Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

 Mountview School Building Committee

September 15, 2015


7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department

Present:      Chairman Paul Challenger, Dave White, Jacquie Kelly, Margaret Watson, Chris Lucchesi, Bob McCarthy, Larry Galkowski, Erik Githmark, Darryll McCall, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Sue Lucia

Others Present:     From LPA: Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso

                              From CTA: Lyle Coghlin, Steve Taylor, Matt Kaye


  1. OPM Report:  Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. Site work continues. Under ground utilities are in on Shrewsbury Street.  The main roadway is paved with binder. Working on granite curbing around the back. The back entrance is currently being used for construction vehicles. The metal rain screen install is going well. The brick work is complete. Precast is done and they are on the final scrape down. The inside painting continues. MEP rough is complete in B building and mostly complete in A building. The loading dock concrete has been poured. Ceramic tile is being installed on the 2nd & 3rd floors. Case work is in progress in the classrooms. The duct work is going in. Electrical work continues in A building.  

Three dedication plaque drafts were presented. Dave White motioned to accept dedication plaque draft #1, seconded by Bob McCarthy all were in favor to accept dedication plaque draft #1.

  1. Budget Summary:  Gary reported the AP schedule is fine and on budget. Dave White questioned the equipment cost. Gary said the F&E budget is broken down into technology, furniture & equipment. The MSBA bases it off the number of children. We are over by $84,292. We are at the reimbursable max. Bill Senecal stated that it starts off with a set number per person.  A lot of work has been done with Blueline. Mindy is the contact person. Quotes were collected by Erik, Gary, and Dave. Gary asked the committee to approve the FF&E budget overage. Bill stated it is time to start bidding. Mike Pagano said the committee should be reminded that these are still estimates. He feels we are in a good place with the FF&E budget. Paul Challenger asked if anyone had a problem with the FF&E budget. All were in favor to move forward.

Gary proposed Change Order #7.  Items #1 & #3 refer to extending the granite curbing. He stated, in his opinion, granite will last longer; looks better and the maintenance makes it well worth the extra money. Jacquie Kelly stated from an esthetic view it is the main entrance and visual impact is important. Mike recommended not removing the underground curbing. It is a great idea to add the additional granite curbing but do not remove the underground. It will protect the area. Paul asked how much it would cost to leave it in and add curbing. Gary estimated $25/ft x 400 ft. This is phase 2 work, so it is not time sensitive. Dave said it would be better for the long term project. Dave White made a motion to approve up to $15,000 for the extra granite curbing Chris Lucchesi seconded the motion, but to make it to not exceed $40,000 for all of CO #7. All were in favor to approve funds not to exceed $40,000 for CO #7.

  1. LPA Update: Bill Senecal reported a punch list has been started on 50% of the building. Some metal panels were dented, and have already been replaced. There has been great cooperation. There was a hazmat meeting today with Amare Dieb to start a plan to take the old building down in April. We also need to do some kind of presentation for MACHPS on how we are making this school green.

Bill said they will ask CTA for a cost to move the stone plaque that is on a boulder in front of the current school. They would like to add it to a planter in front of the new building. They would also like to do something with the old dedication plaque and the cafeteria mural.

The design for a canopy was discussed and a slideshow was presented by LPA. CTA has offered to give us a budget based on the LPA presentation. Paul Challenger said they are still debating whether or not to have a canopy. It was decided to wait until the committee gets all the information.

  1. Misc: Paul asked the committee if they are still interested in moving forward with the building tour. Jacquie Kelly said the select board is interested. Mike Pagano suggested waiting until the model class is ready. It is close to being ready. Paul suggested inviting anyone interested that has a role in town. It was decided to conduct the tour on Saturday morning October 17th at 9:00. The plan is to invite committees, press etc. Gary & Paul will work out the details.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday October 13, 2015, 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

On a motion by Dave White, seconded by Bob McCarthy the meeting was adjourned at 8:40.

Prepared by Sue Lucia

__October 13, 2015_

     Approved Date