Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

 Mountview School Building Committee

June 14, 2016


7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department

Present:  Dave White, Margaret Watson, Larry Galkowski, Bob McCarthy Erik Githmark, Darryll McCall, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Sue Lucia

Others Present:  From LPA: Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso

            Not Present: Chairman Paul Challenger, Jacquie Kelly, Chris Lucchesi

  1. OPM Report:  Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. Some punchlist work has been done on the exterior and interior. Most to take place next week when school is out. The mason tried to take care of the south wall discoloration and it came out good. There is still more exterior to be done. Busy Bee has installed the irrigation in the softball and baseball fields. They have been tested and will continue to be tested. They have received approval on the loam, and have started bringing it in for the softball field. The abatement is continuing on the 87 wing. They are removing the slab on grade and hauling it off. They are doing the abatement inside the academic wing on the third and second floors. They have cleared the first floor. Powell has brought in equipment to get the parking lot ready. Venegro is pealing brick off the 67 wing to check for hot mastiff. The softball scoreboard is being installed. Grading of the sidewalk to the baseball field has begun. The AP schedule and budget summary sheet show no changes. We are still in good shape. Gary does not foresee any changes in that. The main item to review tonight is the proposed Change Order 13 with a total of $158,599. The majority is PCO 179 and 180, remediation on the level spreader. Gary asked for approval not to exceed $158,999. He feels he can make improvements on PCO 180. He does not feel we are getting the correct credit. The east elevation walkway needs boulders installed similar to the public safety building. The goal is to make it maintenance free. Dave White asked about the boulder wall and if we own something there. Gary said we were given a $3000 credit based on prices from Busy Bee. He believes it should be more like $6000. He is still working on it.  Dave White motioned to approve Change Order 13 not to exceed $158,999 Bob McCarthy seconded all were in favor to approve Change order 13 not to exceed $158,999.

 Dave White suggested a discussion with CTA regarding open disputes because they are planning    to order books and curriculum items soon. Gary approached CTA and hopes to have a meeting with Lyle Coghlin soon. He does not think we need to get everyone involved right from the start. In Dave White’s opinion, Mike Pagano should be present. An informal conversation is a good way to start.

  1. LPA Update: Mike Pagano stated Bill Senecal’s biggest punchlist item is the doors. There are 80 doors to be taken down and machined. The door bottom is acceptable with the correct STC rating. There is $250,000 worth of work to be done. When we have a punchlist item, we put a price to it. This insures they come back and do the work. Most items need to wait until summer vacation. After the drainage is complete, the next step is to produce a parking lot. They are missing the whole visitor parking lot and need to finish the bus loop before the start of the new school year. Gary mentioned the emergency exit road off Mountview Drive is paved with a gate, but the drawings call to rip it up and it to be grassed. He asked if that is mandatory or can we leave it paved. If we leave it, we may be able to get a credit. In Dave White’s opinion, it should go back to grass because it was represented in the beginning to be left for an emergency exit with grass. That was the original proposal. Mike also said it is important to keep an eye on it so the neighbors do not plant trees, etc.

Mike Pagano reminded the committee that the completion of phase 1 was a bit unorthodox having three separate dates of substantial completion. The first date is behind us, and the most important thing is that it starts the 1-year warranty from that date. He thinks the three dates is the right way to do it. We went ahead with some give and take and came to an amicable solution. The punchlist is very large for the same reason. Certain aspects were not ready for a punchlist. They have asked for periodic reviews. There is a limit to how much we can do. We will continue to extend ourselves to a limit while not expecting anything. He just wanted this on the record. Dave stated the important thing is we get their requisition once a month to be reviewed.

Margaret Watson mentioned that groups in the community think they can take some of the bricks from the old building to sell for money for themselves, and wants to know what the process is.  Gary said they have not told anyone they can take bricks. Mike Pagano said the contractor owns salvage so no one can take anything.  Gary has asked the contractor to put some bricks aside for some people to have. He reminded everyone that no one is allowed on site unless they go through him. Mike reminded the committee that if you leave a pile of bricks and they do not they take them you will have to pay to have them removed. 

Dave White asked about the output of the PV system. Gary reported that over last few weeks the system has been doing very good. He is waiting for the engineer to respond. Bill added that Azim wants to see a full month of data and a letter from the manufacturer stating they are doing what they are supposed to do. Gary said Griffin is taking a hit on this too, $150,000 has been held back.

Erik Githmark reported that they are getting quotes on textbooks, series math books and student copies. They are also checking out some online access. They are looking at eBooks as well as hard copies. They will make a final decision before school is out. Dave asked how the purchase orders are being submitted. Erik said when Beth gets quotes PO’s are submitted to Gary. Gary is hoping a lot is reimbursable through the MSBA.  Erik stated teacher materials are up to $50,000. Gary is authorized up to $50,000.  Dave said the committee needs to fund some curriculum material and get the teachers their materials to review before school starts. It seems like the desire and willingness is to invest in teacher copies and let student copies follow later. Erik plans to get everything ready to go by the July meeting. A vote on it at the July meeting would be enough time. Erik can give everything to Gary.

  1. Misc: Dave White suggested the committee start thinking about a grand opening. Mike suggested it would be nice to have student work on display in the lobby.  Erik said they would need parking. Margaret Watson believes the 275th committee has set September 26th for festivities and the committee should avoid that weekend. The grand opening will be add to the agenda for July.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday July 12, 2016, 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55.

Prepared by Sue Lucia


Approved Date