Mountview School Building Committee, June 3, 2014

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Mountview School Building Committee
June 3, 2014
7:00 PM   HMLD Meeting Room


Present:        Chairman Paul Challenger, Gary Kaczmarek, Jacquie Kelly, Chris Lucchesi, Darryll McCall, Margaret Watson, David White

Absent: Eric Githmark

Others Present: From LPA:  Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal, Peter Caruso


1. OPM Report
Budget and Cost Report:  An updated Budget and Cost Report was distributed by Gary Kaczmarek, OPM.  Gary had noted in highlighter those items with updated cost estimates.  He is waiting for the Schedule of Values from CTA, the construction contractor.


CTA Contract:  Gary reported that there was a meeting with representatives from CTA Construction including Lyle Coghlin, Principal, Committee Members Paul Challenger and Dave White, Stephen Madaus, Town Counsel, Mike Pagano, LPA, and Gary Kaczmarek.  CTA had responded by forwarding the resumes of potential CTA project supervisors, to the satisfaction of the Committee Members and OPM.  CTA had also responded to concerns lodged by the local carpenters’ union such that the Town Manager forwarded responses to the union as required by the public records law.

The Town Manager Jacquie Kelly reported that the Attorney General’s Office, Division of Fair Contracting, had telephoned in response to a union complaint, to verify that CTA had submitted their WMBE certification within the 5-Day required time frame.  CTA had submitted all required WMBE documentation confirming the participation goal of 10.4%.  The AG’s Office was satisfied with the response.

With all questions answered, and verification of WMBE goals, the OPM recommended that the Committee find that CTA was the lowest, responsive bidder.   Mr. Kaczmarek said that Lyle Coghlin will be personally involved in the Mountview Project on behalf of CTA and has family that lives in Holden.

 Vote:  On a motion by Mr. White, seconded by Ms. Watson, the Committee unanimously voted to find that CTA is the lowest, responsive bidder, and authorized the Town Manager to complete negotiations with CTA and enter into a contract for the total amount of $35,203,000.


2.  Report from LPA

Mr. Pagano reported that the Specifications and Plans had been digitally sent to CTA so they can start preparations for the building permitting.  There had been a concern that the building permits be pulled with sufficient time for review and issuance by July 1, 2014, when energy conservation regulations/ building code will change.  The permits will be submitted the following Monday which should allow ample time.   In answer to a question, Mr. Pagano said that CORI checks on employees of CTA will begin; the checks are usually handled through the School District.  Superintendent McCall concurred with this.


3.  Soccer Field in Front of New Mountview School

Mr. White discussed the possibility of using synthetic turf on the future soccer field in front of Mountview and suggested that local soccer organizations might be willing to donate towards the cost of the artificial turf.  Further exploration will be done to follow up on this idea.


4.  Groundbreaking

Mr. Lucchessi suggested that there would no be sufficient time to arrange a groundbreaking ceremony before the end of June.  The Committee discussed possible scenarios and scheduling of a ceremony.  It was decided that a ceremony would be planned for Saturday, September 20, 2014.  Mr. Lucchessi and Ms. Watson will coordinate.  


There being no further business, the Building Committee Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Approved as corrected:  6-24-2014