Quarterly Tax Billing System

The Town of Holden issues real estate tax bills under a quarterly tax payment system. The purpose of the quarterly tax payment system is to provide taxpayers with greater certainty about payment due dates and to provide communities with a more evenly distributed level of income throughout the fiscal year.

The preliminary tax bill is issued by July 1 and is payable in two equal installments due on August 1 and November 1. It is based on the net tax due on the parcel from the previous fiscal year plus one-half of both the automatic 2.5 percent annual increase in the tax levy allowed under Proposition 2 ½ and any increase in the tax levy for approved overrides and exclusions.

The actual tax bill is issued after the tax rate is set. The total valuation

of the parcel is shown on the actual bill. The actual bill is mailed on or before December 31 and payable in two equal installments due on February 1 and May 1.

The tax bill itself is in a three part format. The bottom section of the bill is labeled "Payment Coupon 1" and is to be remitted with your check for the due period shown. The middle section, Payment Coupon 2", is to be remitted with payment for the second due period. The top section is to be retained by the taxpayer. If taxpayers wish to pay in person and require a receipt, both the payment coupon and the receipt portion of the bill should be brought to the collectors office. Taxpayers paying by mail may obtain a receipt by including the entire bill with their payment and enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope. If there are questions about any aspect of the tax bill, please call the tax collectors office at 829-0235, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.