Information.  Based on his input, we voted to create a Face Book page (Steve Isabelle volunteered) that described the status of the Eagle Lake permanent drawdown, the creation by the BOS of the ELC and a request for input to the ELC. 

Committee member Gerry Kersus agreed to prepare a flyer targeted to senor residents who do not regularly use social media


A motion was made to adjourned at 8:50pm by Mark Aucoin and seconded by Stephen Isabelle. The next general meeting will be at 7:00pm on December 6, 2017, in the Starboard Building.

Minutes submitted by:     Mark Aucoin

Approved by:                   [Name]