Agricultural Commission, April 5, 2018

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 5, 2018


April 5, 2018


Attendance:       Steve D’Aquila, Jim Dunn, Chris Hugo, Eileen Charbonneau, Maleah Gustafson

Absent:                                Tim Ethier BOS Rep

Others Present:       None

The meeting was called to order @7:11 PM

The primary purpose of this meeting was to discuss and approve a presentation planned for the April 9 Board of Selectmen’s meeting

Jim presented the DRAFT Memorandum of Agreement for the Town, HFM and Ag Comm regarding HFM operations.

A DRAFT presentation which summarized the MOA was also discussed.

Steve had acquired a copy of the HFM’s revised bylaws which matched the MOA pretty well, but the members had a few specific questions, which Steve volunteered to try and resolve.

On a motion by Maleah, seconded by Eileen, the DRAFT Memorandum of Agreement and summary presentation were accepted in principle by a unanimous vote.

The Commission noted with dismay the major fire which had occurred at Lilac Hedge Farm a few days earlier.

No minutes were available for review.

Ryan MacKay has been forward to the Board of Selectmen for appointment to the Ag Comm at the same April 9 BOS meeting.          

The Invasive Species talk is all set for April 14 at 10:30 AM.  Jim will do the on-site coordination and introduction that morning.

Some members noted difficulty completing the property prioritization schedules that have been assigned.  Working one example through in detail in a group setting might be useful.  We will attempt this at the next meeting.

On a motion by Maleah, seconded by Eileen, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM.

Respectfully submitted;


James Dunn

Acting Secretary