Board of Selectmen, June 1, 2015 6:30 p.m.

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 1, 2015



JUNE 1, 2015


6:40PM                                                                                               Memorial Hall



Members Present:  Chairman Jeremy Kurtz, Anthony Renzoni, Tim Ethier, Kenneth O’Brien


Members Absent:  Robert Lavigne


Others Present:            Jacquelyn Kelly, Town Manager

                                    Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager

                                    Stephen Madaus, Town Counsel

                                    Elizabeth Fotos, Recording Secretary


Chairman Kurtz opened the meeting at 6:40PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, Licenses, Permits


Chairman Kurtz told the public that the Board had met prior to the regular Board of Selectmen Meeting in order to appoint Eileen Charbonneau and Steve D’Aquila to the Agricultural Commission.   Both Ms. Charbonneau and Mr. D’Aquila were appointed unanimously to the Commission.   Chairman Kurtz congratulated both of the appointees and thanked them for their service.


Ms. Kelly stated that there were not any licenses or permits to review however she reminded the Board that the Holden Pool would be opening this coming weekend and asked the Board to grant her the authority to approve a common victual license for the Snack Shack at the pool baring Board of Health approval. 




  1. Sen. Harriette Chandler and Rep. Kimberly Ferguson


Rep. Ferguson congratulated the new Chairman on his role.  She stated that both herself and Sen. Chandler periodically come into the Board of Selectmen meetings in order to give them an update on legislature, budgets, and other things that impact the Town.  She stated additionally their offices are always available to speak to the Board.


Rep. Ferguson stated that the House had passed their budget $38 Billion in April and it had moved on to the Senate.  She stated that several of the things that the Selectmen had advocated for; Chapter 70 numbers, regional school transportation, and other things were all being worked on.  She stated additionally the government was able to release additional Chapter 90 money and she knew that Holden received another $92,000 for road money.  She stated that they were trying to get local money back to the Town.


Rep. Ferguson stated that as the Board knew, she was on the Foundation Budget Review Commission and that they would have a preliminary report coming out by the end of June.  She state that within that work they would evaluate additional things that needed to be accomplished through the fall. The report would encompass things such as salary adjustment issues, special education, health insurance, IT cost, etc.


Sen. Chandler stated that they had finished their budget about two weeks ago.  She discussed the school budget and that each student received a $25/ pupil increase which was able to bring districts closer in line with their goals.  She stated that Holden received $613,121 in Chapter 90 money and that most importantly was the Regional School Transportation Money that was increased to $59 Million which reimburses the Regional Schools.  She stated another large part of the budget was the special education and that for the fourth straight year the Senate had fully funded Special Education.  Sen. Chandler stated that a Conference Committees which takes both the house and the senate members had been appointment so that they can work together to budget and that they are hopeful that they will hear back from this Committee before July 1, 2015.  Sen. Chandler said that the best way to influence these Bills was by lobbying and that right now they are at the beginning of the process having committee hearings.


Sel. Renzoni thanked both Sen. Chandler and Rep. Ferguson for coming to the meeting.  He asked Rep. Ferguson about House Bill 509; the Bill to tie Chapter 71 cuts to Chapter 70 cuts and take it out of 9C.  He stated that he hadn’t heard anything new on it and asked for an update.


Rep. Ferguson confirmed that Sel. Renzoni was speaking on regional transportation and stated that there were some legal opinions that had been made but that the discussions were still taking place and they were discussing a supplemental budget.  She stated that she was also working with the Superintendent on the matter.  She stated that they were well aware this was an issue and they were working to address it.


Sel. O’Brien asked about the bridge construction on RT 31.  He stated that it served a lot of Holden residents and also was important for commuters.  Sel. O’Brien stated that the bridge was supposed to be done at the end of this season and there was still nothing being done.  He stated that it would be encouraging to see the Representatives speaking with the Department of Transportation to push them along to finish the project.


Ms. Kelly thanked Rep. Ferguson for speaking to the Department of Transportation.  She stated that the Town had reached out and that DOT should be mobilizing next week.  She stated that some of the work that needed to be done was to move a water main and after that the regular crews would be back.  Ms. Kelly stated that from the information her office had obtained, the work on the bridge will be done by the end of the season although there may be some items left for 2016.  Ms. Kelly thanked the DOT for doing this work and stated it was over a $5 Million job that without the DOT the Town would not have been able to do.  Ms. Kelly stated she was very appreciative to the DOT for their work on the project and understood that even with the delays they had been very forthcoming and speedy.


Sen. Chandler replied that the DOT was usually very efficient and that there was every reason to believe that the project would be completed in this construction season.


Rep. Ferguson stated that the DOT did get back to the Town in a timely manner and stated that if there was anything else that was needed she could follow up with them.   Rep. Ferguson stated that the hold up appeared to be the issue with the water main/ pipe that needed to be moved but it was only a temporary delay.


Sel. Ethier thanked both Sen. Chandler and Rep. Ferguson.  He stated that coming off the School Committee; he knows that the school budget had been hammered very hard in the last few years.  He stated with Rutland and Paxton both failing their budgets it had impacted the overall school budget.  Sel. Ethier stated that he hoped that they would push really hard to help the overall budget.  


Rep. Ferguson stated that they could have an entire meeting about these issues.  She stated that there was also a $1.8 Billion short fall that they needed to cover.  She stated that they will continue to fight for regional transportation and local aid.  She stated that the Commission was different because the needs of this region were different then the needs of the cities so it has been a long process to try to ensure that everyone’s needs are taken into consideration.


Sen. Chandler stated that with the huge deficit that needed to be accounted for, cut backs were very difficult in deciding how and where to cut.   She stated that early retirement had been a complicated issue and that when you’re dealing with deficit funding they do the best that they can.  She stated a number of compromises needed to be made and that hopefully there will be more money this year.


Chairman Kurtz thanked both Rep. Ferguson and Sen. Chandler for coming into the meeting and stated that they were welcome at the meetings at any time.


Rep. Ferguson thanked the Chairman and stated that if they Board wanted to have another meeting she would be more than happy to do so.


  1. Citizens Address


Chairman Kurtz called Citizens Address at 7:00PM.  No citizens stood to speak at the podium.   Chairman Kurtz closed Citizens Address.


  1. Summer Meeting Schedule


Sel. Kurtz suggested meeting July 13, 2015 and August 3, 2015.  The Board had no objections.  He also asked the Board for some latitude when reviewing agenda items in the summer and stated that depending on the agenda, July’s meeting may be cancelled.


  1. Police Commendations


Sel. Kurtz thanked Police Chief Armstrong and gave him the floor. 


Police Chief Armstrong called Lt. Christopher Carey, Dispatcher Sean McKiernan & Dispatcher Amy Savasta up in order to be recognized.  He stated that as the Chief of Police he recognized Lt. Carey, Dispatcher McKiernan, and Dispatcher Savasta for their efforts in making the Wachusett Regional Emergency Communication Center a reality.  Their hard work and determination over many months was realized on December 10, 2014 when the Town started the enormous undertaking of adding dispatch duties for the Town of Princeton.  Considering the fact that dispatching emergency EMT, fire and police calls for Holden alone can often be over-whelming, speaks volumes in regards to their efforts. 


Chief Armstrong stated that this group was responsible for the implementation of all technical matters involved in the convergence as well as in the training of several new dispatchers to meet the deadline.  He stated without their professionalism and dedication the Town would not have had the successful consolidation that it had. 


Chief Armstrong commended these employees for a job well done; the Board stood to recognize the employees and shook their hands. 


Chief Armstrong called Detective Sergeant Adam Porcaro and Detective Todd Ventres up to be recognized.  He stated that he would like to recognize the efforts of these two officers for their professionalism and diligence in completing a very complex drug investigation.  He stated their time, effort, and resourcefulness in this investigation yielded the largest seizure of drugs ever confiscated in the history of the Holden Police Department.


Chief Armstrong stated that the investigation covered a period of several months, but thanks to their determination in bringing the matter to a close, not only drugs but guns as well have been taken off the streets of Holden. 


Chief Armstrong commended these employees for their efforts in making Holden a safer community; the Board stood to recognize the Detectives and shook their hands. 


Chief Armstrong called Patrolman Michael Braley and Administrative Assistants Johannah Adams and Michael Sendrowski up to be recognized. 


Chief Armstrong stated that he would like to recognize the Holden Police Certification Team, made up of Patrolmen Braley, Administrator Adams, and Administrator Sendrowski.  He stated their efforts in retaining and continually bringing up-to-date, the requirements for the Certification of the Holden Police Department cannot be over emphasized. 


Chief Armstrong stated that all three individuals have primary assignments on a daily basis which include: Court Officer, Records Management and Animal Control, which they routinely perform at a high level.   He stated that every three years, they manage the certification process which includes hundreds of hours of very detailed work, necessary to conform to the very rigid requirements for certification.  Their attention to detail in regards to managing the countless policies and procedures has made Holden Certification Team a role model for agencies across the State and it benefits the Town and officers in safety and liability. 


Chief Armstrong commended them for a job well done; the Board stood to recognize the employees and shake their hands.


The Board paused the meeting in order for the press to take a picture of all of those commended. 


Chairman Kurtz thanked the Chief.


Sel. O’Brien stated that he wanted to recognize Chief Armstrong for the recent article that was in the MA State 911 magazine.  He stated that it spoke highly of the Chiefs leadership and it showed how effective he was. 


Chief Armstrong stated that the Department had a busy year and that the individuals working for him had done a phenomenal job.  He stated it was a team effort that began with the Town Manager and her professionalism and everyone else involved.


Sel. Ethier stated that he thought it was great that the Chief had recognized all of these employees and that it built morale in the Department. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that the Selectmen appreciate it and that it can be seen in the community that the Chief is doing a great job. 


Chairman Kurtz thanked the Chief again. 


Ms. Kelly asked Chief Armstrong about the new Opticom Signalization System in Town. She asked the Chief to tell the Board a little about it. 


Chief Armstrong stated that it was a system that he had seen in action before and that Fire Chief Chandler had pushed for it.  He stated that there was a traffic problem in Town and that it was going to help move ambulances through Town traffic.  He stated it was put into place and would be a great attribute to the Town and could potentially save lives. 

Chairman Kurtz asked if it worked with the surrounding communities as well.


Chief Armstrong replied that he wasn’t sure if they were equipped with the technology so he wasn’t sure who could trip it.  He stated it was not in the police cruisers yet. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that this was another example of great decision making that could save peoples lives. 


Ms. Kelly thanked Chief Armstrong.


  1. Town Manager Update


  1. Water Use Restrictions:  In accordance with the requirements of the Water Management Act Permit issued to the Town by the MA Department of Environmental Protection, the Town is required to impose water use restrictions between the hours of 9AM to 5PM daily, from May 1st through September 30th every year.  The ban restricts nonessential outdoor water use from town water supply.  Examples of nonessential outdoor uses include:  irrigation of laws via sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems, washing vehicles and exterior building surfaces, parking lots, driveways, etc.


An annual notice was sent to all residents in the utility bill.  The notice provides more detail as to what outdoor watering is and is not permitted.  The Town thanks you for your cooperation as we comply with the requirements imposed upon us by the MA Department of Environmental Protection.  If you have any questions you can call 508-210-0550 (Public Works) or contact us at


b) HMLD Monthly Report:    Ms .Kelly attached the April 2015 monthly report prepared by Jim Robinson, General Manager of the Municipal Light Department.


c) Year-to-Date- Revenue and Expenditures:  Ms. Kelly attached a year to date report revenue and expenditure report prepared by Lori Rose, Town Accountant for the month ending April 2015.


d) Website Analytics: According to Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager, from January 1, 2015 through May 5, 2015, out Town Web site had

            -200,000 page views (total number of pages viewed including repeats)

-Approximately 37, 000 users (including repeat visitors, although new and returning visitors are about 50/50).

-Over 68,000 sessions, or the number of times a user is actively engaged in the website


The average user views about three pages per session and stays for an average of three minutes on the site itself.   Visitors are split evenly as to gender (46% female/ 54% mail). The largest age group for users is 25-34 (34%) followed by 18-24 (28%), 35-44 year olds comprise of 16%, 45-54 year olds represent 13% and the remaining users are over 55 comprise about 9%.  Geographically most session service from people in Holden (21,215), but Worcester is close behind (17,234).  Boston users have visited the site 2,546 times, Cambridge 1,823, New York 1,802, West Boylston, 1,430, Shrewsbury 964, Auburn 775, Leominster, 604, and Marlborough 502.  Many of the outside sessions are probably the result of Holden resident’s connection with Town Government while at work.  


Ms. Kelly stated that she would forward the statistics surrounding the app to report issues/ problems in Town when she received it.  She stated that the Town was becoming more technologically savvy and it was a good thing to see.


e) Notice of Sale of Chapter 61A Classified Land:  For your information and in case you are contacted by the owner, the Town is in receipt of a notice from Riley, LLC with respect to the proposed sale of a portion of property on River Street currently classified and taxed as agricultural land under MGL Chapter 61A.  The notice and a map showing the area to be sold are attached.  The matter was referred by the Town Managers office to the Agricultural Commission, and her office has disturbed notice on behalf of the Agricultural Commission in accordance with the recently developed policy.


The matter will be returned to the Selectmen for action once the Ag Com has completed its review and recommendation.


Sel. Ethier stated that earlier in the day, the Board had appointed new members to the Agricultural Commission and that in the meeting Chairman Denise Cummings had mentioned that it would be useful to have funds set aside in order to maintain some of this land.  Sel. Ethier stated that it was important to preserve open space in the Town.  He stated that the Craemer Property was discussed in Town Meeting but he was hopeful the Town Manager would preserve that land.


Sel. Renzoni asked if this was the first property going through the new 61A process.


Ms. Kelly replied it was the second but the first one was on the same parcel.  She stated that the process was changed slightly and that it will probably be back before the Board in the next few months.  She stated that she believes that Ag Com wants to get information back to the Selectmen in a 90 day time frame.


f) Summer Concerts at the Gale Free Library:  Ms. Kelly attached a scheduled of the family concerts planned for this summer on the Library lawn.  Please see the Library’s Web page for further information.


g) Pool Openings:  Holden Pool Season is here once again.  The pool will open weekends in June, weather permitting starting on June 6 and June 7 from 12PM to 4:45PM.  The pool will open for the season, once school closes on June 22, 2015 at 1 PM. 



  1. Selectmen Subcommittees

Sel. Renzoni stated that the VA will be meeting on June 8, 2015 in the Starbard Building.  They are going to discuss taking over responsibility for the Memorial Day Parade.  They will also be discussing a potential VA event and goals for the committee going forward.


Sel. O’Brien stated that the Municipal Light Committee will meet on Thursday June 4, 2015. 


Sel. O’Brien also stated that he wanted to discuss the matter of the Holden Waterways.  He stated that he had attended a Conservation Commission meeting and that he is hopeful that the Selectmen could put an agenda item on in the coming months to discuss this matter further. He stated there were lots of resources within the community, in addition to White Oaks, and other that had contacted him and he wanted to establish a plan or committee to see what the next steps would be.  Sel. O’Brien stated that there were things that could be done however he thought the next step would be to have a committee established to see the best things to be done.   


Chairman Kurtz stated that he would work with Ms. Kelly and have it added on the agenda in the future to have a more formal conversation about it.


Chairman Kurtz stated that the Memorial Day Parade was successful and that there was a lot of newcomer participating.  He thanked the Legion, especially Sel. Renzoni for helping and speaking, Project Blue Hope, and all the supporters and attendees as well.


EDC:  Chairman Kurtz stated that the EDC was working on setting a new schedule.


275th:  Chairman Kurtz stated this committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month and that they are still working on the plans for the celebration.  He stated that if anyone wanted to participate they could or if they had ideas to share they could contact himself or the Town Managers office.


Wachusett Regional School District:  Chairman Kurtz stated that they did not meet last month.


  1. Follow Up to Citizens Address


No citizens spoke during Citizens Address.


  1. Selectmen Minutes


Sel. Renzoni requested to hold the meeting minutes until the next meeting; no one opposed.


  1. Selectmen Two-Minute Speeches


Chairman Kurtz began and stated that this would be the last time two minute speeches would be on the agenda.  He stated that he would send out a memo next week and that Selectmen Misc. would be returning as an agenda item.   Chairman Kurtz also stated that he had removed the agenda item: Request for Future Agenda Items, from the Agenda and the Board will go back to the policy that if you had an agenda item, they should be sent by the Wednesday prior to the meeting.  He will then as the Chair, review and add to the agenda or get back to the requesting Selectmen with why the item was not added. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that the two things he wished to discuss were the road conditions on Shrewsbury Street and the Bridge at RT. 31.  He stated that once the hold up on the Bridge was complete he was hopeful that the Town would get moving on Shrewsbury Street to fix the horrendous shape that it is currently in.


Sel. Ethier stated that although there were Police Officers present for the commendations, he wanted to citizens to know that there is no longer a police presence in the Selectmen Meetings.  He stated that the Board no longer found it necessary and that he is hopeful that it won’t be needed in the future.


Sel. Renzoni thanked Chairman Kurtz and the Memorial Day Parade Committee for their work.  He stated it was a lot of hard work and he was thankful for the committee. 


Sel. Renzoni also thanked Chairman Kurtz, Sel. O’Brien, and Sel. Lavigne for their support during his tenure as Chairman.  He stated that he appreciated the support and offered any support he could give Chairman Kurtz going forward.  Sel. Renzoni also thanked the community for their support. 


Ms. Kelly thanked all the Town’s forces that worked to get the Town ready for the Memorial Day Parade.  She stated it was a lot of hard work with mowing, street sweeping, getting the cemeteries in shape, line painting, etc.  Ms. Kelly stated she appreciated the hard work and effort.


Sel. Renzoni agreed with Ms. Kelly and stated that overtime had to be put in, in order to have the cemeteries ready.  He stated it was an impressive accomplishment. 


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. O’Brien, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JUNE 1, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 7:42PM.





APPROVED:  ___June 15, 2015_____________