Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Mountview School Building Committee

July 12, 2016


7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department

Present:                       Chairman Paul Challenger, Dave White, Margaret Watson, Larry Galkowski, Bob McCarthy, Jacquie Kelly, Chris Lucchesi, Darryll McCall, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Sue Lucia

Others Present:           From LPA: Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso

                                    From CTA: Matt Kaye, Ray Hill

            Not Present:                Erik Githmark

  1. OPM Report:  Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. Punch list interior and exterior is ongoing. The doors will be complete before school starts. Fiber control and hazmat abatement work is ongoing in the cafeteria and the gym. CTA projects they will be done by the end of the week and will start taking down the last part of the building. The oil tank is to be removed Thursday. The site contractor is due back to take down the academic wing. The building should be down in about 1 week. The site contractor will rough in where the parking will go and will bring it up to finish grade. There is just enough room between the remaining building and the parking for drainage. The softball and baseball fields have been prepped with loam and irrigation and tested. The softball field is ready for sod. HMLD has installed poles twelve 36’ poles and have purchased netting to put up along the field where balls may go. The total cost will be $13,000 to $14,000.

Dave White had concerns for ledge. Gary said they hit a little bit in the catch basin in the parking lot in front of new school. Paul Challenger asked if there is anything on the punch list that is concerning.  Gary said there is nothing out of the ordinary. The building is very comfortable.  Dave asked if there is any news on the output of the air system.  Gary reported it was a programing issue. Gary also reported the punchlist has been reduced from $150,000 to $75,000.

Gary reported CTA has priced the concrete sealer at just under $60,000. He asked if the committee would like to discuss this. In Dave’s personal opinion the committee can chase a lower price, but the time and effort isn’t worth it. Dave White motioned to seal the concrete not to exceed $60,000, Chris Lucchesi seconded and all were in favor of sealing concrete not to exceed $60,000.

Gary said they still have a couple hundred thousand dollars out to be paid. Dave asked about the seal for the podium. Gary said he will look into it. It will have the Mountview seal on maple.

Gary stated the budget is in good shape and there is nothing new to report. The project is getting close to the 95% range. There will be no more reimbursement from the MSBA until the final audit is done. Jacquie Kelly reported they have secured financing based on Gary’s estimates based on the MSBA. The audit could take up to 6 months.

Darryll McCall started a discussion on curriculum materials including software and text books.  Erik Githmark, admins and teachers have pulled together information and have four areas they are focusing on. One area is Big Ideas Math. They currently have enough books for each classroom but not enough for each student. They would need $61,000 purchase more books.  Another area is grades 6 & 7 history textbooks. Another area is a social study series for grade 8. They would need online software and textbooks. They are looking into more information on cost. He will then bring the information to the committee. His only concern is the timeframe. Gary asked if these companies are collaboratives. Darryll said no, they are straight out to companies. Gary said for purchasing purposes, unless they are the sole source, you cannot buy $25,000 from one company unless you go out on the social register.  Jacquie Kelly said they may be exempt.  Darryll said when they purchase 500 books they can just order. Gary said that is ok for the district, but it may be different since the town is buying.  Chris Lucchesi motioned to support the purchase of curriculum items presented by the district and prioritized not to exceed $200,000 Bob McCarthy seconded. All were favor to authorize the purchase of curriculum items presented by the district and prioritized not to exceed $200,000. Jacquie asked for a list of items purchased. Darryll will provide a list.

  1. LPA Update: Peter Caruso reported that the submittal process has slowed down. The as builts and manuals will be included in the owner’s binders. The main entry signage on the street remains to be done, but otherwise we are caught up.
  2. Misc:  Dave White suggested the committee starts thinking about the grand opening with the public involved. He suggested possibly in October after Columbus Day. The committee will start thinking about it and finalize a date and invitation list by the next meeting. 

Dave White motioned to approve the minutes as presented, Chris Lucchesi seconded. All were in favor with Paul Challenger, Jackie Kelly & Chris Lucchesi abstaining.

Next Meeting:  August 9, 2016, 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55.

Prepared by Sue Lucia


Approved Date