Agricultural Commission

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 9, 2019



July 9, 2019

Attendance:               Steve D’Aquila, Jim Dunn, Chris Hugo, Eileen Charbonneau

Absent:                      Maleah Gustafson, Tom O’Shea, Ryan McKay

Guests:                      Amy Parker, Amanda Morse

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.


The subcommittee did not meet this month.


On a motion made by Jim and seconded by Chris and unanimous vote, the minutes from the May 2019 meeting were approved.


Three Chapter 61B parcels on Sawyer Lane (175-59, 175-63, & 175-62) have been put up for sale by the heirs of Mary Wisniewski.  The parcels constitute an area of twenty (20) acres.  The asking price is $500,000.  Currently there is a Purchase and Sale agreement with a developer.  As of the date of this meeting, the DCR, White Oak Conservatory, and the Conservation Commission have waived their right of first refusal. 

Chris noted that it is only twenty (20) acres that don’t perk.  It is not on the town sewer.  Even if sold, some land will still be preserved.  It is surrounded by DCR wetlands.

This parcel came before the town in November of 2018, but the sale fell through.  The only changes from November are a different buyer and a different sale price.

The Board of Selectmen will meet next Monday and may be able to put this on the agenda. Otherwise, it will be addressed at their August meeting.  Either way, Jim is prepared to present to them on behalf of the AgComm.

Jim made a motion that the Agricultural Commission advise the Town not to purchase the land. Chris seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Heidi Cooper of Lilac Hedge Farm and Davidian’s Farm will be the presenter for the next installment of the Educational Series which will be entitled “Food Preservation and Safety”.  Heidi is servesafe manager and allergen certified. She has ten years of experience in presenting food preservation workshops.  She is also proficient in cheese making and currently is making beer breads and focaccia for Davidian Farm in Northborough.  In the light of full disclosure, Heidi’s husband works for Agricultural Commission member, Ryan McKay.

The workshop will be a survey of various types of food preservation including canning, freezing, pickling, desiccation, and fermentation with an emphasis on food safety practices.  Attendees will be surveyed as to what aspect of food preservation they would like for a future workshop that is more in-depth and focused.

Steve questioned whether or not it would be appropriate to allow Heidi to sell any of the food products she preserves for Davidian Farm.  Jim responded that the Agricultural Commission should not appear to be promoting one specific entity, in this case Davidian Farm.  Eileen pointed out that when Heidi is introduced her connections with the farms for which she works will be mentioned which will provide a measure of promotion without appearing to favor any particular farm(s) as it will simply be a part of her bio.

Steve spoke with Jennifer Rhodes of the Gale Free Library who indicated that the library’s cooking club would be interested in attending this workshop.

Possible dates and times for this workshop were discussed.  It was decided that the best dates would be Wednesday, August 28th from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. if it is held on a week night or August 17th if it is held on a Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  Back up dates are Wednesday, August 21st or Saturday, September 7th.  Steve will contact Heidi to firm up a date and time with her.

It was decided that the Holden Senior Center would be an ideal location for this workshop.  Eileen will reserve the Senior Center if they are able to host on the date chosen.  Chris will video tape the workshop.

A free will offering will be taken up and a stipend of $100 will be offered to the presenter.

Members of the Agricultural Committee will undertake the usual promotion for this workshop:  Eileen will create and distribute flyers, Maleah will write a press release, Chris or Maleah will post on the AgComm’s Facebook page and the town website, Jim will have the workshop advertised on the town’s electronic sign, and Steve will request promotion from the Rutland, Princeton, and Sterling Agricultural Commissions.

It was decided that making posters would be a good addition to the normal advertising.  Jim will check with Abby and Wendy to see if it would be possible to create a large format of the flyer that can be used as a poster.  Five posters would be ideal.

If the workshop is scheduled to take place after Holden Days, permission for flyers and/or a poster will be sought on the Lilac Hedge table (if they are going to have one) and/or the Board of Selectman’s table.  Permission to place posters will also be sought from the Holden Senior Center and the Farmer’s Market.


There was nothing to report in regards to the Farmer’s Market.


There was no CMG update this month as Maleah was absent.


Steve announced that he will be resigning his post effective immediately following the August 20, 2019 meeting as he is relocating to another town.  Jim asked if he would take a vote for a new Chair to take his place.  Steve said yes and asked that the committee arrange for nominees.  Steve’s leaving will also create an open seat on the Agricultural Commission.

On a motion made by Steve, seconded by Jim, the meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileen Charbonneau
