Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mountview School Building Committee

May 12, 2015



7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department

Present: Chairman Paul Challenger, Margaret Watson, Chris Lucchesi, David White, Bob McCarthy, Larry Galkowski, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Erik Githmark, Sue Lucia

Absent:  Jacquie Kelly & Darryll McCall  

Others Present: From LPA: Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso                                 

  1. OPM Report

Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. His observation is that construction is going extremely well. There were 1220 man hours for April. CTA has really ramped up their manpower. The quality is good, and the schedule looks good. He will email an updated schedule including the FF&E. Paul Challenger asked about the site work. Gary reported that there is a new site contractor onboard. He feels they are more than capable. Everything is where it should be. They will move out to the roadway shortly to get the parking & binder started. They are scheduled to complete the brick on B building by the end of June. The MEP trades will be moving into A building now that the concrete SOG’s are being poured.

Gary did not have all numbers for dehumidification system. He should have them in a day or so. He will bring them to the MSBC to approve to put a proposal request in for the cafeteria and gym.

Dave White asked for an estimate. Bill Senecal said $180,000 for gym & $125,000 for cafeteria equaling $275,000 (minus the bought units). This is an estimate LPA received from the engineers. If committee approves they will write up a Change Order to give to CTA. It is critical to make a decision because the duct work is fabricated elsewhere. Dave White opened up a discussion. He started by asking what is the upside amount the committee is willing to spend. He then suggested authorizing the chairman to go forward. Gary reported that we also have units in storage that we need to figure out a value and what to do with them. Dave commented that if the committee goes forward, a place to store the units needs to be found. As soon as a Change Order is sent the town will be charged for storage. Paul Challenger said that he had a conversation with the manager and needs to follow up to see if we have a storage place on town property.

After discussion it was decided on a maximum of $350,000 based on the information given. Motion by Chris Lucchesi, seconded by Bob McCarthy, it was unanimously voted to grant authorization to the chair, Paul Challenger, for an amount up to $350,000 to proceed with the HVAC dehumidification system.  

Gary discussed Change Order #4. It is a series of PCO’s that have been discussed with LPA, CTA and the engineers. They have approved all of the PCO’s and are now asking the committee to approve the Change Order. Bill Senecal pointed out that of the $100,000 in the Change Order $50,000 is a state mandated change in the curriculum affecting the science rooms. This change came in middle of the project. The district has approved this change district wide. After discussing the Change Order motion by Chris Lucchesi, seconded by Bob McCarthy, it was unanimously voted to approve Change Order #4 in the amount of $107,499.27.

  1. LPA Update:

Mike Pagano reported that things have been progressing very well in the last 6 weeks. In his opinion we are in a good place with most of the submittals. Paul Challenger asked if any there are any problems due to things not being covered up for the winter. Mike stated that there have been no serious effects. He is keeping an eye on the slabs and everything else. LPA will see that the town gets the building they are paying for.

Next Meeting:   Tuesday June 9, 2015 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

On a motion by Dave white, seconded by Chris Lucchesi the meeting was adjourned at 8:00.

Prepared by Sue Lucia


      Approved Date