Help @ H.O.M.E

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 28, 2020

Help @ H.O.M.E  Meeting Minutes

Present: Brian Bullock, Susan March, Joe Sullivan and Marcia Sherbourne

Absent: Faye Ellis and Marty Holman

Guest: Peter Lukes

Zoom meeting:  Dec. 28 @ 8:30 am

Brian explained to Peter how Help @ Home was started in 2008 and our Letter in the Nov. electric bill brings in about 19,000 per year.  He also explained to Peter how Help @ Home is not reaching the people who may need the help.  Many think it is for the elderly because the out reach workers  are at the Senior Center.  In hopes of reaching more people, Brian suggested having gift cards ( for gas and food) for the clergy and Vets agent to give out. Peter approved the idea and agreed to write a letter for Brian to use when he asks for the cards, hopefully at a reduced rate from the stores.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 am.

Minutes submitted by,

Marcia Sherbourne