Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mountview School Building Committee

April 5, 2016


6:00 PM                                                                                                   Tour of Mountview School


Present:                        Chairman Paul Challenger, Larry Galkowski, Eric Githmark, Gary Kaczmarek,

                        Jacquelyn Kelly, Robert McCarthy, Margaret Watson, David White

Also Present:                William Senecal and Peter Caruso, LPA Associates

Mr. Kaczmarek lead the Committee on a tour of the Mountview Middle School.  The Building is slated to open to students and facility on Monday, April 11, 2016.  Other than the punch list items, all systems were ready for final inspection and the issuance of a provisional Certificate of Occupancy.  The Committee was pleased with the rapid progress made by the Contractor and it appeared that all would be ready for occupancy the following week.

There were brief discussions about the new bus drop-off plans, and the accommodations being planned for walkers and parents who are dropping off their students.  The Committee ended its tour at about 7:00 PM and adjourned to their regular meeting at the HMLD Meeting Room.

7:15 PM                                                                                                           HMLD Meeting Room


Present: Chairman Paul Challenger, Larry Galkowski, Erik Githmark, Gary Kaczmarek (7:30 p.m.), Jacquelyn Kelly, Chris Lucchesi, Darryll McCall, Robert McCarthy, Margaret Watson, David White

Also Present:                From LPA:  Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso

1. Report on Moving In and Traffic Pattern Plans for April 11, 2016

Superintendent McCall and Principal Githmark reported on the plans for moving into the new School building.  School will be closed to students on Friday, April 8.  Teachers and staff will complete their packing of classroom and personal materials and the movers will be bringing these boxes into the new school to the designated locations.  The building will be open to school personnel over the weekend for final preparations.

After the old building is vacated, and all furnishings and fixtures removed, the Contractor will take over and prepare to abate the hazardous materials.  Mr. Senecal commented that the abatement will begin during the week of April 18th.  The demolition of the old building is scheduled for June 15.

The Superintendent, Principal, and Project Manager have worked closely with the Police Chief to develop a safe and orderly traffic pattern.  Buses will drop off in the front of the building and walkers will be escorted along the new driveway by crossing guards and other staff.  Parents dropping off their children will enter on Mountview Drive, drop off in the rear of the building, and exit from the new driveway.  Some last minute changes were discussed along with plans to have police detail officers present to control traffic.   The driveways to the old building will not be accessible to traffic (other than construction-related traffic).

2.  Training on Building Systems

Principal Githmark reviewed the various training sessions for school personnel on security, locks, media, telephone system, information technology, etc.  The new school has state-of-the-art technology including smart-boards and chromebooks in each classroom.  It is anticipated that training on use of these systems will continue through the end of the school year.

After the building opens and school is in session for a week, the building will close for Spring vacation from April 18 through April 22.  During this time, the contractor will be working on various punch list items and on any other details that need attention. 

3.  Report from LPA

Mr. Pagano reported that there is an extensive punch list of items to be completed.  However, the quality of the work by CTA is very good.  Progress on the punch list will be limited to vacation and after-school hours. 

4.  OPM Report

Mr. Kaczmarek reported that all floors are essentially complete.  There is still some minor work that will be completed before the opening such as supplies in the bathrooms and fencing between the old and new buildings. 

The movers will be coming on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 to stage for transferring furnishings and materials from the old building into the new.  A temporary ramp will be constructed to make the move easier and more efficient.  The building inspector was due on-site as well and the affidavits from the various building consultants as to substantial completion were being organized.  Mr. Kaczmarek expects that a Provisional Certificate of Occupancy and final punch-list will be ready on April 6th.  At that time, the insurer will be notified to make the appropriate adjustments on property/ liability coverage.

 Ninety percent of the Furnishings, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) have been received.

Budget Update:  Mr. Kaczmarek distributed an updated Budget/ Construction Report.  The original budget was $54,301,695.  The revised budget including contingencies is $45,203, 242.  This means that the project is approximately $9.0 Million under the original estimate.  The final costs will not be known until the project is closed out.

5.  Other Business

Mr. White suggested that the Committee consider purchasing new text books as part of the project using some of the cost savings.  The Superintendent said that in other building projects he has seen, text books were purchased as part of the project.  Principal Githmark said that there was a special need for new text books in the Science, Math, History and Social Studies areas.  He will confer with his staff and bring a proposal back to the Committee for their consideration.

6.  Minutes and Adjournment

Minutes from the meeting on March 8, 2016 were approved as submitted. 

There being no further business, the Building Committee Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m.

Prepared by:  J. Kelly


Approved Date