Board of Selectmen, June 17, 2013

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 17, 2013

JUNE 17, 2013

6:30PM                                            Memorial Hall

Present:        Chairman Robert Lavigne, Anthony Renzoni, Kenneth Lipka,
Mark Ferguson, Jeremy Kurtz
Others Present:    Jacquie Kelly, Town Manager
                             Stephen Madaus, Town Counsel
                             Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Chairman Lavigne called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.  The Board participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Lavigne announced that assisted listening assistance was now available for members of the audience at all televised Selectboard meetings.
1    Licenses and Appointments


Sel. Renzoni said that it is the practice of the Board to interview all applicants who volunteer on town committees.  He said that the Board had previously interviewed these re-appointees when they were first appointed to the Cultural Council.

2    Town Manager Miscellaneous

1    Town Manager Kelly informed the Board that the State House and Senate have passed a stand-alone $300 million Ch. 90 bill and sent it along to the Governor’s office to sign.  The $300M was an increase of $100M from last year’s $200M appropriation.  While the House and Senate appropriated the money for Ch. 90, Governor Patrick will decide when to officially allocate the money.  The Governor has held up half the Ch. 90 money, and will only allocate $150M pending House and Senate action on his budget proposal.  In terms of Holden’s share, this represents a reduction of about $50K compared to last year’s appropriation.  What this will mean for Holden is that instead of seeing an increase from last year’s level of $590,000 to a projected $850,000 (+/-), the Town will actually see a decrease to approximately $440,000 should the Governor not release the entire amount of Ch. 90 funds.  Based on how the Town uses its Ch. 90 money, the Town essentially uses the previous years’ allocation in the current construction season.  So while the town will not be affected this summer, next year will be a different story.  Ms. Kelly said she has spoken with the local State legislators.  Additionally she reported that the Worcester County Highway Association will also be commenting on the subject.  
All local legislators have voted to support the budget; the Governor is the one holding it up.  The Board discussed sending a letter from the Board to Governor Patrick to support the release of the Ch. 90 funds.  


2    Ms. Kelly presented the Revenue and Expenditure Reports as prepared by Lori Rose, Town Accountant for the period ending May 2013.
3    Ms. Kelly presented the Department of Public Works May 2013 Report as prepared by John Woodsmall, Director.  Sel. Ferguson said he had some trouble with the calculations on page 5.  According to Mr. Woodsmall’s calculations, the Town purchased more water from the City of Worcester than it actually billed to its customers.  He said this had created 94 million gallons in unaccounted for water.  He said the Town loses 1 out of every 4 gallons before delivering it to the customer.  Sel. Renzoni asked for clarification from the DPW adding that these figures may not include hydrant flushing and water main breaks.
4    Ms. Kelly informed the Board that the MIIA Board of Directors has approved an additional participation credit for its members.  Participation credits are returned to members such as the Town of Holden for workers’ compensation programs and property and liability programs for the current fiscal year.  Participation credits recognize the long-term loyalty and commitment of the member towns and the Town’s good record and loss prevention programs.  The total credit balance for Property and Casualty is $11,479 while the credit for Workers’ Compensation will be $8,733.  The credits will be applied to next year’s premiums.  The Town Manager recognized Judy Sikes of the Town Manager’s office whose work administering the Town’s insurance and risk management activities results in these annual credits.
4    Ms. Kelly, on behalf of the Town Employees, thanked the Selectmen for providing a wonderful BBQ for the annual employee picnic held on June 12, 2013.
4    Ms. Kelly announced that Jay Brunetta, Holden CATV Coordinator, HCTV has won first place in the alliance for Community Media, Northeast, Video Festival.  The video entitled “Living American History” was one of 800 submissions to the festival.  It told the story of Civil War re-enactors and featured local resident Dave Gallagher as one of the re-enactors.  Mr. Brunetta produced the video along with Holden resident Scott Fair.  Voice over work was performed by Jon Kelly and camera work was handled by Evan Schekenbach.  CATV will run the video on Channel 11.  The Board extended its congratulations to Mr. Brunetta and his crew for their honor.
7    Ms. Kelly informed the Board that a flag donation box was created by the DPW staff, to be used for receiving worn or damaged flags.  Ms. Kelly said that special thanks should be given to Paul DiNoia, DPW Mechanic, who designed and painted the box.  The box is located at the Senior Center and available for donations of used flags by the public.  Ms. Kelly asked that any community resident or group interested in stepping forward and properly disposing of the flags should contact the Town Manager’s office.  Sel. Renzoni said he would inquire if the American Legion members were interested in taking on the disposal job.  Another possibility would be if any of the Boy Scout troops wanted to consider the task.  He said that it takes planning to hold the disposal ceremony.
8    Ms. Kelly reminded all residents that the Gale Free Library will celebrate its 125th Anniversary on Friday, June 21st from 6PM-8PM at the Library.  Birthday cake will be served.  Additionally, walking history tours of the Library will be conducted on Saturday, June 22nd.
9    Ms. Kelly informed residents that the Holden Pool would open for the season at 1PM on Friday, June 21st.  Also, the Pool will celebrate its 10th Anniversary on July 16th with a Birthday Celebration planned for that day at the pool.

3    Vote – Bond Anticipation Notes – Mountview School Project

Town Treasurer and Collector Sharon Lowder presented the Bond Anticipation Notes to the Board for signature.  Town Counsel said the Board could move to approve the motion by date as presented.


Sel. Ferguson said he had never seen “money so cheap” and inquired if the Town should look into refinancing other Town debt.  Ms. Lowder said this was only a one year ban borrowing.  She said the Town’s Financial Advisor was responsible for managing the town’s borrowing.

4    Selectmen Subcommittees

Sel. Lavigne: Winter Festival Committee: Reported that the Committee met for the first time.  Glenn Gaudette is serving as Chairman and Darla Lavigne is serving as Vice-Chair.  The Committee is seeking new members.  They plan to hold the Winter Festival for the first Saturday in December, which will also coincide with the arrival of Santa and annual tree lighting at Town Hall.

Sel. Renzoni said that he felt the Memorial Day Parade Committee was active and on auto-pilot.  He said he did not feel the need to have a Selectmen appointed directly to the Committee.  The Board can continue to make announcements for the committee to advertise their annual event.

Chairman Lavigne interrupted Selectmen Subcommittees at 7PM for Citizen Address.

5    Citizens’ Address

Ms. Maureen Floryan, Sterling Road, addressed the need to clarify why police presence is necessary at Board meetings.  She said that at previous Board meetings, accusations of threats and intimidation had been issued, as well as an alleged altercation outside Town Hall and said she felt an explanation for the officer was necessary.

Diana Boudreau, 8 Scott Terrace, addressed the abandoned, unsafe construction/building site that abuts Scott Terrace/High Ridge/Hill Woods area.  Abutters were promised walking trails and minimum construction impact and have been left with an abandoned/bankrupt work site.  Neighbors fear they will not be able to sell their units.  She said the Town has not supported efforts to finish the site.  Abutters are taking responsibility for clearing the retention pond and want the town to take charge of the roads, which are still deemed “private not public” by the Town.  Boulders, construction debris and large piles of dirt exist on site.  She said the Town needs to step up and take charge to determine how to resolve the issue and not pass abutters from town department to town department.

Gary Christianson, Scott Terrace, moved into the neighborhood based on assurances from the Town that the development would be finished.  When builder went bankrupt, everyone disappeared.  He said the development needs stormwater management.  

Mark O’Coin, 57 High Ridge Road, attended the Planning Board hearings on the proposed development.  He inquired what guarantees were in place to ensure it would be finished correctly.  He said that safety issues exist and the neighbors are working very hard to make improvements.

Cheryl Marin, High Ridge Road, said she slipped and fell in the development this past winter.  It has been going on for quite some time and the town needs to support the situation and help its residents.

Chairman Lavigne thanked Mr. O’Coin, Principal at Davis Hill School, for advocating for Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day activities at the school.

4    Selectmen Subcommittees (reopened)

Sel. Kurtz volunteered to serve on the Memorial Day Parade Committee.

Sel. Renzoni said he would like the Town to open up the Veteran’s Advisory Committee to non-veteran members.  Chairman Lavigne asked Sel. Renzoni and Sel. Kurtz to work with the Town Manager on the charge for this Committee

Chairman Lavigne said that a Selectmen assignment was available on the Electric Light Advisory Board or Affordable Housing Committee and asked if Sel. Ferguson would like to serve either committee.  Sel. Ferguson said he had informed the Chairman that he was a licensed plumber and felt he could bring some new energy to the Water/Sewer Advisory Board as a lay-person.

Sel. Renzoni said he felt that a non-lay person was better served on the W/S Advisory Committee.  He said that the Board Appointed Representative to this Committee does not participate on the Committee; it is for observation only and that Selectmen appointed to the Committee don’t participate in votes.  The Selectman Representative only advises on Selectboard positions.

Sel. Ferguson commented that the Committee needs to move.  He said the town is losing too much unaccounted for water and unaccounted for water is losing the town money.

When Chairman Lavigne again inquired if Sel. Ferguson was interested was serving on the Electric Light or Affordable Housing Committee, Sel. Ferguson said he was only interested in serving on Water/Sewer.

6    Sewer Rate Adjustment Hearing

Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lipka, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30PM.

No one from the public approached the Board.

Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lipka, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:31PM.

Town Manager Kelly reviewed the proposed increases in sewer rates that will take place July 1, 2013.  These rate increases have been budgeted since the implementation of the water/sewer rate restructure in April 2012.

Chairman Lavigne advised all involved that the discussion was for an increase in sewer rates and that they were not here to discuss rate the structure.

A motion by Sel. Renzoni was seconded by Sel. Lipka to discuss making an increase to sewer rates by 1.1% as recommended by the Administration for Fiscal Year 2014 as presented.

Sel. Renzoni spoke to the need to fund the rate stabilization program.  

After some discussion regarding the language of the motion, the motion makers withdrew their motion.

A motion by Sel. Renzoni was seconded by Sel. Lipka to discuss to approve the overall budget increase to the sewer rates in the DPW memorandum dated May 16, 2013 as presented by the administration.

Sel. Kurtz said he did not have a problem with the increase; he just questioned why it was only affecting sewer users.  Why not pass the increase on to both water and sewer users.

DPW Director John Woodsmall addressed the Board to explain that increases in sewer fees have gone up (NWRA increases to the Holden/Rutland Trunk Line, Blackstone).  This is why the increase is only being assessed to sewer customers.

Sel. Ferguson said he opposed the proposed increase vehemently.  He said it seemed to him that these increases are coming yearly.  He spoke to removing I&I from the system.  He said it seemed to him that the easiest course for the administration to take was to raise rates.  He spoke to the recent new growth in town both residential and commercial.  These contractors have paid dearly for sewer connections.  He said the Selectmen work for the tax payers.  He said that he felt the Town’s court case would end positively creating a cash flow for the town.  He said that the current rate structure was not business or school friendly.  He said the Board enjoys making these rate increases.  He said the Town can give its residents what they need by taking the monies in the stabilization fund and repairing the unaccounted for water.

Chairman Lavigne cautioned the Board not to discuss pending litigation or hypothesize on what a judge may or may not do.

Sel. Renzoni called for a point of order.

Chairman Lavigne cautioned Sel. Ferguson not to make broad-sweeping statements.

Sel. Renzoni said the FY14 budget was unanimously endorsed by the Selectmen and Town Meeting and disagreed that the Board enjoys making rate increases.  The Town must fund the DPW to provide services to its residents and this budget does that.  He asked to move the motion.   

Sel. Ferguson started talking about water rates again and Chairman Lavigne asked him to stop.


7    Follow-Up to Citizens’ Address

Chairman Lavigne thanked those residents who spoke during Citizens’ Address regarding High Ridge/Scott Terrace subdivision.  Sel. Renzoni asked the Manager to prepare information to update the Board on the subject at their next meeting.
8    Selectmen Minutes

There were no minutes for approval.

9    Selectmen Miscellaneous

Sel. Ferguson: 1. Asked for an update on the ECC property.  Ms. Kelly said the ECC property was not on the    Selectmen’s Goals for the Town Manager.  The last plan for the property was defeated at Town Meeting several years ago.  The Town does not own the property and if it did would be under obligation to pay for the hazardous waste clean-up of the site.  The Town could apply for clean-up, but would have to assess if it would be financially prudent to do so.  Sel. Renzoni asked if it was in the Town’s interest.  Ms. Kelly said the Town would have to assess the plusses and minuses of acquiring the property.  She said this was a huge project to undertake and would have to be prioritized in accordance with the remainder of the Selectmen’s long-range goals.  Sel. Renzoni suggested that the discussion be tabled until September and then review its relevance to the Town.  Sel. Ferguson said that when Brian Bullock was Town Manager, he had received information that the property would be useful as a water source once it was cleaned up.  He said he would like the Town to work with the State to clean up the site.  Sel. Kurtz suggested that the EDC could evaluate the feasibility of cleaning up the site.  Sel. Ferguson volunteered to speak with the State.

2    Sel. Ferguson inquired about upgrades to the National Grid Transmission feeder line into Holden and all efforts on the idea of bringing a second set of lines to Town.  Sel. Lipka said the Town does maintain/monitor the tree trimming efforts on the National Grid lines.  He said that Light Department Manager Jim Robinson had investigated the costs associated with bringing a second set of lines to Town.  The cost was very prohibitive.  Ms. Kelly will follow up with Mr. Robinson.

3    Sel. Ferguson inquired about a timetable on water-line replacement/natural gas installation as it involves street paving on Shrewsbury Street.  Ms. Kelly said that this installation is several years away.

4    Sel. Ferguson said it was an affront to democracy that he cannot get an answer why a Holden Police Officer continues to be present during Selectmen meetings.  He said the Board should discuss the issues raised during Citizens’ Address.  Chairman Lavigne said he had explained previously that the decision to have an officer present at Board meetings was the decision of the Police Chief.  Additionally he said that Follow-Up to Citizens’ Address had already been discussed.

Sel. Lavigne:  1. Announced the HMLD is conducting a 2013 home improvement rebate program from ECHO.  Call 888-772-4242 to have a home energy audit or for more information: [ ]

2    Gale Free Library will celebrate its 125th Birthday party at the Gale Free Library on June 21, 2013.

3    The next Board meeting is scheduled for July 15th at the Senior Center.

Sel. Renzoni: 1. Would like to invite the Finance Committee to participate in the Selectmen’s Goals Setting Meeting in early September.  He said it will make it easier to help the Town Manager and Selectmen plan these short and long range goals.

The Board agreed to discuss a goals-setting schedule for the fall at their July 15th meeting.

Sel. Kurtz: 1. Shared an email from resident Burton Seeger regarding the Town’s ability to bring additional cable TV providers to town.  Ms. Kelly responded that while the Town has a 10-year contract with Charter to provide these services to residents, other providers are welcome in town.  Residents are encouraged to contact these providers.

2. Reminded residents that the State Election for Senate is Tuesday, June 25th.

1     Adjournment

Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Kurtz, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JUNE 17, 2013 MEETING AT 8:15PM.

Approved: July 15, 2013