Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mountview School Building Committee

August 12, 2014


7:00                                                                HMLD Meeting Room


Present: Chairman Paul Challenger, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Jacquie Kelly, Bob McCarthy, Margaret Watson, David White, Erik Githmark, Sue Lucia

Absent: Chris Lucchesi, Darryl McCall

Others Present: From LPA: Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso

Sel. Anthony Renzoni

1. OPM Report

Budget and Cost Report: Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, distributed an updated Budget and Cost Report. Gary noted there are no change orders at this time. An Accounts Payable schedule was circulated for signatures.

Construction Progress: A walk through prior to the Committee Meeting was attended by a few Members.  Fifty percent (50%) of the foundation footings are complete. The underground sewer and water services were started yesterday with the tie-in to Shrewsbury Street estimated for Thursday. School begins in a couple weeks and the main entrance should not be an issue. CTA is moving forward with foundations and underground utilities. The natural gas line is completed, pressure tested and ready to be tied-in on Thursday. The goal is to have these connections completed before school starts. A few places along the sidewalk were destroyed while digging the gas lines. Riley Paving will be fixing the sidewalk. There may be an extra charge.

Motion:  Following a motion by Dave White, it was unanimously agreed that whatever needs to be done to restore the sidewalks and lawns will be done, especially for safety reasons.

2. Site Issues

1. Erosion issue: CTA hired Ecotech to put things in place to prevent any further run-off or erosion problems. The Conservation Commission and DCR came to see site. Last Wednesday night Ecotech made a presentation of the plan to the Conservation Commission.  The ConCom approved the plan.  CTA will be bringing in laborers to haul silt out of an area of woods by hand. The goal is to have this work completed by September 3, the next Committee Meeting. 

2. Water line break: While digging the trench for the gas line, NSTAR operator hit and broke a water line.  The water leaking from the broken water pipe affected sewer system and caused the Lincoln Street pump station to shut down.  The DPW water-sewer division responded and fixed the break and the sewer problems immediately.  DEP and the Board of Health were notified. 

3. Site Contractor: CTA’s site contractor has left the site.  While CTA looks for a new site contractor, work will continue to move forward. 

Gary Kaczmarek reported that during the site work, some ledge was uncovered but not  a lot. The blasting of the ledge may result in a slight cost increase.

Chairman, Paul Challenger asked if there were more trees to come down. There may be a few more to be removed in front of on the side of the site.  Gary noted that the privacy fencing along the side to the trailer has been installed, and regular fencing put up to the Shrewsbury Street gate, 25’ off the road.

Erik Githmark commented that parking should not be a problem but he is concerned about the fence being moved back to separate school activities.  Gary Kaczmarek said that there are plans in place to address the separation of school activities/ traffic from the construction.

Record: Paul Challenger asked about an agreement between CTA and the Carpenters’ Union.  Jacquie Kelly said that they have come to an agreement.  However, this won’t affect our project.  The public works project is subject to prevailing wages. 

3. Ground Breaking Ceremony

The groundbreaking ceremony is set for Saturday, September 20th. Things to be discussed: invitation list, location, tent, provisions for bad weather, publicity, list of speakers and refreshments. Dave White suggested Creadon Catering for the tent and light refreshments and possibly Worcester Sound for a PA system.

4. LPA Update

Peter Caruso reported that the submittals have been received. Site utility plans have  been reviewed and working drawings are progressing.

Bill Senecal reported they are fabricating the steel. They won’t wait for all foundations to be complete to start steel work. They will start the steel to keep it the project moving forward.  The steel will first go up on ‘B’ wing then the gym. He noted that because of the ordering of the steel and other building materials, future requisitions will be quite large.

Note: Dave White asked if there was a place to store a steel beam on site so the school kids could sign it, prior to its placement in the building.  All agreed that this is a good idea.

Mike Pagano reported on a future change order. They learned that MA-CHIPS has changed the acoustical specifications for doors.  Therefore, 93 doors need to be upgraded to meet the acoustical performance requirement. The cost estimate to replace the doors is at $25,000-$30,000. LPA is requesting a more detailed information from the contractor including the increase in cost. 

Next meeting:  September 9th, 7:00pm. HMLD Meeting Room

On a motion by Dave White, seconded by Erik Githmark the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


Prepared by Sue Lucia


Approved Date