Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

 Mountview School Building Committee

February 9, 2016


7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department

Present:                       Chairman Paul Challenger, Margaret Watson, Dave White, Chris Lucchesi (7:35), Bob McCarthy, Erik Githmark, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Sue Lucia

Absent:                        Jacquie Kelly, Larry Galkowski, Darryll McCall

Others Present:           From LPA:  Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso                                

  1. OPM Report:  Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. We are over the hurdle with the flooring issues. The carpets are going down and the floors are drying to acceptable levels. The contractor is going forward at no additional cost and will honor the warranty. The gym floor is down, sanded, and the game lines are being put down.  The linoleum is complete other than the intersection of the corridors. The generator was started up yesterday. It is a very nice and quiet unit. There are more points inside the system that will allow future additions such as alarms, etc. The MEP finishes are going on inside. The kitchen equipment is in place. The bubblers are going in. Griffin is ringing out data on phone lines. The Verizon work was expedited and the phone lines are in place. The district pulled in some extra POTS lines. They are all set for the elevator and the alarms. There was an IT meeting with the district regarding coordination of the servers and networks. The case work and mill work are in progressing in the lobby. The bathroom partitions are being installed. The metal cloud ceiling is being installed in the cafeteria. They will start the epoxy painted floors in the storage room at end of this week or the beginning of next week. They will be ready to store the FF&E. They are installing electronic shades in the cafeteria. The exterior has stopped until spring. It is looking good for the April 11th move-in date. Dave White asked if we have made any progress on the podium. Gary said he talked to Woodmeister a month ago, and will follow up this week. Dave said we should have a conversation of what seal to put on the podium. In his opinion, maybe the town seal and the district seal. He suggested a laser cut maple podium with a possible AV component. Bill Senecal said it is not really a component, just a small laptop. Dave said maybe should do a component so it is always there.

Paul Challenger asked about the HVAC units to sell. Gary did speak to someone interested, but they need to sell according to MA law. Dave suggested setting up hierarchy for the alarms.  Only real important things should send out to the alarms. He is willing to share his knowledge.

Gary presented CO #10 not to exceed $25000. CO#10 includes plywood panels in gym for the TRX system. CTA will have mill work guys apply plywood so it is installed correctly. The corner guards request is from the district. They are concerned about the corners being hit by furniture etc. They have selectively picked the most critical areas. They need to replace the smoke detectors in the science labs with CO2 detectors. This is to meet the department of education requirements. Other items include a wooden guard rail at the entrance drive to the school, painting the fin tube and platform, the gym door paint color change, the ceiling height change in ramp area behind stage because of the ply wood panels, a credit back on the temporary sidewalk since we did not do the canopy and a sequence change on roof top units.

Dave White move to approve CO #10 not to exceed $25,000 Margaret Watson 2nd the motioned. The motion was approved by all to approve CO #10 not to exceed $25,000.

Dave White started a discussion on the questions about the FF&E tractors and outside equipment. Some things in question are the snow blower with a fertilizer spreader for ice melt and a yard vehicle. He realizes they are over budget, but they expected that would happen.  He suggested the board supports these items and have a discussion with the town manager. All agreed to have a discussion with the town manager.

  1. Misc: Margaret Watson drafted the article for the town report. She asked Erik Githmark to come up with some pictures.

Paul Challenger mentioned that the selectmen have asked the board to go before their board with an update. Dave thinks we should do it because we will be moving in before town meeting. We need to dispel the rumors of moving in late and the delays. We will have a clearer picture for the community with an update. Paul agreed we do need to keep the community informed. He will talk to Jacquie Kelly and arrange it.

Dave asked if the next meeting would be a good time for a tour. All agreed and set the tour for Tuesday March 9th at 6:00pm with the regular meeting to follow at 7:00pm.

Dave recommended that the tennis court fence be painted. Bill Senecal said they are replacing the tennis and basketball court fences. Gary suggested putting up telephone poles and netting around softball field because it is so close to the retention area. May want to discuss it with the HMLD.

Bob McCarthy motioned to accept the minutes from January 12, 2016, Dave White seconded. All were in favor with Margaret Watson abstaining.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday March 8, 2016 tour 6:00 pm site tour and 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

On a motion by Paul Challenger, seconded by Bob McCarthy the meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Prepared by Sue Lucia


Approved Date