Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

 Mountview School Building Committee

January 12, 2016


7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department

Present:                       Chairman Paul Challenger (7:35), Dave White, Chris Lucchesi (7:40), Bob McCarthy, Erik Githmark, Larry Galkowski, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Sue Lucia

Absent:                        Jacquie Kelly, Margaret Watson, Darryll McCall

Others Present:           From LPA: Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso

                        From CTA: Lyle Coghlin, Steve Taylor, Matt Kaye

Meeting was called to order at 7:40.         

  1. OPM Report:  Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. Capeway has started the installation of the metal roof edge. Bass is doing the ACM trim around the sills. Inside the MEP finishes continue in both the B and A buildings. The wall and floor areas in the kitchen are complete. Most of the wall tile is complete in B Building. The ceiling tile is flooded on the 3rd floor with a few tiles open for access to the acoustical panels in the gym. Mill work in the gym around the stage area continues. The linoleum on the 2nd floor of B building continues and prep work has started in the common areas on the 2nd floor. Work is moving forward with linoleum on the 1st floor and the locker areas. The marker boards and projector screens are being installed in the common areas. MEP finishes continue in A building. Work is also progressing on the ceiling grid in the lobby, the 1st floor cuts in B building, marker boards in B building, the glass rail system, door installation and hardware throughout the building.

An FF&E meeting was held today with CTA. It was decided that Bill Senecal will talk to the furniture rep to change some of the delivery dates. This will help to get some of the floors finished and to stay within budget.

Verizon needs to come to the site. Dave White mentioned that he has reached out to someone in charge of installs in the region. He has asked him to look at and possibly facilitate the project. He is waiting for a response. He will send an email with the response.

The elevator is installed and will be operational for the FFE&E delivery. We will hire Baystate to run it for 6-7 days. Dave White asked if there would be a need at some point to have a meeting with Blueline and to possibly get North American involved. This would be in case we need to accept some products before the building is ready. We could have a meeting with North American to possibly accept products to store. Bill suggested waiting until after next week to decide. Dave stated even more critical is the time required for technology installation. He suggested bringing people in to help with assembly.

Dave asked if we are we going forward with the nicer podium. If we are he suggested using both seals. Gary said he will look into it.

Gary started a discussion on the RH levels in the building. Prior to the new year he and Steve Taylor from CTA went around the 1st level of the building with a meter. They looked at all the areas and the results were very positive. In B building all areas where the linoleum will go will make it with the approved numbers. RH levels were high in the areas that will be carpeted outside the admin area and band room, but the levels seem to be coming down. There is also one linoleum area in the cafeteria that is high. More readings have been done, but the results are not in. The floors will not be put down for at least 3 weeks. Based on what he sees it seems positive. This leaves the carpet areas and gym floor. In order to get the gym floor to where it needs to be they need to put down heavier poly. We are waiting on a number from CTA. An estimate is that it should run $3,500-$4,000. A slip sheet is needed to install the carpet. We do not need to get into the remediation that we thought would be necessary. There will be a cost for the carpet areas, but this will validate the warranty. The cost should be under $10,000. The carpet would adhere to a slip sheet. It would not make a permanent bond to the concrete. Bill Senecal stated the linoleum is from Forebo. Forebo had first said if one part is bad the whole building is bad and that would invalidate the warranty. Forebo was then told it is 2 buildings. They are now saying each floor may be independent. We won’t know until it is time to do the floors. Gary asked the committee how to handle this. His opinion is to go ahead with the wrap. LPA maintains means and methods of CTA. They believe if a higher poly is needed it is not the owners cost.  LPA believes it is the responsibility of CTA to get the floors to the right RH factor. They have had 2 years to get to the correct level.  Dave commented that the floors look very nice. The betterment of the better adhesive now allows that we don’t need welded seams. We ended up with a better aesthetic product. In his opinion this is a typical question dispute between architect & contractor. His opinion is that the contractor knows what needs to be done and should do what needs to be done. This continued back and forth is holding the project back. He thinks they can dispute it later. Right now it is a matter of getting the job done.  Paul Challenger said the key is to keep the job on schedule. If things need to be discussed later, we will deal with it.

Dave White to be fully clear motioned to fully support LPA’s interpretations of the docs and that the contractor will find a solution and implement it. Bob McCarthy 2nd all were in favor to fully support LPA’s interpretations of the docs and that the contractor will find a solution and implement it.

Dave said there will be some things that need to be discussed in more detail. There are things that we have responsibility and liability.  He is looking at this as one issue, not the entire job. We need to be fair & equitable. This is not a one way street.

Paul Challenger asked if after looking at the budget & cost report if we are 90% done.  Gary said after Propay we are at 75%. This includes FF&E costs. Bill said the requisition shows 83% done. We have more stored materials. We are very diligent.

Dave asked about the stored materials and if there has been any movement on the air handlers.  Gary said he will work on it.

  1. LPA Update: Bill Senecal said the FF&E was a good meeting. We are working on a schedule with CTA. The Blueline rep sent an FF&E schedule. We need to work together. Need to work through the whole schedule. It is just the beginning but we are starting to work out the details.
  1. Misc: The dedication & time capsule plaques are all set. Nancy’s was sent to CTA.

Gary asked the committee if they have any thoughts on a grand opening. In Dave’s opinion the fall just before school opens would be a good time.

Paul Challenger mentioned he has been contacted by the manager’s office for the town report. It was suggested to ask Margaret Watson to write it up.

Dave White motioned to accept the minutes from December 8, 2015, Chris Lucchesi seconded. All were in favor with Larry Galkowski abstaining.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday February 9, 2016 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

On a motion by Dave White, seconded by Bob McCarthy the meeting was adjourned at 8:20.

Prepared by Sue Lucia

_____February 9, 2016___

Approved Date