Finance Committee, April 3, 2019

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

 Minutes Holden Finance Committee, April 3, 2019. HMLD

Members Present: Dave White, Al Berg, Joe Dolak, Chris Lucchesi, Marilynn Foley

Members Absent: Paul Challenger, John Lambert, Don Graves

Also Present: Town Manager Peter Lukes, Asst. Town Manager Stephanie Bacon, Selectmen Anthony
Renzoni, Tyler Gibbs

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Committee began discussion and votes on General Government, Debt, Public Safety, Public Works, Culture, Human Services,  Capital Cash, Cable Revolving, Water/Sewer, Solid Waste, Inspection, Recreation, Before/After School Revolving Fund, General Stabilization, Fire Stabilization ,Open Space, Dispatch, DPW, OPEB Stabilization Funds

A motion by Chris 2nd by Al to approve $6,314,976.00  for General Government was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Marilynn to approve $5,405,893.00 for Debt was voted unanimously.

A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Al to approve $5,803,958.00 for Public Safety was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Chris to approve $3,018,697.00 for Public Works was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Marilynn to approve $915,570.00 for Culture was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Al to approve $369,104.00 for Human Services was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Al to approve $960,000.00 for Capital cash purchases was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve a $9,500.00 increase for Holden Cable to the Capital Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Marilynn to approve $8,230,483.00 for Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund was voted in favor 4-1 (opposed Al).

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve $1,331,676.00 for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve $233,596.00 for Inspection Revolving Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Marilynn to approve $296,992.00 for Cable Revolving Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Chris to approve $447,008.00 for Recreation Revolving Fund was voted in favor 4-1 (opposed Al).

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve $356.020.00 for Before/After School Revolving Fund was voted in favor 4-1 (opposed Al).

A motion by Joe 2nd by Al to approve a $300,000.00 deposit into the General Stabilization Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Chris 2nd by Joe to approve a $100,000.00 deposit into the Fire Stabilization  Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion byJoe 2nd by Marilynn to approve a $50,000.00 deposit into the Open Space Stabilization Fund was voted in favor 4-1 (opposed Al).

A motion by Joe 2nd by Chris to approve a $24,000.00 deposit into the Dispatch Stabilization Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Marilynn to approve a $100,000.00 deposit into the DPW Depreciation Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Chris to approve a $605,449.00 deposit into the OPEB Trust Fund was voted in favor 3-2 (opposed Al, Marilynn).

Paul will write the Report of  the Finance Committee for inclusion in the Annual Town Report..

John will prepare the Town Meeting Handbook.

Dave will email the warrant article assignments.

A motion by Joe 2nd by Al to approve the minutes of March 27, 2019 was voted unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,


Marilynn Foley, Clerk