Board of Selectmen, January 3, 2017

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 3, 2017



January 3, 2017


6:34 PM                                                                                              Memorial Hall


Present: Chairman Anthony Renzoni, Geri Herlihy, Tim Ethier, Jeremy Kurtz, Erik Scheinfeldt


Others Present:            Jacquelyn Kelly, Town Manager       

Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager

Steve Madaus, Town Counsel

                                    Liz Fotos, Town Recorder


Chairman Renzoni called the meeting to order at 6:34PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, Licenses, and Permits




Chairman Renzoni asked for an update on the Annual Town Licenses.  Mr. Lukes replied that the Town had received 100% of the licenses and everyone was compliant.


  1. Town Manager Transition


Chairman Renzoni stated that they had left this matter before the holiday and he wanted to open it back up for discussion. 


Sel. Kurtz stated that he believes that the Town has some people internally that are well qualified for the Town Manager slot but that he would like the Board to open a search committee.  He stated that he knows that Shrewsbury will be looking for a Town Manager as well and that he wants to make sure that they have the best candidate for the job when they go to hire.  He could see that there would be more of a sealed process if two Selectmen and three or four other members on a committee go through the process and that would be beneficial.  Sel. Kurtz stated that they would create the search committee and see who is available and then reevaluate after 60 or 90 days.


Sel. Ethier stated that to reiterate what D Moschoas has said in a previous meeting, there were a few ways the Board could move forward.  They could directly appoint from the Town’s people, they could open it up to Town Employees and accept applications, the Board could act as a committee to search for the next Town Manager or they could appoint a committee that would search for the next Town Manager themselves or with a consultant and then bring those candidates back to the Board.  Sel. Ethier stated that the negative about the Board acting as the committee would be that everything would be public record which may deter some candidates from applying.


Sel. Ethier stated that there was an Executive Session scheduled for the end of the meeting which would determine when the Town Manager intended to leave which could impact how they move forward as a Board.


Mr. Madaus entered the meeting at 6:40PM.


Chairman Renzoni stated that they would discuss a time frame in Executive Session but they would not discuss the search process.  He stated it was something different but it would have an impact on the discussion.


Sel. Ethier asked if they should delay this topic until the next meeting when they knew more.


Sel. Kurtz replied that he did not think Executive Session had any bearing on their discussion.  He stated that regardless they have to pick a new Town Manager and the process needed to move forward sooner rather than later.  He stated that the Town would be competing with the Town of Shrewsbury in their search and he thinks we need to get out in front of them in order to look for the best applicants.


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that he agreed with Sel. Kurtz and does not think that the Executive Session would impact how the Board proceeded with their search.  He stated that he would be in favor of an exhaustive open search if not nation-wide then through the Commonwealth.  He stated that he agreed that there were qualified candidates internally but he would like to see who else is out there in order to get the best of the best.


Sel. Herlihy replied that she agreed with Sel. Kurtz and that she believes that it is the Board’s responsibility to do what they can to see what is out there.  She stated that she thought they should appoint a committee to bring the Board the best candidate.


Chairman Renzoni stated he did not know where he stood on the committee.  He stated that there was a limited pool of Town Managers and that Holden is not a small Town, so the level of manager that is being sought after is high.  He stated there was also a financial commitment for a consultant and that if the expectation that there was a qualified internal candidate that would rise to the top of a search then they should consider that before a committee is involved.  Chairman Renzoni suggested holding off until the next meeting to make any decisions, he stated that Ms. Kelly would not be leaving until May and that there was a qualified Assistant Town Manager that could step into the seat if need be.  Chairman Renzoni stated that he believes there is a limited pool of candidates to draw from and he suggested holding off two weeks to have the conversation.


Sel. Ethier stated that he did not see the harm in asking current Town employees to submit a resume so that in the next few weeks they would have that information in front of them.  He stated he would like to see those resumes before a large scale search is made.


Sel. Kurtz stated that if they open a search without a committee, even internally, the candidates would become public record.  He stated that he does not feel comfortable putting anyone in that position at this point.  He stated that the question could wait but he would hesitate to ask any employees to send in any paperwork or resumes.


Chairman Renzoni stated that he wouldn’t object to having internal people send in a resume or letter of interest.


Sel. Ethier stated he would be disappointed if Town Employees didn’t aspire to be the Town Manager one day.  He stated he would like to see local people before deciding to make a search committee.  He stated he had seen it before when committees go though a lot of work and the Board ultimately picks the internal candidate.  He stated he thinks the Board should look internally first. 


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that he would prefer to set up a search committee to open it up externally and internally at the same time.  He stated he wouldn’t be opposed to allowing internal candidates to send in information but he is not sure if it is the fairest most objective way to move forward.


Chairman Renzoni stated that the Board has the authority to name the next Town Manager tonight if they wanted to so he is not worried about giving everyone the ability to apply.  He stated that to have internal people give letters of interest just gives the Board more information to make a decision.


Sel. Scheinfeldt replied that he could get one resume from an internal candidate and he would not feel as though he was making an informed decision without seeing other resumes.  He stated he would not feel as though he was doing his duty.  He said one of the Boards most important jobs is to act as the CEO of the Town and they appoint the Town Manager and he feels they owe it to the Town to do an exhaustive search.


Chairman Renzoni asked if there was any objection to Ms. Kelly asking Department Heads to have anyone interested forward on a letter.


Sel. Kurtz asked Mr. Madaus to weigh in on the confidentiality of that.


Mr. Madaus stated that as the appointing authority any applications that the Board received would be public record because they are not entitled to anonymity as a search committee would be.  He stated that as discussed, it would have to be done in open meeting.  Mr. Madaus stated that if the Board asks for internal candidates, information  would be public and if they then moved forward with a committee, external candidates could remain private.  He stated that he is not saying that the Board couldn’t do it like this but they would be treating candidates differently.


Chairman Renzoni stated that would only be if the Board ultimately moved forward with a screening committee.


Mr. Madaus agreed.


Sel. Kurtz stated that when Mr. Moschos was at the meeting a few weeks ago he had asked if the Board moved forward with a search committee and then disbanded it because internal candidates were better than external ones would that work and Mr. Moschos replied it would.  Sel. Kurtz stated that he thinks that they should open the search up and then they could ask internally second.  He stated he would not support gathering this information until the Board had made a decision on open search, appointment, or search committee.


Chairman Renzoni stated that he disagreed.  He stated if there are qualified internal candidates and the Board is able to look at them on paper it may change some of the Selectmen’s minds.  He stated that when they come next month and have the cost associated with an external search in addition to other information about candidates the Board would have a better place to start from.  He stated that he does not think that they can make the decision today and that the thinks there is information that could be gained in the next two weeks.


Sel. Ethier stated that he thinks everyone has a valuable opinion and that in his experience, resumes are important but seeing how someone performs, deals with people, their respect of the Town, and more, are very beneficial.  He stated worked as a teacher and that over the years, the people that rose through the ranks had the respect of those beneath them.  He stated this generally worked better than bringing in someone from the outside.  He stated that someone involved in Town would be a valuable asset and would factor into his feelings.


Sel. Ethier stated that he would go along with the rule of the Board but there are a lot of differing opinions. He stated that Mr. Lukes was sitting right here, he stated that he knew how Mr. Lukes performed but he would like to see his resume. 


Sel. Ethier made a motion to have Town Employees submit resumes or handwritten letters showing interest that could be added to the discussion at the next meeting.  Chairman Renzoni seconded the motion and tabled it for Citizen’s Address.


  1. Citizen Address


No member of the public stepped forward.


Town Manager Transition Cont.


Sel. Ethier stated there is no harm in collecting the information and that he feels the Board should move forward with the matter.


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that he does not think there is harm but he also does not think there is benefit.  He stated he could look at whatever is collected and still not be able to make a decision.  He stated he would be able to say if potential candidates were qualified but not if they were the most qualified and he finds the need to find the most qualified person.  He stated that until a search is conducted he would not be able to say that. 


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that when the Superintendent was being interviewed and hired they drilled the candidates with questions and he felt it gave an idea of how they would perform in settings.  He stated that he thinks the interview process is important. 


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that he also thinks that collecting anything from internal candidates early would be sending the message to those elsewhere that the Town is leaning towards an internal candidate and he does not want to send that message for anyone watching and discourage them from voting.


Sel. Kurtz stated that the Superintendent’s selection was a three ring circus and they had many issues with the search process.  He stated that he wanted to make sure the Board was transparent.  He stated that asking internal candidates for their interest and then opening up the search after the fact could also harm the morale of internal candidates.  He stated that this could make a town employee resentful.  He stated he is against doing this.


Sel. Herlihy stated that she would like to go ahead with a committee. She stated that she thinks it is the Board’s responsibility to see all the candidates and it may not be many but it is their responsibility as the Board to try.


Chairman Renzoni asked the Board members to support gathering this information because he supports it and because it adds value to the future conversation.  He stated there was a motion on the floor to ask for Town Employees to submit letters of interest for the potion of Town manager and he moved the motion.


Motion failed by a vote of 2-3 (Scheinfeldt: no; Herlihy: no; Kurtz: no).


A Motion was made by Sel. Scheinfeldt to move forward with establishing a search committee for the new Town Manager position.  The motion was seconded by Sel. Kurtz.


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that he thinks there are qualified candidates that could step into the role and when he sees the resumes next to others he would be more prepared to determine that.  He stated that in order to do his job and feel more comfortable he needed to see internal and external candidates.


Sel. Kurtz stated he did not know if he could support the committee tonight. He stated that he wanted to see the cost associated with a committee and he wanted to know what some of the regulations would be so they could review them as a Board.  He stated that he would like to hold off for two weeks to gain a better understanding of these things and the time line they would need to adhere to.


Sel. Ethier stated that he would like to hear the costs and wanted the two weeks as well.


Sel. Kurtz stated that they did not need to pay a consultant, they could use the publications and put posts in the municipals readers.  He stated there would be a cost associated with that but it would not be the same as paying a consultant. 


 Chairman Renzoni stated he would get a cost estimate for the Board and have the numbers available for the next meeting.


Chairman Renzoni stated he would be voting against the motion because he felt the two weeks would be beneficial as well.  He asked his fellow Board members to vote against the motion because they could be in a different position in two weeks with the time line as well. 


Mr. Madaus stated that just as a point of information, the Board could decide how many members from the public could be on the committee and no more than two members of the Board could be appointed.


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that he would not object to tabling the motion.




  1. Open, Set, and Close Warrant- 2/27/17 Special Town Meeting


Chairman Renzoni stated this did not need to be done tonight, it only needed to be posted 14 days before the meeting, February 10, 2017. 


Sel. Kurtz stated that he was highly disappointed to see that the meeting was to be conducted at Wachusett Regional High School instead of at the new Mountview.  He stated he had asked multiple times to use Mountview and it would be a great opportunity to show off the great work and encourage people to come to the meeting.  He stated he felt it was a slap in the face to every voter to not hold the meeting at the new facility.


Ms. Kelly stated it was not meant to be a slap in the face.  She stated that the Board did ask to look into Mountview but that there is not an auditorium and it was a lot more work to cover the gym floor and set up for the meeting.  She stated that the Town has always used Wachusett and it is an equally impressive space and it is easier for parking and the Cable.


Chairman Renzoni asked if Ms. Kelly had checked on snow dates for availability. 


Ms. Kelly stated both dates were available.


Sel. Ethier stated that he would like to see Mountview used too but it was the middle of winter and the gym doubles as an auditorium.  He stated he could see it causing problems for the athletic program.   Sel. Ethier asked about the third item on the warrant articles, “transfer appropriate funds” and what it meant.


Ms. Kelly stated that if the Town obtains the building there are some costs associated with utilities etc that had not been budgeted for this fiscal year.  She stated that because of the size of the potential project there would also need to be a project manager in the design phase and that was why it was written in that manner.


Sel. Ethier asked if someone would be hired to oversee the project.


Ms. Kelly stated that it was part of construction law that over $1.5 million you are advised to have a project manager.


Motion by Sel. Herlihy, seconded by Sel. Ethier, it was VOTED TO OPEN THE WARRANT FOR THE FEBRUARY 27, 2017 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING BY A VOTE OF 4-1 (Kurtz: no).


Chairman Renzoni asked if there was any discussion of adding or taking away any of the warrant articles. 


Sel. Ethier asked if someone could still add or petition for a warrant articles to be added.


Chairman Renzoni stated it is possible up to 14 days before the meeting to petition for a warrant articles.   




Sel. Kurtz stated he still felt it was a slap in the face to not hold the meeting at Mountview.  He stated that the Town struggles to get a quorum and this would help the draw.  He stated he was disappointed that they didn’t go further to make a meeting at Mountview happen.


Ms. Kelly stated that if the Board wanted to hold the Meeting at Mountview they should all agree on it.


Chairman Renzoni asked Ms. Kelly to see what the costs and logistics would be to do so.

Motion by Sel. Ethier, seconded by Sel. Scheinfeldt, it was VOTED TO CLOSE THE FEBRUARY 27, 2017 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT BY A VOTE OF 4-1-0 (Kurtz: no).






  1. Town Manager Update


Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports:  Lori Rose, Town Accountant, has prepared the enclosed monthly year-to-date Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the month ending November 2016.


HMLD Monthly Report: Enclosed is the monthly activity report for November 2016, prepared by Jim Robinson, General Manager.


Christmas Tree Chipping Program:  The Department of Public Works will be chipping Christmas Trees on Saturday, January 7 and Saturday, January 14, 2017 between the hours of 8AM and 2:30PM.  Residents may bring their trees free from decorations to be chipped at the Adams Road Facility.


2017 MMA Annual Meeting and Trade Show:  The MA Municipal Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show will be held on January 20 & 21, 2017 at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA.


ZBA Hearing on Appeal of Summit Wynds: The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a hearing on January 5, 2017 at the Senior Center to hear the appeal by Summit Wynds of the Town’s Cease and Desist Order prohibiting the operation of a wedding venue at that location.


Disposition of Surplus Property: The Town will be accepting sealed bids on January 26, 2017 by 2:00PM for various pieces of Town equipment that have been declared surplus by the Town Manager.  The sale will be noticed in the media and will be posted on the Town’s website.  A copy of the ad is attached for your information.  


Chairman Renzoni stated that some residents had reached out and asked for more information on the revenue and expenditure reports.  He asked if Ms. Kelly could give a little summary of the report to benefit the public. 


Ms. Kelly stated she could do that going forward.


  1. Selectmen Subcommittees


Chairman Renzoni stated that the 250th was always looking for new members and people to volunteer. 


Chairman Renzoni stated that the Veterans Advisory Committee would be meeting in February to plan for the Memorial Day Parade.  He stated that they were always looking for anyone to volunteer and that some of their long time volunteers were stepping back a little.  He stated anyone interested could reach out to the Town Manager’s office or to him directly. 



6.  Selectmen Miscellaneous


Sel. Scheinfeldt stated that on January 9, 2017 the School Committee would be having its annual budget meeting and it was the most important meeting they had all year.  He stated there was a lot of information at the meeting for anyone interested and that it is about 50% of the Town Budget so it was very informative.


Sel. Kurtz stated that Mountview’s sign was turned off.  He asked if there was any information on that.


Ms. Kelly stated that the sign is under the control of the school


Sel. Ethier stated that he knew some of the trash days in Town were confusing and that he appreciated the reverse 911 calls that gave information to residents.  He asked if it was still permissible to put trash out in regular trash in blue bags.


Ms. Kelly confirmed it was for the week.


Next Board of Selectmen Meeting: Tuesday, January 17, 2017.


  1. Selectmen Minutes


Motion by Sel. Ethier, it was seconded by Sel. Scheinfeldt,  it was, VOTED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 21, 2016 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINTUES AS PRESENTED BY A VOTE OF 3-0-2. (Renzoni: abstain; Herlihy: abstain). 


Motion by Sel. Ethier, seconded by Sel. Scheinfeldt,  it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 21, 2016 PRE- MEETING BOARD OF SELECMTEN MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED BY A VOTE OF 3-0-2 (Renzoni: abstain; Herlihy: abstain). 






Motion by Sel. Kurtz, seconded by Sel. Ethier, it was, UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 3, 2017 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 7:55PM.





APPROVED: _______February 6, 2017___________