Board of Selectmen, January 4, 2016

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 4, 2016



JANUARY 4, 2016


6:33PM                                                                                               Memorial Hall


Present: Chairman Jeremy Kurtz, Anthony Renzoni, Tim Ethier, Kenneth O’Brien, Robert Lavigne


Others Present:            Jacquelyn Kelly, Town Manager

                                    Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager

                                    Liz Fotos, Town Recorder


Chairman Kurtz called the meeting to order at 6:33PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, License, Permits

Confirmation of Town Manager Reappointments: Historical Commission


Ms. Kelly told the Board that they needed to confirm the reappointment of two individuals to the Historical Commission; Ida Nystrom and James Branti. 






Ms. Kelly presented the Selectmen with a tentative Meeting Schedule for the Selectmen from January 2016 through June 2016 for consideration.


Sel. Lavigne stated that the Board had historically had issues with a quorum during school vacation and suggested altering the meeting in February and April.


Sel. Renzoni agreed and suggested modifying the schedule to February 8 and February 22 and April 11 and April 25. 


Sel. Renzoni reminded everyone that there will be meetings every Wednesday for Fin Com for the budget. 


Ms. Kelly told the Board that she believed that the Resource Profile was also held during a school vacation week.


Sel. O’Brien asked if there was any way to move that to a later date. 


Ms. Kelly replied that they could if the FinCom agreed.


Sel. Renzoni replied that the Town’s Bylaw indicated that it needed to be done no later than February 15, so they could move it earlier.


Sel. Lavigne stated that last year, the Board wished to have the Resource Profile televised and Fin Com had reservations about doing that.  He asked if the Board could reach out to Chairman White of Fin Com to see if they could televise it this year.


Chairman Kurtz replied that he would reach out.




  1. Town Manager Update


  1. WRSD Budget Roundtable:  The District will be hosting another FY 2017 Budget Roundtable on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 6:30PM in the Central District Office Curriculum Center
  2. HMLD Monthly Report:  Ms. Kelly enclosed the November 2015 Monthly Report for the Light Department, prepared by Jim Robinson, General Manager
  3. Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports:  Lori Rose, Town Accountant, has prepared the enclosed Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the period ending November 2015.   


Sel. O’Brien stated that he looking at the numbers for the Public Safety Complex and wanted to know why it was more expensive to operate.  He stated that they were proposing the geothermal system in order to make it more efficient and it was actually more expensive. 


Ms. Kelly replied that last year and over the past years, they have tried to consolidate the expenses and have it in one budget.  She stated that she believes that this is part of the reason.


Sel. O’Brien asked if that included the other station as well and the costs associated with it. 


Ms. Kelly replied it did and it also included things such as the generator.


Sel. Ethier stated that Mr. Robinson from HMLD had come in and the information he presented was very informative; he asked if there were any plans to have other Department Heads into the meetings as well. 


Ms. Kelly replied that John Woodsmall, DPW would be in next meeting to discuss DPW matters including water and sewer and FY 17 Budget and Capital. 


Sel. Ethier replied that he wanted to discuss things about the departments in general; not just the finances.


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Board has some oversight as they play the role of the Commissioners to the department.   He stated that when Mr. Woodsmall briefs the Selectboard, he would like to speak about sewer capacity.  Sel. Renzoni stated that this had not been discussed in about three years, the Town is growing and that it had previously been an issue so he would like to discuss it.  He stated additionally he would like an update on leak detection, the rates, and an overview of where the rates are and where they are going.


Chairman Kurtz stated that they will have that opportunity at the next meeting to discuss these items.  He stated that he had a list and had forwarded it to Mr. Woodsmall’s attention and he suggested if there were any additional questions/ matters that the Board would like to have addressed they should forward them to the Town Manager so she can pass them along and let Mr. Woodsmall be prepared for the meeting.


Sel. Renzoni stated he would also like to know where the account stands and where it is expected to go.


Sel. O’Brien stated that a lot more building is going to take place in Town; a few subdivisions with 80 + units were in process.  He stated that they should understand sewer capacity so that they are able to communicate it to builders as well.


Ms. Kelly replied that in the mid 90’s, there were issues with sewer capacity but since then the Town has not had a problem with sewer capacity.


Chairman Kurtz replied that he was going to stop this conversation here as there would be plenty of time to discuss it at the next meeting with the Director and the Town Manager.


Sel. O’Brien asked Sel. Renzoni if he was comfortable with the Veterans Budget for 2015.  He stated that he knew of some Veterans in Town that needed assistance and he wanted to make sure that Sel. Renzoni felt as though there was enough budgeted to cover those needs.


Sel. Renzoni replied that a lot goes into Chapter 115.  He stated that the Town went from four cases to eleven or twelve and that in those instances Ms. Kelly could ask for more funds to be allocated.  He stated that in the past years, Ms. Kelly had worked with him and they have been able to set aside some of the funds for Veterans Projects.  He stated they are trying to set up an event where veterans locally can be identified and helped if needed. 


Sel. O’Brien asked if Sel. Renzoni was comfortable with the amount set aside.


Sel. Renzoni replied that because the Federal and State government plays such a large role in the Veterans, the Town does not have too much of a role.  He stated that any Veteran can reach out and they will work with Town Management and non profits locally to assist.


  1. Annual MMA Meeting and Trade Show:  The MMA Meeting and Trade Show will take place on January 22-23, 2016 at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston.  If you plan to attend and have not made arrangements, please contact the Town Manager’s Office as soon as possible.
  2. Christmas tree Chipping:  Christmas tree Chipping is being offered by the Department of Public Words on Saturday, January 2 and Saturday, January 9.  Trees should be brought to the Adams Road Garage, between 8AM and 2:30PM, free of any decoration.  Boy scouts are offering a tree pick up and there is information on the website if you need that.
  3. 275th Kick off Celebration:  The 275th Celebration Committee will be hosting a kick-off Celebration night at Val’s Restaurant on Monday, January 11, 2016.  For events or information pleas contact the Committees’ Facebook Page, or Jeremy Kurtz, Chair, Board of Selectmen and Member of the 275th Committee at


Sel. O’Brien asked if he could have Nick Risk an Eagle Scout from Troop 182 talk about the Christmas Tree Pick-Up.


Nick Risk approached the podium. He told the Board that he is an Eagle Scout with Troop 182, Holden from the First Baptist Church and each year they run a fund raiser where they pick up Christmas Trees from residents homes.  He told the Board that this was started four years ago by Sel. O’Brien’s son, and that the funds are raised for the Troop and their field trips and other needs.


N. Risk stated that the suggested donation was for 10$ and that reservations could be made by calling 508-269-5180 or emailing  He thanked the Board and the community.


  1. New Police Officer – Swearing in


Chief Armstrong thanked the Board for letting them swear Officer Evan Parker in.  He told the Board that there was over a year background check done and that Officer grew up in Town and went to Wachusett Schools.  He told the Board that his officers and supervisors did an outstanding job with the extensive background process.  Chief Armstrong stated that from here, Officer Parker will be going to Worcester Police Academy and from there he would do additional training.


Chief Armstrong stated that he asked Selectmen Renzoni to say a few words about Officer Parker’s extensive military background.


Sel. Renzoni thanked Chief Armstrong.  He stated that as difficult as it was to send troops into combat, it produced a new generation of individuals that had a desired skill set that worked well with law enforcement.  He stated that it was an honor to speak about Officer Parker and that he had extensive military achievements.  Sel. Renzoni stated that Officer Parker graduated of the US Army squad designated marksmen course as a designated marksman he was trained at key targets to a distance of 100-550 meters using standard weapons and ammunitions.  He received the US Army Excellence in Competition Bronze Award for rifle marksmanship.  He also graduated from Light Infantry Leaders Course, Military Mountaineering Summer Course, and US Combat Lifesavers Course and had advanced life saving measures.


Sel. Renzoni stated that Officer Parker had been deployed twice in support of combat operations.  In 2012 he was awarded the Army Commendation for service in Afghanistan and in 2010 he earned the combat badge for engagement with enemy forces.  He is in the 116 Combat Infantry and served in Bravo Company 181st infantry here in Massachusetts and that he (Sel. Renzoni) had a great time speaking with him.   


Ms. Kelly asked Cheryl Jenkins, Town Clerk to come forward to swear Officer Parker in.


C. Jenkins asked Officer Parker to raise his right hand and repeat after her.


“On my honor, I do solemnly swear I will never betray my badge, my position of the Holden Police Officer, my integrity, my character or the public trust.  I will always have the courage to hold myself and other accountable for our actions; and I will always uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.  Held their true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose or abrasion and I will faithfully discharge the duties the office of the police officer in the Holden so help me God.


The Board congratulated Officer Parker and stood to recognize him; they stopped to pose for a photo.


Sel. Ethier stated he wanted to recognize the family of Officer Parker as well who were all present this evening. 


  1. Citizens Address


Eric Johansen, 70 Walnut Terrace was present at the meeting.  He stated that he is part of the 275th Celebration and they have been working hard on the events.  He stated that there is a jersey on display that is for sale to support the events.  Mr. Johansen told everyone that the actual birthday of the Town was this Saturday, January 9, 1741.  He told everyone that Monday, January 11, 2016 the Town was having a Celebration Gala at Val’s Restaurant and tickets were $35 person or $60 for a couple.  He stated that there would be live music by Ross McGinnis and that everyone was very excited about it.


Sel. O’Brien asked about the Silent Auction.


E. Johansen stated that there would be a silent auction at the event and many of the Town’s people donated things and services. 


Chairman Kurtz stated that the gala was a nice birthday party for the Town.  He stated that there would be music, drinks, story telling about the Town, and hor d’oeuvres in addition to a silent auction and other things.   He thanked E. Johansen for his work with the Committee. 


Sel. Ethier thanked E. Johansen as well; he stated that E. Johansen always did so much for the Town.


E. Johansen thanked the other members of the Committee, Louise, Cheryl Jenkins, Sue and Lenny Denoir, Debbie Oservioiuve and everyone who contributed to the committee. He stated that they had a number of fun events planned throughout the year including a family picnic and a few surprise events throughout the year.


Chairman Kurtz closed citizens’ address.


  1. Town Manager’s Performance Review Process


Chairman Kurtz stated that he wanted to get the Board a little ahead of this as they usually run close to the end of April regarding this matter.  He stated that he will send out a list of dates and collect them and present them to the Town Manager at the following meeting.


Sel. Lavigne suggested ensuring this was done before elections happened so that the Town Manager was not being reviewed by Selectmen who had not worked with her.


Chairman Kurtz stated that he intended to have this completed by March. 


Sel. Renzoni suggested having Ms. Kelly do a self evaluation prior to that meeting as that had worked well in the past to discuss her accomplishments. 


Ms. Kelly agreed.


  1. Selectmen Subcommittees


Sel. O’Brien stated that the Light Committee had not met.


Sel. Ethier stated that Ag Com had met with the Community Garden Group and that the meeting had been very informative.  He stated they were very excited and had started to raise money with a grant program where they would raise $400 and then be matched.   He stated they were currently at almost $1,500 and that the students were very excited to start the work come spring.


Sel. O’Brien stated that one of the things the Board had discussed in the past was to have Ag Com do an inventory of open space parcels.  He stated it would be worth the effort to go in and do some research on what parcels were higher prioritized and perhaps give them ratings on a scale.  He stated if they were going to put money aside to purchase land in the future, research as to what properties had the highest value to the community to preserve would be valuable. 


Sel. Ethier stated that they are actually in the process of doing so.  He stated that Denise Cummings and Jim Dunn had worked to build a map that showed 61A land.  He stated that he is hopeful that they will be able to distribute it to other committees in the future in order to get input from them on certain parcels.  He stated that he felt it made perfect sense to do this prior to presenting it to Town Meeting.


Sel. Lavigne stated that EDC had not met. 


Sel. Lavigne stated that Winter Festival Committee had not met but that they were going to meet in February in order to do a recap and to start to plan for the next festival.  He thanked Mr. Lukes for his help.  He stated that it was a tighter timeline then usual and that he appreciated both his help and Ms. Kelly’s help for the event.


Chairman Kurtz stated that they had spoken with E. Johansen about the 275th Celebration and that he is hopeful that everyone could make it.


  1. Follow-Up on Citizen’s Address


No follow up


  1. Selectmen Minutes




  1. Selectmen Miscellaneous


Sel. Lavigne stated that he saw online that George Balko, Town Moderator was named as a super lawyer; he congratulated him.  He stated that E. Johansen was not present any longer, but that E. Johansen and his family do a lot for the Town, including the ice rink that is at the Holden Senior Center, it is not a town project, it is done by the Johansen family; he thanked them for all they do.


Sel. Ethier stated that there was a letter in the packet from Virginia Green about the states early voting law.  He asked if the Town needed to take any steps in order to approve the law.  He stated that it made sense to do this.


Ms. Kelly replied that she did not believe that the Selectmen needed to do anything but that she would double check.  She stated that once the legislature adopted it, it would be sent to the Secretary of State to be implemented with Town Clerk’s. 


Sel. Ethier stated that he did have an idea for the Creamer Property; a dog park.  He stated that there were very few places in Town that you were able to walk your dog and a dog park would be a popular site in Town. 


Sel. Lavigne stated that it had been an idea that they had worked on in the past.  He stated that the want was there.  He stated that a dog park on the Creamer Property was not a bad idea and that the Town had been looking for land to do that for some time.  He stated there may be environmental concerns that they would need to look into. 


Sel. Ethier stated that he was on Princeton Street (the old ECC property) the other day and someone had suggested that it may be a good place for a future DPW location. 


Sel. Ethier stated that there was also a Gun Buy Back Program that Worcester partook in.  He stated that a number of surrounding towns also participated in the program.  He stated that he was not sure what would be involved in joining in but that he thought it was a good idea to join.  He stated that in return for the weapons, people were receiving monetary sums or gift certificates.  He stated that he is hopeful that Holden would look into it in the future and that he was hopeful that Chief Armstrong would look into it and let the Board know what would be involved in joining.


Sel. O’Brien reminded the public that the Boy Scouts were doing the Christmas tree pick up and they could call 508-829-5030 to schedule a pick up.


Sel. O’Brien stated that Holden had done such a great job with the snow clean up.  He congratulated DPW on their work.


Sel. O’Brien stated that now that the Town has a new Growth Management Director in place, he wished to see if they could explore the Stretch Code which was a higher standard for building in Town.  He stated that there are a bunch of incentives that would make it a no brainer to join.  He stated that when you adopt the Stretch Code, homes are required to build homes more efficiently and the home owner gets a better home built too.  He stated that the way that this would be adopted is that the Town would hold a public hearing and have the public provide feedback on the program.  He stated after that, the Board would need to have an affirmative vote and then move it forward to Town Meeting to be considered.  He stated there is a six month lag time to the program.   Sel. O’Brien stated that within 5 years, it was going to be mandatory to build in this manner and he felt as though Holden should lead the way on it.  He stated that although some of the builders may complain about this change, it would make for a better home that was more efficient and less expensive to operate.


Chairman Kurtz reiterated how well the Town did on the snow clean up.  He stated that DPW did a great job and they are constantly leading the way.


Ms. Kelly stated that she would pass along the Boards appreciation; she stated they did a great job with a sneaky storm.


Sel. O’Brien asked if they could have the new members of DPW; highway superintendent, junior engineers etc, in to a meeting in order to recognize the promotions.


Next Meeting:  January 19, 2015


Motion by Sel. Lavigne, seconded by Sel. Renzoni, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 1, 2016 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 7:32PM.




APPROVED: __January 19, 2016 as amended________________