Board of Selectmen, September 21, 2015

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 21, 2015



SEPTEMBER 21, 2015



6:33PM                                                                                                Memorial Hall


Present: Chairman Jeremy Kurtz, Anthony Renzoni, Robert Lavigne (6:37PM), Kenneth O’Brien, Tim Ethier


Others Present:             Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager

                                    Liz Fotos, Recording Secretary


Selectmen & Others Absent:     Jacquelyn Kelly, Town Manager

                                                Tim Ethier, Selectman


Chairman Kurtz called the meeting to order at 6:33PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, Licenses, Permits






  1. Town Manager’s Update


1) Opening of School, September 2, 2015: Ms. Kelly enclosed a thank you letter from Darryll McCall, Superintendent of Schools, extending thanks on behalf of the District for the help and support provided by our Police and Fire Chiefs.  I would also like to acknowledge and thank Chief Armstrong and Chief Chandler for the work their departments put in to make the first few days of school as smooth and seamless as possible.  I would extend those thanks to the members of our DPW Department who took care to accommodate student walkers throughout Holden, either by making sure sidewalks and signage was in place and in addressing potential problems around street being paved, especially Shrewsbury Street.


Dr. McCall and his staff should be congratulated as well.  They have maintained open communication with out town public safety staff and DPW staff, and work cooperatively throughout the year on safety, security, and building issues. 


Sel. Renzoni asked for an update on the Sidewalks on Shrewsbury Street.  He stated that there are a significant amount of walkers that use that route and he asked for more information so he could provide it to those asking for it. 


Mr. Lukes stated that he would send an update to the Selectmen. 


Sel. Lavigne entered the meeting at 6:37PM.


2) Best Towns in Central MA For Seniors:  Ms. Kelly enclosed an article, from Fifty Plus Advocate, reviews senior centers in the Central MA Region.  The author states, ‘A special nod goes to Holden, with the highest marks for total volunteer hours in all central Mass towns.  Matched with a better than average dollar contribution, it is clear that they are making more happen.’  We do have a vibrant Senior Center which benefits from the talents and contributions from many, many volunteers. Congratulations to our Senior Center staff, lead by Louise Charbonneau, Director who consistently provide quality programs for our Seniors (with a little help from our friends). 


Sel. O’Brien asked to comment on the state of the Salisbury Street construction.  He stated that he did hear some complaints from citizens however he forwarded them to the Town Manager and she did deal with each of them.


Sel. Renzoni stated he wanted to do some public outreach on the project so people have a little more certainty.  He stated that some of the citizens he had spoken to were driving their kids to school because the sidewalks were unfinished.


3) Selectmen Budget Goals: Ms. Kelly enclosed the Selectmen’s Goals for FY 2016, adopted on September 25, 2014.  She provided these in anticipation that one of our October meetings will encompass a discussion about goals for next fiscal year.


4) Public Safety Open House:  The annual Public Safety Day will be held this year on Sunday, October 4th at the Public Safety Building from 12 Noon to 2PM.


5) Road Paving Update:  The second binder layer of pavement on Shrewsbury Street was completed this week.  The structures and castings will now be raised.  The paving contractor will now move to Winterhill Road, Putnam Road and Putnam Lane.  A Code Red was sent to alert residents that the paving of Putnam Land and Road will take place on Saturday, September 19, 2015.


6) MMA Legislative Breakfast:  On October 2, 2015, the MMA will host a Legislative Breakfast at the Holden Senior Center.  The breakfast will begin at 8AM and end by 10AM.  Please register for this free event.


Chairman Kurtz asked if other members of the district had been reached out to in order to let them know that the breakfast would be at the Holden Senior Center.  Mr. Lukes replied that they had not been reached out personally but that he knows they did have information out. 


Chairman Kurtz suggested reaching out to other Boards as a courtesy.


7) 275th Committee:  The 275th Committee has circulated the enclosed flyer promoting their plans to celebrate the Town’s 275th Birthday in 2016.  Volunteers and ideas are needed.  We will be hanging a banner in Memorial Hall to promote the anniversary.


8) Mountview Building Progress:  The Mountview Building Committee is hosting a building tour for Boards, Committees, and the Press (not open to the public), on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 9:00am.  Further information will be provided. 


Mr. Lukes stated that he had toured the building a few weeks ago and he encouraged everyone to go.


Sel. Renzoni asked if the project was still expected on time and under budget.  Mr. Lukes replied that it was. 


  1. Selectmen Subcommittee


Sel. O’Brien stated there was nothing for the power advisory committee and that they would be meeting at some point in the fall. 


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Community Garden Group will be meeting tomorrow night (September 22, 2015) at 7PM in the Starbard Building.  He stated they will be discussing general garden ideas and that the group wants the public’s suggestions as to what they would like to see in a community garden.


Veterans Advisory Committee:  Sel. Renzoni stated that the committee had been meeting and decided to do a Veterans Day event on Saturday the 7th.  The town will be doing a re-dedication of a tree in front of Town Hall to commemorate John. E. Harkins, Holden’s First Son and hold a small ceremony at 11:11.  Sel. Renzoni stated that the public was welcome and that they were also looking for any help with the Memorial Day Parade as well. 


Sel. Lavigne stated that the Winter Festival Committee will meet on Friday, September 25, 2015 at 5:00PM in the Starbard Building.


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Garden Club was looking for feedback or information on poison ivy as well. 


Sel. Lavigne stated that the HPPSCTF was meeting at Dawson Library on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 7:00PM to discuss the future of the district.


Chairman Kurtz stated that EDC had not yet met but was planning on meeting in October. 


275th Celebration:  Chairman Kurtz stated that brochures had been distributed and that the committee was looking for ideas and volunteers for the celebration. 


Sel. Renzoni stated that the Financial Reserve Working Group met for the last time last week (week of September 14th).  He stated that the group wanted Sel. Renzoni to bring their final report to the goal setting meeting for the Selectmen as it will impact the budget going forward and it would need some consensus of the Selectmen’s behalf. 


  1. Selectmen Minutes


No Selectmen Minutes to be reviewed.


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOSLY VOTED TO RECESS THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 6:49PM UNTIL 7:00PM.


Chairman Kurtz called the meeting back to order at 7:00PM.


  1. Citizen’s Address


Chairman Kurtz called Citizens Address at 7:00PM. 


Heidi Lahey, 166 Bullard Street addressed the Board.  Ms. Lahey stated that she was a citizen of Holden, a parent and a teacher in the Wachusett Regional School District.  Ms. Lahey stated that the financials of the school budget have had an impact on the teachers.  Ms. Lahey stated that there was inadequate regional transportation, chapter 70 and 9C cuts and that the foundation cuts have not been adjusted in over 20 years.  She stated that it has become evident that it is going to require a multifaceted coalition of parents, community, teachers, and students to try to find ways to improve the current situation. 


Ms. Lahey stated that rather than criticize each other, look at the fact that the district is $25 Million below the average state spending.  She stated that teachers have been contributing materially, fiscally, and working harder because of the increase in class size.  She stated that all of these have left a weary workforce and that teachers are getting burnt out.  She stated that teachers in the district have been asked to do too much for too little for too long.


Ms. Lahey stated that this has been a long standing problem but that she feels as though the district has reached a tipping point and needs some resolution.


Chairman Kurtz asked if there were any other members of the public that wished to address the Board; no other citizens stepped forward.


Chairman Kurtz closed citizen’s address.


  1. Selectmen’s Miscellaneous


Chairman Kurtz stated that the Board was aware of how Rutland had voted this past week regarding the school budget.  He asked for the Board to please limit any comments regarding this matter to a few minutes as a committee had already been established to look at the budget from a Holden perspective. 


Sel. O’Brien stated that he had the opportunity to go to Jack Cross’ retirement party on Tuesday, September 15, 2015.  He stated that Mr. Cross was a long time Holden employee and he suggesting having the Board delegate someone to show support to a retirement event in his honor on September 22, 2015. 


Sel. O’Brien thanked Mr. Lukes for standing in for Ms. Kelly. 


Sel. Lavigne reminded everyone that October 4, 2015 is the Mayo 5K and that October 18, 2015 is the Dragon Dash. 


Sel. Lavigne asked Mr. Lukes to collect information on the Town’s long term debt to see what and how much is owed.  Sel. Lavigne stated that he thought this would be something interesting to have going into budget season.


Sel. Renzoni asked Mr. Lukes to have the Town administration add a teacher to the committee regarding the school districts.  He stated that it would offer a different perspective that would be useful.


Sel. Renzoni thanked Mr. Lukes for the MMA breakfast.  He stated that the event would be held next Friday, October 2, 2015 and that you did need to register for the event. 


  1. Follow Up to Citizens Address


Sel. Lavigne thanked Ms. Lahey for coming to the meeting and speaking to the Selectmen.


Sel. O’Brien stated that he was disappointed that the Rutland vote did not pass.  He stated that he hoped that they understood that the school committee met and that they would meet again before the district was taken over.  Sel. O’Brien stated that he did not think there was a lot of awareness about their vote and that when Holden was in a similar situation, the parents got very involved. 


Next Board of Selectmen Meeting:  October 5, 2015


Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 7:10PM.


APPROVED:  _October 19, 2015_