Board of Selectmen, December 19, 2016

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 19, 2016



December 19, 2016


6:35PM                                           Memorial Hall


Present: Chairman Anthony Renzoni, Geri Herlihy, Tim Ethier, Jeremy Kurtz, Erik Scheinfeldt


Others Present:            Jacquelyn Kelly, Town Manager

Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager

Steve Madaus, Town Counsel

                                    Liz Fotos, Town Recorder


Chairman Renzoni called the meeting to order at 6:35PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.   


  1. Appointments, Licenses, and Permits


Ms. Kelly stated that there were three re-appointments to the Historic District Commission, Lance Lazar for a three year term expiring December 31, 2019, Karen Clickner for a three year term expiring December 31, 2019, and Susan Kowalczyk for a three year term expiring December 31, 2019.  She stated that she did not have the three applicants come to the meeting because the Board had met them in the past. 




  1. Town Manager Transition


Chairman Renzoni stated that he had missed the previous meeting but that he understands that Ms. Kelly had given her six month notice for retirement.  He stated that both Mr. Madaus and Attorney D Moschos were present at the meeting to discuss some of the options the Town had moving forward.


Mr. Moschos stated that relative to the appointment of the new Town Manager, the Board has the authority to make the decision.  He stated the options include:  a promotion within regarding Assistant Town Manager to Town Manager, an internal posting for employees within town government, or an open search which would post for any qualified applicants.  Mr. Moschos stated if the third option was used it could be conducted in three ways.   One is that the Board itself with guidance could initiate the search and appoint a Town Manager.   He stated this is not generally a recommended course of action because the Board is not able to go into Executive Session to discuss the candidates so candidates would be known at the time of applying and that could impact the quality of candidates that apply because they don’t want it publicized that they are looking for a new job as it could impact their current position.  Mr. Moschos stated that usually if the Board wanted to move forward like this they will appoint a search committee that screen initial candidates in Executive Session and once they finalize the names they will be submitted to the Board for consideration and only then are the names made public and the candidates are told that their names will be released to the public. Mr. Moschos stated that a consultant could also be utilized to assist the Board in the search.  He stated those were the options that the Board had and the Board would need to vote in open session as to the option that they would like to undertake and discuss in open session what they believe is best for the town.


Chairman Renzoni stated that he will set an agenda item for the first meeting in January to discuss options.


Sel. Ethier asked if the Board decided to move forward with an external search, they could avoid publicizing the candidates by using a search committee.


Mr. Moschos stated that the search committee would interview candidates initially without making the names public.   Once finalists are selected, those names become public.


Sel. Ethier asked who would make the up the committee.


Mr. Moschos stated that the committee membership would be up to the Selectmen, but that members of the Board could be on the committee as well.


Sel. Ethier asked in his experience who served on the Committee.


Mr. Moschos stated that traditionally the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen is on the committee in addition to another member however it could not be the majority of the Board because it could not be a quorum.  He stated sometimes members of the business community join the group or town employees.  He stated that in that case there would be confidentiality agreements that needed to be signed as well.  He stated the committee selection is important and the chair needs to guide the committee with legal requirements, confidentiality, and more.


Sel. Ethier asked what would happen in the case they wished to open the search up to town employees.


Mr. Moschos stated that they would post the position within Town Government, online, with the MMA and in the Beacon.


Sel. Scheinfeldt asked what the cost of the consultant would be.


Mr. Moschoas replied it depends but a consultant could cost $10,000-$20,000.  He stated if they did move forward with a consultant they would also need someone within Town Government to be the administrative arm of the search.


Sel. Kurtz asked if the Board decided to go down one route and then felt it was best to promote internally could they easily do that.


Mr. Moschos stated that they could cancel the committee but they would have to do it in a manner that would avoid any indication of a political situation.


Sel. Kurtz stated he understood about the political issue but he was thinking about the situation with the School Committee and the Superintendent a few years ago.  He stated they just needed to understand their options.   


Mr. Moschos stated he had been involved in Town Government for over thirty years and if a town did a search and did not receive good candidates they were able to cancel the search and move forward internally.


Chairman Renzoni asked about the atmosphere in other Towns for similar positions.


Mr. Moschos stated that there were not a lot of highly qualified people for the office so if the Board decides to move forward externally they have to make sure they are doing something to attract good candidates.  He stated one reason salaries have increased is because there is a limited supply of qualified managers. 


Chairman Renzoni thanked Mr. Moschos for his time. He stated that this will go on the agenda for the January 3, 2017 meeting so the discussion could be had in open session.


  1. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation/ Cheryl Jenkins, Town Clerk


Ms. Kelly stated that Cheryl Jenkins is retiring and her last day is Wednesday, December 21, 2016.  She stated that Ms. Jenkins will be finishing a 6 year term as the clerk and many more as a town employee and she has shown excellence in her work and has made significant improvements to the town offices.  Ms. Kelly stated that Ms. Jenkins runs the town election and has always done a good job.  Ms. Kelly congratulated Ms. Jenkins on her retirement and stated that the Town wished to present her with a Certificate of Appreciation for her hard work.


Chairman Renzoni invited Ms. Jenkins up to the podium.


Ms. Jenkins stated that it was an honor to work in the Town of Holden and that she had worked with some great people and her coworkers had been wonderful.  She stated retirement is bittersweet.


Chairman Renzoni thanked her for all she had done in Town and the Board presented Ms. Jenkins with the Certificate of Appreciation.  The Board stood to shake Ms. Jenkins had and paused for a photo.


Ms. Kelly stated that there will be a recognition reception for Ms. Jenkins tomorrow, December 20, 2016 at Memorial Hall.


Chairman Renzoni asked about the vacancy in the Town Clerks position.


Ms. Kelly stated that it was her pleasure to announce that Dale Hickey has accepted the position of Town Clerk.  She stated that she is a very dedicated employee and has been in the Town Clerks office for a number of years.  She stated that Ms. Hickey would be sworn in on Thursday Morning at 9AM and she invited the Board to attend.


  1. Citizen’s Address


Robert Pezzini, 18 Forrest Drive was present at the meeting. He stated that he read in the papers about the state wide marijuana bill and he asked if there was any way to have a local vote to see if the people of Holden wanted to condone or deny the sale of marijuana here in Holden. 


Chairman Renzoni stated that there is not generally a back and forth with Citizen’s Address but that the Town Manager is looking at all options and if they are able to they may be able to put something on the ballot.


Mr. Madaus stated that the legislation that was enacted by the Citizen Referendum had confusing language in it and now people are waiting for the legislature to clarify some of it.  He stated the town is waiting for direction as to how to proceed


Chairman Renzoni stated it will be an ongoing agenda item and he is hopeful that there will be some additional information shortly.


  1. Woman’s Club- Police Department Donation- ‘Go Bags’ Update


Chief Armstrong was present.  He thanked Ms. Sarah Halloway for coming.  He stated that the Holden Woman’s Club had gifted the police department $1,700 to initially set up the ‘Go Bags’.  He stated that they had done the research and came up with a great quality bag that can be used in the field.  He stated that 25 were issued to officers so that if they are unable to get to their cruisers or the station before responding to an emergency, they will have life saving equipment in the bags.  He stated that included in the bag were tunicates, pressure bandages, quick clot technology and more.  He stated every month they want to purchase more gear to add to the bag.   Chief Armstrong thanked the Woman’s Club for their generous gift.


Ms. Halloway replied that it was their pleasure and that it was one of the goals of the Woman’s Club to be able to help out.  She stated this was one of suggestions and they all thought it was a wonderful one.  Ms. Halloway stated that they had just finished their 100 year anniversary and that it is a wonderful organization with the main purpose being community service.  She stated that they were delighted to help the police officers in this capacity.


Chairman Renzoni asked if the Woman’s Club was accepting new members.


Ms. Halloway replied that they were always on the look out for women who want to be part of the organization.


Chairman Renzoni thanked Ms. Halloway and the Woman’s Club for their generosity.


  1. West Boylston/ Holden/ Princeton Regional Dispatch update


Ms. Kelly stated that the Towns have been working including West Boylston in our regional dispatch operation with Princeton, through the efforts of Chief Armstrong and 911 Grant money.  Ms. Kelly stated that the final go-live date with West Boylston is approaching and Chief Armstrong was at the meeting to update the Board.


Chief Armstrong stated that they were on time and on budget with the Regional Dispatch Center.  He stated that they were anticipating going ‘live’ on March 15, 2017.  Chief Armstrong stated that Jim Robinson, Director HMLD along with West Boylston ran fiber and were an important part of the project.  He stated Tom Kennedy, Project Manager was great and his experience was fantastic.  Chief Armstrong stated that Lori Rose, Town Accountant was also an integral part of ensuring the job came in under budget.  Chief Armstrong stated that everyone was excited and had done a great job.


Chairman Renzoni asked if the third town added was where Holden began to see cost savings.


Chief Armstrong stated that the formula changed with the new addition and it would be 3 divided costs.


Ms. Kelly stated that when it was just Holden and Princeton, Holden was responsible for 81% of the budget but with West Boylston added, Holden’s share goes from 81% to 59%.  She stated Holden will see a cost savings of over $100,000 the first year.


Chairman Renzoni asked if there were any plans to expand this project any further.


Ms. Kelly replied not currently but as other towns showed interest and there was funding available it could be a possibility.


Chairman Renzoni asked if the infrastructure was in place to support more towns.


Chief Armstrong replied it was.


Chief Armstrong stated from a safety perspective, he liked the location of Holden’s dispatch center.  He stated it was right next to the high school and that they were up and running with an emergency operation center as well. 


Sel. Kurtz congratulated Chief Armstrong on the center. 


Chairman Renzoni called a two minute recess at 7:20PM in order for the DPW Building Committee to get set up.


  1. Vote to Schedule Special Town Meeting


Chairman Renzoni called the meeting back to order at 7:25PM.


The DPW Building Committee was present at the meeting.


Ms. Kelly stated that as everyone was aware, the Town was in need of a new DPW Facility.  She stated the project had been delayed in the past but now there is an adequate site and the Building Committee was coming forth to ask that the Board of Selectmen call a Special Town Meeting for February 27, 2017 to allow voters to accept through donation a 22 acre parcel of land and building located at 18 Industrial Drive for a future site of a DPW Building.  Ms. Kelly stated that her office had been in contact with the owners of 18 Industrial Drive and the Committee is hopeful that Town Meeting accepts the donation of this property.


Ms. Kelly stated that they have a draft acquisition agreement that states that the owner will donate the property and it also outlines the way in which the town will accept it.  She stated that the DPW Committee had gone through a lengthy process in order to identify potential properties and 18 Industrial Drive was determined to be the best one.  She stated it was 22 acres in an industrial zone, it was easy access to Main Street, there was ample space, and the Committee sees the existing structure as positive because they believe some of the structure can be re-used for the future facility.  Ms. Kelly stated there were three area of hazardous waste on the site but they were under remediation with the guidance of the DEP and the owners.  Ms. Kelly stated that even with a donation of the real estate, the Town needs to hold a Town Meeting and receive a majority vote for acquisition. 


Dan Nason, Chair of the Building Committee was present at the meeting along with Dawn Michanowicz and Mark Johnson of the Committee and John Woodsmall, DPW Director.


Mr. Nason stated that Ms. Kelly gave a good summary of the status of the project.  He stated that they were before the Board previously and the Committee believes this is the right site for the DPW Building.   He stated they did go though the process of analyzing it and it is a donation that is over 22 acres of land.  He stated that the extra land could be used for some other purpose such as solar fields, different departments, municipal use or even sale.  Mr. Nason stated that previously there had been some concerns voiced and the Committee recognized those concerns and has been working with the Town Manager and the owners to gain access to the site.  He stated that as they move further they will have more information and answers about the site.


Chairman Renzoni stated that the only thing the Board was doing was setting a Town Meeting.  He stated that Mr. Nason stated they will have more answers in time for the February Town Meeting and he was looking only for a motion to set the Special Town Meeting not to debate the project.


Sel. Scheinfeldt asked if a snow date for the Special Town Meeting should be set as well. 


Mr. Madaus stated that there was a new provision in Chapter 39 that allowed for weather related re-scheduling.


Motion by Sel. Ethier, seconded by Sel. Kurtz, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO SET A SPECIAL TOWN MEETING FOR FEBRUARY 27, 2017


Chairman Renzoni welcomed the Committee back to update the Board at any time.


Mr. Nason thanked the Board and stated that they would be back and they would be speaking with Fin Com as well to keep them updated.


  1. Town Manager Update


a) School Zone/ Pedestrian Light – Mayo School:  The installation of a new school zone/ crossing light on Bullard Street at the entrance to May School is in the current year’s FY 17 Capital Budget.  According to John Woodsmall, DPW Director, pricing is currently being sought thought the State procurement contract.  We will be executing the necessary contract in the next several days and placing the order for equipment.  Once the equipment arrives, we will have a contract ready to install the lights, assuming ground and weather conditions are favorable.  Weather permitting, and once the equipment is in hand, the signs will be installed.


b) South Main Street Water Main Construction: The contractor has continued to work on the water main replacement project and has made good progress.  We expect operations to shut down for the season in the next week because the asphalt plants will be closing for the winter.  Work will resume next spring, weather permitting.


c) Skating Rink: Due to the drought conditions, we will not be setting up a skating rink in front of the Senior Center this year.  The rink goes up every year due to the efforts of Erik Johansen and friends.  However, since we are still under an outdoor water ban we agreed that it would be wise to forego the rink for this winter.


d) Recycling Education: According to Pam Harding, the Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste program chose the Town of Holden as one of three communities to study to determine if educational outreach could increase the efficiency of recycling.  DEP hired The Recycling Partnership to conduct a pilot program in three communities, including Holden, to determine how cost-effective public outreach is in increasing the quality of recycling.


At the end of the study, the results showed no significant increase in the quality and efficiency of recycling materials in the Holden study routes.  This is likely due to Holden’s high rate of efficiency prior to outreach education.  The Town will continue to having recycling education materials on the website but not expend additional funds on town-wide educational program.


e) Holiday Business Hours: Just as a reminder, government and Town business offices will be close don Monday, December 26, 2016 and on Monday, January 2, 2017 in observance of the holiday’s.  The Selectmen’s next regular meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. 


f) 2017 Real Estate Bills: are being readied to be mailed out on or before December 30  new tax rate 17.59/ $1000 of assessed valuation. 


g) This year, the Town invested a considerable amount in replacing protective Police vests and we received $24K in reimbursement to offset these costs.


H) HMLD- The LED replacement street lights program previously discussed with the Board is being handled by the MA Municipal Wholesale Electric Corporation, MMWEC (on behalf of its members) and they will issue an RFP. The program will be installed using grant money which will be received in mid-2018


Sel. Kurtz asked if the library would be open Christmas Eve.


Ms. Kelly replied that she believed it was closed on December 24, 2016.


Chairman Renzoni stated that there were still a few lingering licenses that were not in compliance. 


Mr. Lukes stated that there were three; The Congregational Church, Blue Plate Lounge, and Stewards Chocolates were all still outstanding.


Mr. Lukes stated that he did not speak with the library but he did speak with Mr. Woodsmall regarding some of the cleaning complaints.  He stated that they were working through some of the learning curve and working with the company.  Mr. Lukes stated that they have been put on notice and that they want to work to fix the issues.


Ms. Kelly stated that she did speak with Susan Scott about the cleaning problem and some of it was the weekend problems with the library being open over the weekend but the cleaners not getting there until Monday night.  She stated that Mr. Woodsmall is going to see if they are able to come in on one weekend night to see if this will remedy the issue.





  1. Selectmen Miscellaneous


Sel. Kurtz asked for a follow up on the installation of the flashing light at Malden and Chapel. 


Ms. Kelly stated that she believes it is out to bid and that they should see it up in the next few weeks.


Sel. Kurtz stated that he was contacted by some residents about receiving notice from DPW in regards to their basketball hoops in the street.  He stated he also has a hoop in his lawn not touching the street and that he had also received a certified letter and he felt that the use of town funds to send certified mail for this was not the best use of town resources.  He asked how many letters were sent out to residents.


Ms. Kelly said that she would look into the matter. 


  1. Selectmen Subcommittee


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that he attended the Planning Board meeting and among other things Summit Wynds was on the agenda.  He stated they took no action; it was just on the agenda for informational purposes.


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that they also spoke about recreational marijuana.  He stated that they felt as though it was as issue that was ongoing as they navigate through murky legislation.


Sel. Ethier stated that he was also in attendance at the Planning Board meeting. 


Sel. Ethier stated that he missed the Educational Options Committee Meeting.


Sel. Ethier stated that Ag Com was meeting on December 20, 2016.


Sel. Herlihy stated that the Community Garden Group met on Friday.  She stated that Jessica Pion was moving out of town so they would need to pick a new Chairperson.


Mr. Madaus stated that with regards to rescheduling a Special Town Meeting due to weather conditions, in Chapter 39 it states that the Town Moderator could schedule a new date due to weather.  He stated that the moderator could do it from any location and as a practical matter, they may want to arrange for an alternate date for the Special Town Meeting.


Chairman Renzoni asked Ms. Kelly to check on the availability. 


Ms. Kelly confirmed that she would.


Sel. Kurtz asked if they could look at holding the Special Town Meeting at Mountview as it was a new facility and it might help the community show up too.


Chairman Renzoni stated that the Executive Session was posted on the agenda so the Board would go into Executive Session even if it was brief and they would have Town Manager Transition on the agenda for the next meeting.




The Board exited Executive Session and returned to Open Session.


Motion by Sel. Kurtz, seconded by Sel. Scheinfeldt, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE DECEMBER 19, 2016 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 8:20PM.




APPROVED: ____January 17, 2017___________                        _