Conservation Commission, September 6, 2017

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 6, 2017



September 6, 2017


Members Present:  Rob Lowell, Mike Scott, Anthony Costello, Ken Strom, Mike Krikonis


Members Absent: Luke Boucher


Others Present: Glenda Williamson, Conservation Assistant, Liz Fotos, Recording Secretary


Others on Sign In: Mark Thorngrew, 61 Greystone Drive, Rosemary Thorngrew, 61 Greystone Drive; Paul Murphy, 54 Greystone Drive, Mary Murphy, 54 Greystone Drive, Bill Donahue, Holden Youth Soccer, Patrick Healy, Thompson-Liston Associates,

Mark Stukowski, 16 Preservation Lane


R. Lowell called the meeting to order at 7:07PM.


GREENWOOD ESTATES II NOI REVIEW- *continued Carl Hultgren, Quinn Engineering, Inc. – review of updated Stormwater Report dated August 1, 2017


R. Lowell stated that there was not a quorum for this matter; Continued to October 4, 2017.


NOTICE OF INTENT- Trout Brook Pond 183-645 Assessing Map 65 Parcel 1.  Holden DPW: Maintenance dredging on Trout Brook Pong; Trout Brook Conservation Area 320 Manning Street


G. Williamson requested a continuance to January 2018 on behalf of DPW.  She stated they were waiting on water qualification and was currently a backlog for those tests.


NOTICE OF INTENT- Holden Youth Soccer League- 183-643 351 Bullard Street, Assessing Maps 164, 150 Parcels 16 and 43.  Patrick Healy, Thompson-Liston Assoc., Construction of two new soccer fields, access driveways, parking, stormwater management facilities and grading within the buffer zone.  Cont. from August 2, 2017


R. Lowell stated that there was not a quorum for this matter.


P. Healy stated that after the previous hearing they made revisions to the plans.  He asked if there was any feedback to please forward it so they could make any changes prior to the next meeting.


NOTICE OF INTENT- Lot 1 Newell Road 183-644. Assessing Map 223 Parcel 39.  Newell Road Realty, LLC.  Construction of a community meeting facility with paved access, parking, grading, and utilities in the 100-foot buffer.  Guerriere & Halnon, Inc. Cont. from the August 2, 2017  Applicant requested a continuance to the Commission’s October 4th meeting.


G. Williamson stated that the applicant had requested additional time; Continued to October 4, 2017.


ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF RESOURCE AREA DELINATED (ANRAD)-Greystone Drive & Reservoir Street.  Assessing Map 171, Parcels 52 and 40.  Edward Jardus, Greenstone Realty.


G. Williamson stated that there was not a DEP number and the representative was unable to attend the meeting.  Matter continued to October 4, 2017.


M. Krikonis told the public that they would not receive notice again on the matter and it would be heard on October 4, 2017 at the Senior Center.


REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE- 183-441- Steven Venincasa- Casa Builders, Bullard Estates Subdivision On-Site Review by Robert Murphy Associates April 2017.  Review of wetland replication area.


G. Williamson stated that there was a problem with the replication area.  She stated that Robert Murphy was the wetland consultant on the matter.  She stated that they did not get the elevation right but it was functioning as wetlands. She showed the Commission pictures from April of this year and a more recent photo.


M. Krikonis asked for the location of it.


G. Williamson replied it was behind 16 Preservation Lane.


R. Lowell stated that it was more established and that the growth looked good.


G. Williamson stated that cattails were taking over.  She stated that abutters were concerned with dead trees and had stated they felt there was a danger because of them.  She stated that they do not have updated information on the grades.


R. Lowell stated that everything looked okay.


M. Krikonis stated that it looked as though there were fewer dead trees.


M. Scott stated that they had looked at this before because of tree die off and the basin had to be redone. 


R. Lowell stated that they reshaped it and redirected it because the complaint was that it was killing off oak trees.


G. Williamson stated that she felt the slopes were not correct but they needed more information on it.  She stated that they would do more damage if they went out to fix the issue though.


M. Scott asked if the foot print was adequate.


G. Williamson replied that it was and that they have the footprint from Robert Murphy.  She stated it was the right size.


R. Lowell asked the Commission their thoughts.  He stated that he did not feel as though additional work was going to help and that it looked like it was doing better.


Mark Stukowski, 16 Preservation Lane stated that the issue was in his backyard.


R. Lowell stated that looking at the pictures, it looked like it was a well established replication area.  He asked about the tree death and if it had continued.  He stated that the Commission had asked the developer to change the discharge and it had markedly changed.


M. Stukowski replied it was a lot of dead trees from what they planted.  He stated there was a lot of brown and it was holding water.


R. Lowell replied that the wetland species had begun to take over.  He stated that if there was a number of dead trees that were hazardous they could ask for some trimming to be done but that the Commission did not want more work done to the replication area and it looked as though it was changing.


M. Stukowski replied that it was a hazard.  He stated the trees were not falling down but they were dead.


R. Lowell asked if it was a view issue or a safety issue.


M. Stukowski replied that he thinks there is a big safety issue.  He stated he has small children and he requested a fence but had not heard a response.  He stated that there was a steep slope as well.


R. Lowell asked if it was built as designed.


G. Williamson stated she did not know if there was an as built.


R. Lowell stated they had a design plan.  He asked if the homeowners concern was the basin or the replication area.


M. Stukowski replied he was concerned with the replication area, he stated the basin was fine and there was brush and trees there.


K. Strom asked if there was a fence around the basin.


M. Stukowski replied that they did not put one up.  He stated that the whole side of his lawn, about 140FT, was a cliff.


R. Lowell stated that the Commission was not able to add any conditions to the developer at this point but they do have to verify if the proposed work was completed as designed.  He stated if that happens, the Commission can not conflict with it.  He stated if the replication area was correct and working, which it appeared to be doing, there was not a lot the Commission could do. 


M. Stukowski replied that he thought that G. Williamson had said that the replication area was not done according to the plans.


G. Williamson replied that she thought the elevation area was lower.


R. Lowell stated that it was holding water to a point and was working.  He stated that if it was just brown grass then they would have to go back in and dig however he did not think they would ask him to do that because it was working.  He stated from the Commissions point of view they were satisfied and he was not sure if there was anything further the Commission could do.  He suggested reaching out to the developer about vegetation or a fence.


M. Stukowski replied that they were challenging to work with.


M. Scott asked if the street was accepted by the Planning Board yet.


G. Williamson replied that she was not sure.


M. Scott stated that if the Planning Board had not accepted the street yet he could possibly speak to that Board and see if they could substitute a fence or come up with some sort of agreement.  He stated that Pam Harding, Director of Planning would know more about that.




REQUESTED FOR CERTIFIATE OF COMPLIANCE 183-493 Stoney Brook Estates, Assessing Map 184/171, Parcel 5, 18, and 22, 290 Reservoir Street, Clea Blair, Cont. from August 2, 2017


R. Lowell asked what was remaining on this.


G. Williamson stated that L. Boucher had requested drainage calculations.


C. Blair stated that an engineer needed to look to see if the TSS removal was maintained.  He stated that he brought plans from March of 2000 when it was approved.  He stated that then the Planning Board denied it and it sat and then they went to court. 


C. Blair stated that he has spoken with P. Harding and J. Woodsmall and they wanted an engineering report.  He stated that the problem was it was built according to the approved plan by the Town and DPW.  He stated that it was designed by Dan Hazen when he worked for a firm and then it was approved by Dan Hazen when he worked for the Town.  He stated that they built it according to the plan and everyone was happy.


C. Blair stated that they did a deep hole test and were way out of ground water.  He stated that the Town took the bond on the detention pond and did not hold any money because it was completed.  He stated then two years ago he went for road acceptance and upon review Dan Hazen stated to leave it alone and everyone was happy.


C. Blair stated that after Dan Hazen left the Town, the Town told them to clean up the pond.  He stated he put an excavator in there and clean it out, ruining an eco system in the process.  He stated that now DPW is saying that it looks as though there is water sitting at the bottom and it needs to dissipate within 72 hours but it doesn’t because it is ground water.  He stated that he recommended to J. Woodsmall to put a drain in to help the water drain out.


R. Lowell asked if it was supposed to be built like that.


C. Blair replied he was not sure but that was his solution, to add a drain to let the water drain out.  He stated that J. Woodsmall stated that he did not want to do that so he came here to speak with the Commission about design possibilities.


R. Lowell asked if he had a design for this idea.


C. Blair replied he could.


R. Lowell asked what the purpose was; to drain in 72 hours.


C. Blair replied it was an infiltration basin but now that it is at groundwater it did not work like that.  He stated that things change over time and now there was groundwater.  He stated that L. Boucher recommended letting cattails grow and there could be a constructive wetlands but he wanted the Commission’s opinion. 


R. Lowell stated that they would need to treat the water somehow.  He stated maybe with a small wetland area in the basin but they still needed it to function properly.


C. Blair stated that the TSS removal was apparent and there was a stormcepter.


R. Lowell asked who would take care of it.


C. Blair replied the Association.


R. Lowell asked if they had been doing that.


C. Blair replied he was doing that because he still owned the roads but once that turned over, the HOA would.  He stated that L. Boucher actually had property abutting it and while he could not speak on it, he (Blair) felt as though Boucher had the best idea as to how to handle it.


R. Lowell replied that he would want Boucher’s input and he wanted to know if it was operating.


C. Blair stated that it was not infiltrating in the corner but everything else was working.


K. Strom asked if the stone trench in the other basin was in this basin.


C. Blair replied that Graves Engineering did not think that this basin could handle it, so it was not.   He stated that this is the only issue as there were really no other wetlands.


R. Lowell asked if there was anything else that needed to be finalized.


C. Blair replied there was not.


M. Scott stated that he would like to see what the original report said the infiltration purposes were.  He stated if they can’t be met then the Commission would need to look at a different solution.  He stated that if they were looking at TSS, then the upstream structure would piggyback on. He asked if the area was not drying at all.


C. Blair replied that in the beginning it was always dry, then there was cattails that grew and D. Hazen stated  it was doing its job no problem.


R. Lowell asked if there could be something stuck in there.


C. Blair replied that the basin was clean and almost 5 truckloads were taken away.


G. Williamson asked if they had submitted as builts yet as the Commission wanted to review them.


C. Blair replied that he did submit them and there was a small punch list of remaining items.


M. Scott stated that he thought that the Commission should continue the matter.  He asked C. Blair to leave the report on TSS so that the Commission could review it.


G. Williamson took the report and stated that she would scan it and e-mail it to the Commission members.


R. Lowell stated that the matter would be continued until the next meeting.


REQUESTES FOR CERTFICATE OF COMPLIANCES- Wachusett Woods Subdivision 183-464 (Lot 17, 24 Shady Lane), 183-465 (Lot 18, 22 Shady Lane), 183-463 (Lot 16, 26 Shady Lane) 183-462 (Lot 15, 28 Shady Lane) Louis Montzoures, Holden Heights.


G. Williamson stated that each of these lots was flat and stable and had permanent demarcation completed.




EAGLE LAKE 183-642 White Oak Land Conservation-Superseding Orders- On-Site meeting with DEP is on September 13th.


G. Williamson stated that they would be meeting on September 13, 2017 at 10:00am onsite.  She stated that the Commission would be posted for the meeting for anyone attending.   She stated that the Board of Selectmen had met and were forming another group to look into the matter.


MT VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL- 270 Shrewsbury Street- Review latest report from Eco-Tec dated June 6, 2017 and Level Spread and Apron Repairs plan by Graves Engineering.


G. Williamson stated that they were waiting from someone from the school to show up.


R. Lowell asked what the state of the system was currently and if it still needed repairs.


G. Williamson stated that Eco-Tech said it was cleaned out and done.  She showed the Commission the latest report.


K. Strom asked if they still had to repair the spillway again.


R. Lowell stated that they were looking at the latest report.


G. Williamson stated that they were waiting on the final report but that they indicated the inspection was complete.




Motion by K. Strom, seconded by M. Krikonis, it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 2, 2017 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED by a vote of 3-0-2 (Costello: abstain, Lowell: abstain).


June 7, 2017 and June 28, 2017 Meeting Minutes were held.




G. Williamson stated that a few people had come forward for the open seat on the Commission.  She sated that the Commission also needed to vote on a new Chairman.






APPROVED: ________________