Board of Selectmen, February 10, 2016

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 10, 2016



FEBRUARY 10, 2016



6:37PM                                                                                               Memorial Hall


Present:  Chairman Jeremy Kurtz, Anthony Renzoni, Kenneth O’Brien, Robert Lavigne


Not Present: Tim Ethier


Others Present:           Jacquelyn Kelly, Town Manager

                                    Peter Lukes, Assistant Town

                                    Liz Fotos, Town Recorder


Chairman Kurtz called the meeting to order at 6:37PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, Licenses, Permits


Ms. Kelly invited the Girl Scout spokesperson to the podium.


Becky Sullivan co-leader of Troop 30673 approached the podium. She stated that last year, the troop started a town-wide yard sale in Holden and they were requesting permission to use Hancock Common for the use of their sale and to hand out maps.




Sel. Renzoni invited any from the Troop to come up to speak.  


Isabel from Troop 30673 approached the podium.  She told the Board that they were raising money in order to help fund a variety of trips for the Troop.


Sel. Renzoni reiterated the event was on April 30, 2016 from 9AM to 2PM.


  1. Warrant for Presidential Primary- March 1, 2016


Ms. Kelly told the Board that they had the original warrant in front of them for signature.  She stated that there is no need for a vote but that town leaders are asked to sign.


Sel. Lavigne asked if this would take place at the old Mountview. 


Ms. Kelly replied that it would.

Sel. O’Brien asked how long state committee members serve.


Sel. Renzoni replied four years.


Sel. Lavigne asked when the last day to register to vote would be.


Mr. Lukes replied it was today (February 10, 2016).


Chairman Kurtz stated that you were able to register online. 


Ms. Kelly replied that you were.  She stated additionally a machine would be set up and early voting would be allowed in the election and absentee ballots were also available.


Sel. O’Brien suggested having the Town Clerk keep note of how many additional hours it took for early voting in order to have the state reimburse the Town for this mandate.


Ms. Kelly replied that she did not know if the state would do so. She stated that if they needed to extend hours they would want to know that as well.


Sel. O’Brien replied that it would be easy to keep track of and quantify.


Ms. Kelly replied that the Town had been reimbursed for special elections in the past.


Sel. Renzoni stated that he thinks this may be an unfunded mandate from the state that every town in the state is going to have to comply with. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that the registering online was also causing additional work for the Town Clerk and they should keep track of that too.


  1. Town of Holden ‘Community Compact’


Mr. Lukes stated that the Community Compact is an agreement between the Town and the Baker Administration and is chaired by the Lieutenant Governor.  It enables the state to work closely with leaders from these municipalities to support public interest and develop mutual standards for governing effectively. 


Mr. Lukes stated that by joining, the Town would have better access to grants, extra points when applying to certain grants and better technical resources from the Commonwealth to help communities. 


Mr. Lukes told the Board that the Town has chosen “Citizen Engagement” as its target best practice goal and that the Town is currently in the process of completing the grant application, which is due February 29, 2016. 


Mr. Lukes stated that the Selectboard will be notified when Holden’s Community Compact application is accepted and becomes official and the Lt. Governor will visit the town for the official signing ceremony which will hopefully be at a future Board meeting.


Sel. Renzoni stated this was fantastic news.  The Board thanked Mr. Lukes for his great work. 


Ms. Kelly asked the Board to take a vote to join the company and to show that the Selectmen support this matter.


Motion by Sel. Lavigne, seconded by Sel. Renzoni, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ENTER INTO THE COMMUNITY COMPACT AS PRESENTED.


  1. Planning and Development Department Reorganization


Ms. Kelly told the Board that the director is ill and was unable to attend the meeting. 


Sel. O’Brien asked if the Building Inspector would be present as well. 


Sel. Renzoni asked if Ms. Kelly could explain the new structure of the department.


Ms. Kelly replied that former Town Planner Pam Harding is now the Director of Planning and Development, and within the department is the Building Inspector and Health Department.  She stated that it was similar to what it was before.  In addition to the above, Pam Harding will still be the Town Planner and Conservation Agent. Barn Inspector and Weights and Measures are all also under that department.


Sel. Renzoni asked if Solid Waste was also under the department. 


Ms. Kelly replied that it was.


Sel. Renzoni asked who did that. 


Ms. Kelly replied Pam Harding.


Sel. O’Brien asked who does Conservation.


Ms. Kelly replied Pam Harding


Sel. O’Brien asked if it was too much for Pam Harding. 


Ms. Kelly replied that it was a lot but that David Lindberg, building inspector, was doing a lot and there is a liaison that is also helping.


Sel. O’Brien stated that one of his concerns was with the CMRPC and that the Town does not always have a representative there.  He stated that he is concerned that the Town could be losing opportunities and that as the Town moves forward it may be something to look at.  He stated it seemed as though one person was wearing multiple and maybe too many hats. Sel. O’Brien stated that in addition to being asked to manage all the development issues in town he is concerned that the Town may not be the best equipped to run the operation and that maybe they should look at see what is needed in terms of resources. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that the Town is being faced with more and more development pressure and one of the things is with this in mind they should see if the Town is staffed appropriately.  He said this could allow the Town to be proactive instead of reactive.  He stated that with regards to conservation land.  Sel. O’Brien stated that he believes that Pam Harding is perfectly capable of doing the job but that he thinks there is a lot of obligations for one person and that they should think about this as the budget processes is in full swing.


Ms. Kelly replied that she has thought about it and that she had mentioned before that there is some room for Conservation to take some of the work off which will help Pam Harding.  She stated that it has been looked at and that she agrees with some of the concerns but the department has many different somewhat diverse tasks.  She stated that since it was just re-staffed she would like some time to see how it works out staffed how it is currently. 


Sel. O’Brien asked Ms. Kelly to keep them aware and if any issues arise to bring them to the Board.  He stated that having Pam Harding was great and she is in the mix he just worries that the Town is spreading her thin.


Ms. Kelly replied that the Town has a great Planning Board, Conservation Commission, and Zoning Board which consist of volunteers, and that they constantly amaze her with what they do.  She stated that Pam Harding worked well with these boards, as well. 


  1. Town Manager Evaluation Process


Chairman Kurtz asked to have the evaluations back to him by February 26, 2016 so that he could work to pull them together.  He asked Ms. Kelly to send out her self-evaluation, as well.


Ms. Kelly confirmed that she would email that.


Chairman Kurtz stated he would consolidate the information the first week of March and review the information at the March 7, 2016 meeting.


No Board members opposed the timeline the Chairman proposed.


  1. Vote on Implementing Stage 1 Drought Restrictions


Ms. Kelly stated that the Board had received a memo from John Woodsmall, DPW Director, with regards to the Stage 1 Drought Restrictions that were being put in place from the City of Worcester.


The Stage 1 Use Reduction Goal was effective January 11, 2016.  Mr. Woodsmall provided the Board with documentation from the City of Worcester regarding the prohibited water waste:


-failure to repair a controllable leak, included broken sparkler heads, water services, fire pipes, leaking valves, leaking or broken pipes or faucets


-knowingly operating an irrigation system with (a) a broken head; (b) a head that is out of adjustment and spraying into the street, parking area, or sidewalks; or (c) a system that is misting/ fogging due to excessive water pressure


-allowing any water to (a) run off property forming a stream of water for a distance of 50 feet or great, (b) run into a storm drain; (c) pond to a depth of ¼ inch or greater; or


-allowing or causing an irrigation system or lawn water device to operate during any form of precipitation or when temperatures are at or below 32 degree Fahrenheit.


Ms. Kelly stated that right now there is little lawn sprinkling going on but that these are general measures that will be in place into the warmer weather until there is no longer a Stage 1 Drought Restriction in place.


Ms. Kelly stated that there were other restrictions for government buildings and commercial, industrial and institutional businesses as well, and they are similar to the above restrictions. She stated that the Town was required to adhere to these restrictions and she recommended that the Board vote for them.


Sel. Lavigne asked if the Town had an analysis as to what this would do to the Enterprise Fund for the year.


Ms. Kelly replied that she does not think that it is going to have an impact on it as the restrictions in place mostly deal with consumption.


Sel. Lavigne asked with regards to the restrictions on government, one of the bullet points is to increase enforcement efforts.  He asked if these were things that the Town was going to be doing above and beyond the normal course of business.


Ms. Kelly replied no; they were done in the normal course of business.


Sel. Lavigne asked if that would in any way put the Town in poor standing with the City of Worcester. 


Ms. Kelly replied that she doesn’t believe that it will.  She stated that the Town has people out and taking notice of these things and in the event that someone sees water from a homeowner or property the Town will contact them.


Sel. Lavigne asked if there was any more done on detection.  Ms. Kelly replied there was not.




  1. Citizens Address


Chairman Kurtz opened Citizen’s Address; no members of the public stepped forward.  He closed Citizen’s Address.


  1. Holden Baseball - Bob Tonning


Chairman Kurtz congratulated Holden Baseball on its season.


Bob Tonning along with Stu Cain and Doug Jardine were present at the meeting on behalf of Holden Baseball.  Bob Tonning stated that Holden Baseball had reached a new level that they had not reached in more than 60 years.


Bob Tonning stated that the amount of community spirit and positive energy that came out of the kids and the publicity that they had received for themselves and the Town of Holden is something that he is very proud of.


Bob Tonning asked for permission to work with DPW and the ZBA in order to have small signage for roads in Town with the message along the lines of ‘Welcome to Holden - State Champions…”  He stated that Holden Baseball will purchase them, design them, and work with DPW; however Holden Baseball is requesting permission from the Selectmen to do so.


Sel. Renzoni thanked Holden Baseball for coming to the meeting.  He stated that everyone is proud and Holden Baseball is doing a great job with the program. 


Sel. Lavigne stated that the Hit Center was amazing and that the new mural looked great.


Bob Tonning stated that Holden Baseball has been very fortunate with the CRA Hit Center. He stated that Holden Baseball has 40 active board members, 200 parent volunteers, and coaches.  He stated it was a great sign of community. 




Ms. Kelly thanked Holden Baseball and told them to call her office in order to get things underway.


  1. Town Manager Update


  1. MA Municipal Police Training Academy:  On Friday, January 15, 2016 Ms. Kelly had the pleasure of attending a ceremony of the Police Recruit Officer Training Academy when Holden Police Officer Christopher Meservey graduated from weeks-long training. Congratulations to Officer Meservey upon his passing of this challenging training, and thanks to Chief Armstrong for his continued efforts to see that all personnel are provided with basic and advanced training opportunities. Dave will bring him to a future meeting to meet and congratulate him.
  2. Regional Agreement Amendments: The Wachusett Regional School District Committee is currently reviewing the Regional Agreement and will be proposing changes in the spring.  One of the changes being proposed is to collect assessments from member towns four times per year, rather than twice per year.  Currently, the District runs short of cash prior to receiving the semi-annual payments.  By going to quarterly payments, the District can avoid short-term borrowing and the associated costs of administration and interest. This is perfectly fine with Holden and it will save them money.


Ms. Kelly attached an email from Joe Scanlon outlining a revised schedule for payment, which the Town was in agreement with. She stated the Town has been in agreement with this change for a long time; they were waiting for the Regional Agreement to be altered in order to do it.


Sel. Lavigne asked if some members of Holden delegation could join a Selectmen meeting.  Ms. Kelly agreed they could.


  1. 2016 Safest Cities: Once again, Holden is listed in the Safewise Company’s twenty safest towns in Massachusetts.  Safewise is a private security company which conducts a survey every year of towns with more than 8,000 residents, by the number of reported violent crimes and property crimes per 1,000 in population.  More information is available at:  I did get some information today, they are reporting on survey that is done and Holden is pictured.  We’re very proud of that.
  2. Help at HOME: Ms. Kelly enclosed the most recent financial report for the Help at HOME - Welcome Aldrich Relief Fund.  Jim Robinson, Light Department General Manager, provides this report monthly to the Help at HOME Committee.  Note that we have received donations in the total amount of $14,489.12 between July 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015, and have helped fifteen families during that same period with emergency assistance.  


Thank you to the Help at HOME Committee for its hard work and oversight of the fund, and thank you to the many individuals and groups who have so generously made a donation. Many of the donations came trough the solicitation through the light board. 


  1. Resource Profile/ Finance Committee Meeting Schedule:  Ms. Kelly enclosed an updated schedule for the budget hearings.  The Selectmen will be posted for each meeting.  Note:  meeting 17th at Senior Center and will be televised.  Fin Com decided to start to review budgets so it will take up Recreation Department/ Human Services, Senior Center and Veterans budget and the Library. Some of you want to make that.
  2. Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports:  Ms. Kelly enclosed the Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the period ending December 2015 (mid-year) prepared by Lori Rose, Town Accountant.
  3. DPW Online Permits:  The DPW has launched the online permitting system for water connection, sewer connection and street (ROW) permits.  These permits can be accessed throughout the same ‘Online Permitting’ link located on the Town’s website, the same online as the Building Department online permits. Online payment is also available for these three permits. Residents can get a permit and pay for a permit as well using the permitting process. The payment goes directly to the Treasurer’s Office. 
  4. Economic Update Report:  Ms. Kelly enclosed a copy of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means’ Fiscal and Economic Update Report, provided by Senator Harriette Chandler. Senator Chandler will be hosting office hours on Monday, February 8, 2016 from 5:30PM to 6:30PM in Holden.  Representative Ferguson may be joining her.


Ms. Kelly added a few additional items for the Town Manager Update. 


Ms. Kelly stated that one issue that came up before the Board was the parking of the school bus on Wyoming Drive.  She told the Board that they had referred the party to the Planning Board because it required a change of the Town bylaws.  Ms. Kelly stated that the Planning Board would be holding the public hearing on the matter on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 7:00PM in Memorial Hall.  She stated the hearing would be to have the matter placed on the agenda for Town Meeting, as any bylaw change would need to be approved at the annual Town Meeting.


Ms. Kelly stated that she had been very busy the past weeks working on the FY 17 budget.  She stated the Selectmen had established some budget goals for FY 17 and she wanted to review some points in the budget that were representative of the goals set forth.


Ms. Kelly stated that the major issue or funding that the Board was going to notice is the permanent borrowing for the Mountview Middle School.  Ms. Kelly stated that the Town has issued temporary bonds in the amount of $22 million when the actual cost was closer to $33 million with what the state funding reimburses. She stated that the Town will be borrowing permanent funds because it is expected that interest rates will be going up in a year or so, and they want to take advantage of the low rates and great credit rating.  


Ms. Kelly stated that the full interest will be in the next year which means the Town will pay $1.9 million annually going forward for 20 years.  She stated they are debt excluded so the cost will be added onto the Town’s tax levy system so you will see an increase in the tax rate.  She stated that this was known from the beginning of the project and the Board fully supported the project as did Town Meeting. She stated that this is the culmination of the work that had been completed.


Sel. Renzoni asked if the project was still coming in under budget.


Ms. Kelly confirmed it was and that it should also be completed on schedule.


Sel. Renzoni asked if the move in date was April vacation.


Ms. Kelly confirmed it was.


Sel. Renzoni asked where the $1.9 million fell.  He stated that the Town should expect to see old capital projects falling off in the future.


Ms. Kelly stated that there was some more years on the public safety building. 


Sel. Renzoni stated there would be temporary overlay of the projects; he asked if the elementary school debt would fall off after the public safety building.


Sel. Lavigne replied that the pool debt falls off before the elementary school.


Ms. Kelly agreed and stated it was in two years. 


Sel. Lavigne asked how long for the public safety building. 


Ms. Kelly replied it was originally 20 years; so about 15 more remained.


Ms. Kelly stated that another major project that was on the horizon was the DPW Planning Process.  She stated that there is a committee in place that has been working for about six months.  She stated that she doesn’t know if they will come to Town Meeting or have a Special Town Meeting but there is discussion about it.  Ms. Kelly stated that her recommendation was to not bring it to Town Meeting as a simple project.


She stated that she doesn’t want to have to go back if land is approved initially and then the project; she said she thought that it made sense to move forward as one project.


Chairman Kurtz stated that he would like to invite the DPW Building Committee in for a meeting in order to get some information out.  He stated that he thinks it is important for everyone to know where they stand, what they are looking to do, and where they are in the process.  Chairman Kurtz stated that he remembered the beginning of the Mountview project, the Town was able to see the cost versus the benefit and as of yet, they have not seen that for the DPW Building. 


Sel. Lavigne stated that he had hoped they would have been at the meeting and that he would like to have them come in as well or have a written update.   He stated that right now they are talking like this is a done deal and they do not know the size, scope or anything about the project.  He stated there are rumors about the scope of the project and he would like to speak to the committee on record and see what they are thinking.


Ms. Kelly replied that the committee has been meeting and has completed a preliminary feasibility study.  She stated they have recently hired a consultant to do a site assessment as well so they are at the very beginning of the process.


Sel. O’Brien left the meeting at 7:26PM.


Ms. Kelly stated that there is the need to educate the public but the committee has just begun work and she is not sure if they are ready to announce what sites they are thinking about.  She stated that they should be allowed to do their work and it may take more time then the Board would like but the need to be able to properly do their need assessment and cost assessment. 


Sel. O’Brien returned to the meeting at 7:27PM.


Sel. Lavigne asked if the Board could have a copy of the feasibility study to review.


Ms. Kelly replied they could.


Sel. Renzoni stated that the committee is working and last week they hired a consultant to do an assessment to see if any property could fit the DPW site. He stated that the Committee understands the need for public information and they wanted to do a presentation similar to how Mountview was handled.  Sel. Renzoni stated that the money Ms. Kelly was referring to was about $100,000 from 2008 Town Meeting.  He stated that they currently have about $80,000 left and they are going to run out of money but the funds being used were necessary in order to move forward with a comprehensive plan.  He stated that it will be discussed during the budget hearings but the Committee did want to come in to see the Selectboard and discuss the use.


Sel. Renzoni stated it was a talented group of people consisting of DPW workers, citizens, internal retirees and more.  He stated that the committee had a great conversation with Ms. Kelly, Mr. Lukes, and John Woodsmall, DPW Director, but that they are very early in the process.


Ms. Kelly stated that another project for the Board would be the enhancement to the Holden elementary schools.  She stated that they will see her best guess for potential capital projects for $300,000 for IT for Holden elementary schools in FY 17.  Ms. Kelly stated that she had spoken at length with the district and counsel and there are some details that would need to be ironed out. She stated that if this came to pass and was approved there would need to be a written agreement between Holden and the District.


Sel. Lavigne stated how the Town would be reimbursed if the district does the same or similar projects would need to be addressed.  Sel. Lavigne asked where the funds were coming from.


Ms. Kelly replied free cash.


Sel. O’Brien thanked the Town Manager for putting all her work in.  He stated that it would be good to see what specific agreement was drawn up if they move forward with the project for the Holden elementary schools.  He stated if the Town moves forward with a project, for example, improving WIFI in schools, if the district does the same project over the next few years Holden would be reimbursed because his fear would be that the district would allocate resources to do in the other Towns.


Sel. Renzoni left the meeting at 7:32PM.


Sel. Lavigne replied that he was saying the same thing as Sel. O’Brien; there would need to be some agreement that was between the Town and the superintendent as to how to reimburse the Town or use funds in a different manner if something like that occurred.


Chairman Kurtz asked Ms. Kelly to invite Superintendent Darryll McCall to the meeting on March 7, 2016 to discuss this matter and others.


Ms. Kelly replied that she would confirm the date with Superintendent McCall. 


Chairman Kurtz replied once it was confirmed he would Fin Com know as well.


Ms. Kelly stated that she had also included an Open Space Establishment Fund.  She stated it would need to be voted but she allocated $100,000 to be placed in a fund for acquisition of open space.  Ms. Kelly stated that she thinks this requires more thought and discussion and that she thinks it merits a public discourse if this is actually something the Town and tax people want to pursue. She stated this is definitely something that needs more discussion.


Sel. Renzoni returned to the meeting at 7:35PM


Ms. Kelly stated that they should hear from both sides. She said there will be discussion at the Fin Com meetings but that is not always a public forum.  She stated this would be a shift from what has been done in the past and what is currently being done and needs more thought and conversation.


Sel. Lavigne asked Ms. Kelly if she was speaking about the Chapter 61A land; right of first refusal.


Ms. Kelly replied it was a shift to buy open space and leave it open space.  She stated that the Town would not be buying the land that came up and selling it again; they would be buying land and keeping it as open space. She stated that she thinks this is something that would need to be known; that they town was not going to sell it, it would be purchased for conservation land.


Sel. O’Brien asked if there was any interest in holding a public hearing on this.


Sel. Renzoni replied that he would not have an objection but that they would need to invite Ag Com.


Ms. Kelly replied that the Conservation Commission could also purchase land if it was purely conservation property.


Sel. O’Brien suggested involving the Conservation Commission as well.


Chairman Kurtz suggested doing this for the March 21, 2016 meeting or April 4, 2016 meeting.


Sel. O’Brien suggested included the Planning Board as well.


Ms. Kelly stated that she has been working with Police Chief Armstrong on the Police Department’s staffing needs and they will be bringing forward a proposal to add officers.  She stated she was going to ask both chiefs, Police and Fire, to come in for a meeting and discuss the matter. She stated that the Board had made this a goal for her but that she would need the Board’s support in order to move forward with it.


Sel. Renzoni asked if the chiefs could plan on coming to the meeting with long-term forecasts. He stated that the police are well below, and the Board has agreed, but he would like to see the long-term forecasts. He stated the police are well below their needs but that he would want to see the long-term plan as to how to fix the staffing needs and what was needed:  what shifts were needed to be covered, organizational structure, how shifts are set, operations, etc.  He stated a real conversation needs to take place and then the Board should be on board to support this goal.


Sel. Lavigne stated that he had originally bought this up but a staffing analysis and roadmap would be helpful to see from the Chief’s perspective.  


Chairman Kurtz suggested March 2, 2016 for this agenda item.


Sel. O’Brien stated there should be a roadmap as to how the Police Department is staffed; leadership on down and what the structure of staffing is.  He stated it would be difficult for him to support adding officers if the Department was overstaffed in the daytime and short at night. He stated that he wants to understand the goals and the staffing structure. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that at the MMA they discussed opiates and he learned that the number of OD’s in 2014 exceeded the combined number of deaths of car accidents and guns. He stated that as the Board speaks about adding officers, he would recommend having some school-based communication programs and adding officers in that capacity.  Sel. O’Brien stated that the officers were eliminated at the schools.


Ms. Kelly replied that there was an officer at the high school.


Sel. O’Brien stated that maybe the Town should revisit the DARE program in the middle school.  He stated that one recommendation from the MMA was to help education for kids in the formative years; which is prior to high school.  He stated that is something that he could support as it is positive.


Chairman Kurtz stated that they had asked Chief Armstrong to come to the meeting on February 22, 2016 as that is the next meeting before Fin Com discusses public safety.


Sel. Lavigne stated that before the goal was initially set he had done some research as to where the Town was and he does support adding officers.  He stated that Sel. O’Brien did have some valid points as to what capacity the officers would be used in. He asked if the Town was replacing old officers or if they were short on administration staff.  He stated he was interested in hearing a plan and to seeing the hierarchy and to help set a goal for staffing.


Sel. O’Brien asked if the Police Chief was going to bring handouts and could the Board have them in advance so they were able to review them in order to ask questions and be prepared to vote on the matter.


Ms. Kelly replied that she could not commit to that.  She stated one issue is that there is no help administratively.  She said that two administration people handle payroll, schedules, records and more.  Ms. Kelly stated that anything Chief Armstrong prepared he would be doing for himself.


Ms. Kelly stated that with regards to budget commitments of building reserves, a few years ago, the Town committed to funding OPEB at 10% of cash and budget and last summer they came up with a policy on level of reserves.  Ms. Kelly told the Board that she had made progress toward that goal as well. 


Ms. Kelly stated that it was a strong budget and it is all good news.  She thinks the Board will agree when they see it.  Ms. Kelly stated she wanted to give the Board the update because the goals that were set for her were contained in the budget and she will need the Board’s support throughout the process.


Sel. O’Brien stated that over all the years he has been involved with the Selectmen he has never seen anyone related the budget in this way. He stated that this is the first time he had experienced a Town Manager be as detailed and to how they worked through the budget at it related to the Board of Selectmen.


Ms. Kelly replied that programs are important but that you need to be able to afford them.


Chairman Kurtz asked about Town Meeting and the use of the new Mountview Middle School in order to hold the meeting.  He stated that they had spoken about the issue a few times and he wanted to broach the subject again.  He asked Ms. Kelly what the concerns were.  Chairman Kurtz stated that the students were moving into the building and there will not be construction happening so he would like to see Town Meeting happen at Mountview Middle School.  He stated that the Town had stood behind and got the school built and he would like the opportunity to have the public see that school.  He stated he would like to understand the hesitation as to why that couldn’t happen.


Ms. Kelly replied that it is not just her that feels that way.  She stated that the School Committee feels that while it is going to be open for the students it takes some time for the systems to get in place. She stated that everything would be new and there would be a period of time necessary to allow people to get acclimated to it.  Ms. Kelly stated additionally the outside will not be done, they will still need to take down the old school, finish fields, and the parking lots may not be in order.  She stated that the outside of the school is an active construction site and that 2016 is too early to host the Town Meeting but maybe next year 2017 when everything was done and finished.  She stated that is the feedback that she had received.


Sel. Lavigne stated that if the school was good enough for the kids then it was good enough to host the parents for Town Meeting. 


Ms. Kelly stated that she will invite the committee in to discuss the matter but tonight was not possible.


Sel. Renzoni asked if after April the school will have the keys or would the committee still have them.  He stated that the Building Committee will be moving to the demolition and field development.  He stated that he knew that it would be challenging but the building was going to be the pride of Holden and with the support that Holden put behind the school maybe everything could be stepped up a notch to make the Town Meeting happen there. Sel. Renzoni stated that the Building Committee may not want the Town Meeting there but once they turn the keys over they would be moving along and it wouldn’t be their call.


Sel. Renzoni asked if at the meeting on the 22nd of February they could set this as an agenda item.  He stated that three of the Board members wanted to hold Town Meeting there.  He said that if they can’t do it, why can’t they because it should be ready if students were let in.


Ms. Kelly replied that she did not agree that it was ready for public meetings.  She stated there were no seats set up.  It was not like an auditorium.  She stated there would be legality issues and she was not sure if she believed it would be ready.  Ms. Kelly stated that the ribbon cutting would happen later in the spring and the public could see the building at that point.   Ms. Kelly stated that she would invite the Building Committee to the meeting on February 22, 2016 and the Board could discuss it with them at that point.


Sel. O’Brien stated that when the Building Commissioner issued an occupancy permit, it is done and there are no public safety issues.  He stated that he wanted to echo the sentiment of the Board; this is the biggest investment the Town has made and it shouldn’t be a stretch to hold the Town Meeting there. 


Chairman Kurtz stated that he did not think it was the Building Committees decision to make. He asked if Ms. Kelly would reach out to the superintendent as well for the February 22, 2016 meeting as well as the principal of the school.  Chairman Kurtz stated that if for some reason they (superintendent and principal) think it is not a good idea he would be more compelled to listen to it.  He stated that if the kids were going into the building, it better be ready.    


Sel. Lavigne asked where the Town would be holding the May Town Elections. 


Ms. Kelly replied probably the new school.


10) Education Options Committee Charge


Chairman Kurtz stated there was a conversation in July looking to create a committee to see what the options were for funding and how to go about education.


Sel. Lavigne stated that based on that conversation there was an ongoing battle with Paxton and Rutland and with these issues the Board wanted to see what the options were with regards to the Town’s own schools.  He stated the purpose of this was to see if there was a better way to educate Holden children.  The intent of this was to look at everything from inserting capital into the schools, which the Town Manager put forward at this meeting and be all encompassing with the options.  Sel. Lavigne stated that the committee would say here are the options we have, the cost, pros, cons, timelines for things and more. He stated that the committee will be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and he believed a five-member committee would work, plus one ex-officio from the Wachusett School Committee.


Sel. Renzoni thanked Sel. Lavigne for pulling this together.  He stated that what is important for this group to know is that nothing is off the table. He stated he would like to see them review what the Town Manager bought forward with regards to infrastructure investment.  He stated that he wants to give Holden students a leg up and give them every possible chance to succeed.  He stated that education is important but that people move to Town because the education is good, if education slips, housing could slip too.  


Sel. O’Brien asked if this was something that was being voted on.


Chairman Kurtz confirmed it was.


Sel. O’Brien stated that he is against this and that he believes this is opening a can of worms that can be very divisive.  He stated that while he can appreciate the incentive as to why they want to do it but he does not think that a committee is needed to study this kind of thing and he is still against it.




Sel. Lavigne stated that one resident had already reached out regarding the appointment.  He suggested having her come in to meet with the Board. 


Chairman Kurtz asked Sel. Lavigne to sit on the Board. 


Sel. Lavigne suggested waiting until the elections were over; he suggested getting the committee established and then determining who would sit from the Selectmen.


11) Follow-Up Citizens Address




12) Selectmen Minutes


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. O’Brien it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 7, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINUTES BY A VOTE OF 2-0-2.


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 19, 2016 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINUTES.


13) Selectmen Subcommittees


Sel. O’Brien stated that the Holden Municipal Power Advisory Board was charged with meeting to discuss the purchasing authority for the Light Department Manager.  He stated they were surveyed and there was not a great desire to meet; however Mr. Robinson communicated with the members and there was not a lot of concern with moving forward with his plan as presented.


Sel. Lavigne: no update


Sel. Renzoni stated that the DPW Building update was discussed earlier in Town Managers update.


Sel. Renzoni asked if the Resource Profile would be on line and recorded.


Ms. Kelly replied it would be recorded and live.


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Board was posted for Fin Com Meetings.  He stated he will brief back for those that are not able to make the meetings.


Sel. Renzoni stated that they were planning the Memorial Day Parade.  He stated that they had secured the band and there is a tentative plan to do a concert after the parade again. He stated that he had reached out to some of the members of the Memorial Day Parade Committee to serve on the Veteran’s Advisory committee and he would have an update as to what to expect for the event shortly.


Chairman Kurtz asked if May 2, 2016 would be good for the committee to join the Selectmen Meeting. 


Sel. Renzoni confirmed it would.


Chairman Kurtz stated that the 275th Committee had not yet met this month.


14) Selectmen Miscellaneous


Sel. O’Brien:  none


Sel. Renzoni stated that DPW did a great job in the snow storms and that he could see the difference in the town lines.  He asked Ms. Kelly to pass along the accolades.


Ms. Kelly agreed.


Sel. Lavigne stated that there were nomination papers available for anyone interested and there were a lot of seats up for reelection: 2 Board of Selectmen, 3 School Committee Members, 1 Moderator, 1 Library Board of Trustee.  He stated that if anyone was interested all the Board members’ emails were posted and they were available to discuss the time/commitment or anything else an interested party wanted to discuss.


Sel. Lavigne stated that some time ago the Board had requested that the police and fire chiefs start to provide the Board with regular reports on public safety items.  He stated that the Selectmen had yet to see this information and that the goal was to get an update from the chiefs regarding trends in crime, crime stats, and other things. He stated that he understood that they were busy but he would like to see that.


Sel. Lavigne asked for an update on solid waste and rates when Pam Harding came into the meeting. 


Ms. Kelly replied that they were not looking to increase the rates. She stated that the Town’s agreement would be up soon; end of FY 17. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that there is a facility in Westborough that does the same thing as the one that the Town uses now (Casella). He stated this could be good for contracts when the time came.


Sel. Lavigne stated that Shrewsbury has a firm as well.


Sel. Lavigne asked about a written capital plan. He stated that a majority of the towns have capital plans reduced to writing with a 1, 3, 5, 10-year plan sorted out. He stated that he thinks it would be good to get a plan in place working with Fin Com, the Town Manager, and the Selectmen.  He stated that if there is a plan in place (with the knowledge that things happen) other capital expenditures could emerge.


Ms. Kelly replied that the Town does have a five-year capital plan.


Sel. Lavigne stated he was not talking about just for budget purpose.  He stated that this would be something for Fin Com that the Board could say, DPW needs “x” amount of time in this year, for example.


Ms. Kelly replied that the Town has a five-year capital plan and a five-year financial plan.


Sel. Renzoni stated it was a spread sheet. 


Sel. Lavigne stated that he will pull out the sample from the MMA and show it to the Board for comparative purposes.


Ms. Kelly stated that the Board did ask about OPEB.  She stated that currently the balance on all of them is $1.4 million in contribution.  She stated the Town’s liability is $13 million and as they build funds the Town’s liability will decrease.  


Ms. Kelly stated it would take a number of years, but the Town will get there. 


Sel. Renzoni stated the bigger OPEB issue was going to be the District. 


Ms. Kelly replied that they were going to need to budget for it; and with the budget passing it would be difficult.


Next Meeting: February 22, 2016


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE FEBRUARY 10, 2016 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 8:22PM.



APPROVED: ______March 7, 2016_______