Board of Selectmen, June 15, 2015

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 15, 2015



June 15, 2015


6:30PM                                                                                                           Memorial Hall

Present:  Chairman Jeremy Kurtz, Anthony Renzoni, Robert Lavigne, Tim Ethier, Kenneth O’Brien

Others Present:            Jacquelyn Kelly, Town Manager

                                    Elizabeth Fotos, Recording Secretary

Others Not Present:    Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager

                                    Stephen Madaus, Town Counsel. 

Chairman Kurtz called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.  The Board stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Appointments, Licenses, Permits

Chairman Kurtz told the public that there was assistance hearing devices available if needed. 




  1. Purple Heart Community Designation

Sel. Renzoni stated that the Purple Heart Association was present at the meeting in addition to members of the Veterans Advisory Committee in town; Gerry Dziejma, Silvio Annunziata, Ron Barrus, and Gary Antinarella, Brooks Webster and Kevin Podmore.   Sel. Renzoni stated that the Town had moved forward with obtaining the Purple Heart Community Designation in order to show the Town’s support for the people who had served.  He stated that the Town was honored to have obtained this designation. 

Sel. Renzoni invited the members of the Veterans Advisory Committee, along with town Resident Zach Nader, a Corporal in the Marine Corps, up to the podium.  Sel. Renzoni told the Board that Corporal Nader had served with the weapons company and had received Purple Hearts for an IED strike on combat patrol. In addition to his Purple Heart, Corporal Nader had received a Combat Action Ribbon and Presidential Unit Citation and Navy Citation. 

Senator Harriette Chandler was present for the presentation; she is an advocate of the Purple Heart Association.  Senator Chandler told the Board that this was her fourth community honored in this way and that it says a lot about a community’s loyalty and patriotism. Senator Chandler thanked everyone for their service and commitment. She presented Corporal Nader with a certificate from the Senate and the House and congratulated both Corporal Nader and the Town of Holden. 

Mr. Leo Agnew, Purple Heart Association was present for the proclamation.  He introduced members of the Association: Tom Charion, Tony Payne, Dwayne Henry, and Betty Benoit.  He gave a brief history on the Purple Heart stating it was established in 1782 by Washington and was given to officers for heroic deeds.  Mr. Agnew stated that the Town of Holden was now designated a Purple Heart Community. 

Sel. Renzoni recommended that the Board take a five minute recess in order to allow for the press to take pictures. 

Chairman Kurtz agreed; Board to recess at 6:46PM.

Meeting called back to order at 6:51PM.


  1. Certificate of Recognition-Evan Clarke, Guardians for Hero’s

The Board asked Evan Clarke to come to the podium.  Sel. Lavigne stated that Evan Clarke is a resident of Holden and he has a passion for helping military and the VA.  He works with Guardians for Heros which is an organization that raises money for wounded veterans, does professional training for veterans, and helps with PTSD, in addition to other services for veterans.  Sel. Lavigne stated that this young man is doing amazing things and asked Evan Clarke to speak regarding what he was doing.

Evan Clarke thanked the Board and told them that he was part of an organization that helps veterans.  He stated that they build gyms, coordinate activities and raise money for wounded warriors.  Evan stated that he was challenged to raise as much money as he could. 

Sel. Lavigne thanked him.  The Purple Heart Association presented Evan with a pin. The Board of Selectmen presented Evan with a Certificate of Recognition from the Town of Holden.  The Board stood to shake hands with Evan.

Sel. Renzoni asked Evan if anyone wanted to hire him for his services was he available.  Evan replied that he was.  Sel. Renzoni told anyone that wanted to hire Evan for a job or chores they could do so by emailing him (Sel. Renzoni) and he would get the information to Evan.

Sel. Lavigne vouched for the great work that Evan did.  He also stated that if you did not need assistance but wanted to donate to his cause, you could do so by making a donation to an account that had been established at Southbridge Savings Bank located on Main Street in Holden.   

Sel. Renzoni thanked the Purple Heart Association for coming and for their services.


  1. Citizens Address

Chairman Kurtz called Citizens Address at 7:00PM.  No members of the public stood.  Chairman Kurtz closed Citizens Address. 


  1. Issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes; Mountview School Construction

Ms. Kelly told the Board that they had received six bids and the most favorable was from JP Morgan.  She reminded the Board that there were documents that needed to be signed prior to leaving the meeting.

Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. O’Brien, it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE VOTE AS PRESENTED, REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES FOR MOUNTVIEW SCHOOL CONSTRUCTED AS PRESENTED BY A VOTE OF 4-0-1.  (See Attached Vote). (Renzoni: yes; Ethier: yes; Kurtz: yes; O’Brien: yes; Lavigne: abstain). 

Ms. Kelly congratulated Sharon Lowder, Lori Rose and Rose Scully on their work on this matter.


  1. Regional Health Alliance IMA Renewal

Ms. Kelly told the Board that she had included for them in their package information on the Regional Health Alliance.  She stated that the Alliance provided the community with a full spectrum of health services.  Ms. Kelly told the Board that by participating in this the Town is receiving high quality health services at a lower cost in addition to not needing to hire a full time person to act as a health agent. She stated that this is a three-year agreement and that she recommends that the Board vote to authorize her to sign the three-year agreement. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that this is beneficial to the Town as we get better services at a better rate. 

Sel. Renzoni asked the Town Manager if there were any major changes in the agreement. 

Ms. Kelly replied that there was a 2.5% increase over each of the three years but that was well within the amount that was budgeted for. 

Sel. O’Brien stated that they did a great job of providing benefits to the Town.  He asked about the timing of the contract in regards to Title 5 transfers and septic plan.  He asked if this concern could be shared with the Regional Health Alliance representatives. 

Ms. Kelly confirmed that she could do that.



  1. Town Manager Update


  1. Bond Rating:  As part of our sale of $22 million in Bond Anticipation Notes for the Mountview School Project, Standard and Poors Rating Service reviewed the Town of Holden, and its financial and management capacity, and revised the Town’s bond rating to AA+.  Our previous rating issued late in 2013 increased from AA – to AA.  We have now been upgraded again from AA to AA +.  The increase in rating is an indicator of strength of our town’s finances and the quality of our management and financial capacity.


An upgraded bond rating will mean lower interest rates on borrowing, such as the BAN’s issued this week.  That translates to direct savings to our taxpayers.  According to Sharon Lowder, Treasurer/ Collector, our notes in the amount of $22 million were marketed at a coupon rate of 2%; the Town received a premium in the amount of $370,260 for a net interest rate of 0.3076%.

Ms. Kelly applauded the work of the department heads and their staff, and especially the financial team, Sharon Lowder, Treasurer/ Collector and Lori Rose, Town Accountant for the skills and professionalism they exhibit in their everyday work, and their guidance, assistance and good counsel to the Town Manager’s Office.  The increase in bond rating is but one example of the value these individuals bring to the Town and the cost savings that result.

Sel. Lavigne congratulated Ms. Kelly; he stated that reading through the report, the word ‘strong’ comes up.  Sel. Lavigne stated that there are some recommendations that can be done to further improve the Town’s rating.  He asked if there was a plan in place to make a list out of these recommendations.

Ms. Kelly replied that over the past year the Town had developed a 5-year financial plan and an OPEB policy.  She stated that there was still some work to be done but that it could be formalized in order to further increase the rating and make the Town even more attractive.

Sel. Lavigne asked for the time frame on implementing the plan.  Ms. Kelly replied that it would happen over the next year.

Sel. Lavigne stated that this was amazing news.

Sel. Renzoni stated that he believed this played into the Town Meeting and the talk about establishing a policy for the Town’s reserves.  He stated that there is no policy that is currently set. Sel. Renzoni stated that this reaffirms what the Board has been saying about the Town Manager’s vision and management and that establishing this should be put into the next budget season. 

Sel. Ethier stated that the Town currently had AA + rating; he asked if there was a higher rating that could be achieved.

Ms. Kelly deferred to Sel. Lavigne to answer that question. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that there were higher ratings that could be achieved but that the Town’s current rating was amazing.

Chairman Kurtz interrupted Town Manager’s Update for the 7:15 public hearing for Mexicali.


  1. Public Hearing, Mexicali Tex-Mex Grill; Expansion of Premises, Restaurant All Alcoholic Beverage License



Sel. Lavigne read the public hearing notice into record.

Mr. Nicholas Felici, Feinberg & Felici Attorneys at Law, was present.  He told the Board that this was a modest improvement and the applicant was looking to expand the premises by adding a full service patio extension area off the front entrance of the existing restaurant. He stated that the addition would include about 28 seats and that all the abutters were served.

Chairman Kurtz asked if there were any members of the public that wished to speak; no members of the public stepped forward. 

Chairman Kurtz asked the Board if they had any questions.

Sel. Ethier stated that he liked the idea of Holden becoming a dining center in the area; he felt it gave the Town a great attractiveness and it not being in a residential area it would add nicely to the Town.

Sel. O’Brien thanked the applicant for their continuing investment in Town.

Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. O’Brien, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING.

Sel. Lavigne asked Mr. Felici the timeframe of the work. 

Mr. Felici replied that they should be done within 3-4 weeks pending approval by the ABCC and the issuance of building permits.

Sel. Renzoni stated that the Town has a history of supporting businesses.  He stated that there is no meal tax here and it is a great idea to expand the restaurant.  He stated there was no reason to not support this license.


The Board congratulated and thanked the applicant for working in the Town and congratulated them on their new expansion.


  1. FY 2016 WRSD Budget; Dr. Darryll McCall, Superintendent of Schools

Dr. McCall thanked the Board for having him.  He stated that he was present in order to speak to the Board about what the schools were facing as a district. Dr. McCall stated that two of the five towns have not supported the budget that was proposed by the Regional School District.  He stated that they were working toward a way to have a budget that supported the kids.  Dr. McCall stated that he had passed out information to the Board that was shared with the school committee.  The packet had a breakdown of three versions of reductions that would be looked at. 

Dr. McCall reviewed the information and told the Board what each reduction would entail.  Version 1 required a reduction of $750,000, Version 2 required a reduction of $1,250,000 and Version 3 required a reduction of $2,000,000.  With each of these reductions, the School District would have cuts in some or all of the following:  teachers, existing positions for special needs, middle school guidance counselors, deputy superintendents, etc.

Sel. Lavigne thanked Dr. McCall for coming out. He stated that in the past when faced with a similar issue, the proposed cuts came mainly from the Town of Holden schools.  He asked what the implications would be on Holden’s schools. 

Dr. McCall replied that he did not have specifics. 

Sel. Lavigne asked if it was safe to say that Holden teachers would be at risk.  Dr. McCall replied that if it should come to making District budget cuts, yes, they would. 

Sel. Renzoni stated that 50% of the possible reduction would be from Holden teaching staff if the $2 Million cut was made. Dr. McCall replied yes.

Sel. Lavigne asked about the loss of the middle school guidance counselor. Dr. McCall replied that Mountview would lose its guidance counselor under Version 2.

Dr. McCall stated that in FY 15 the School District spent less money than what was budgeted in FY 14.  He stated that with the rising costs associated with health insurance, fixed costs, etc., it put the District in a tough position.

Dr. McCall replied said that if the budget was not approved, the District’s issue may reach the Commissioner of Education.  He stated that the Commissioner could come in and set a District budget that could go either way.  Dr. McCall stated the Commissioner would look at all the towns and see what we were asking and decide. Dr. McCall stated there was no way to predict what would happen. He stated that the FY 15 budget broken down is about $6.7 million/ month. 

Sel. Ethier stated that regarding Regional School Districts, ours was currently ranked 11th.   He stated that he hoped the Superintendent and School Committee would find a way to see that the proposed FY 2016 budget was adopted.

Sel. O’Brien thanked Dr. McCall.  He stated that the Town has always been supportive of education.  He stated that at one of the FinCom meetings that he attended there was the question raised about Health Insurance Co-Pays.  He stated that teachers would reduce their benefits by a percentage.  He asked if there had been any further discussion about doing this in order to keep more teachers in the classroom. 

Dr. McCall replied that the District is now participating in a PEC Agreement that employees will eventually pay 20% of their health insurance premiums instead of 10%.

Sel. O’Brien asked if that would save the district significantly.

Dr. McCall replied that it would. He stated that the District’s increase this year was 8.4% and other businesses were 12%-13%. 

Sel. O’Brien stated that last year Spencer-East Brookfield was taken over by the Department of Education. He asked if they were asked to pay more money.

Dr. McCall replied that he was more familiar with what happened in the Quabbin School District.  He stated that one of the things that were relayed to him was that we should at least offer an olive branch to the other towns before the Commissioner gets involved. Dr. McCall said that while it didn’t look good from their meeting last month, the Commissioner looks favorably if a compromise is attempted.

Sel. O’Brien thanked Dr. McCall again.  He stated that he was thankful that his children were as far through the educational system as they were because he felt as though there was an erosion of the education product. Sel. O’Brien encouraged the parents that were watching to support the school district and get involved. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that somehow the Town of Holden has been in this position for the past several years and that Dr. McCall always made it work.  However, he wasn’t sure if just getting it to work again was in Holden’s best interest.  He stated that knowing that there would not be a guidance counselor in the Mountview Middle School because Paxton and Rutland wouldn’t pay their share was disturbing. Sel. Lavigne stated that these Towns’ shortsightedness was impacting Holden and he asked if it was worth having the regional district any longer. Sel. Lavigne suggested asking Ms. Kelly to form a task force or committee to see how to go about no longer being a regional district.

Chairman Kurtz asked Dr. McCall what the next steps were regarding timing, school committee meetings, etc.

Dr. McCall replied that Paxton has its Town Meeting on June 29th.  He stated that the District pushed the date for the meeting 45 days past so they are as far away from the meeting as possible but as close to the FY because they wanted to see the numbers given from the state.   He stated that he was hoping to have the budget decided on June 23, 2015 and voted on and then there would be 45 days from that time to have the Towns’ support, not support, or default not having met thus support

Dr. McCall stated that as of July 1, 2015 the District will operate on a 1/12th budget.   That works okay for several months however there is always an issue come September or October because you cannot spend over the amount allocated by the Commissioner.  He stated that the issue is how to juggle those funds. 

Chairman Kurtz stated that he felt as though the Board could speak to Dr. McCall regarding the school District all night.  He asked the Board to go around the table one last time.

Sel. Ethier stated that last year Rutland refused to support the budget under the presumption that $900,000 was coming from the state. He asked if the District could resubmit the budget, waiting 45 days and reduce it by one dollar. He stated that the vote in Rutland was close and that he was hopeful that with some work Rutland could pass the budget. Sel. Ethier said that the Town is tired of cutting the schools and that class size needs to decrease not increase.  He stated that he is upset that this keeps happening.

Dr. McCall replied that he appreciated Sel. Ethier’s thoughts and time.  He stated that he felt that Sel. Ethier was right, that there were people who have sat at the table that don’t want to move the budget at all.  He stated that if the Commissioner is coming in to set the budget the District needs to show a good faith effort to reduce the budget and one dollar would not do.

Sel. O’Brien stated that he had met the new Town Administrator for Rutland and she seemed professional.  He stated that one idea was taking the maintenance line item out of the school budgets and putting it on the towns.  He stated that because school buildings were owned by Towns this could possibly reduce some of the stress on the school budget. 

Sel. O’Brien also cautioned the other Selectmen that fiscal realities could change very quickly and that everyone should be careful about criticizing the other towns. 

Sel. O’Brien also asked Dr. McCall about the depletion of the E & D fund. 

Dr. McCall replied that this year the $850,000 is going back into the budget and what the District would have is $350,000 which is less than usually is maintained. 

Sel. Lavigne asked if the District goes to a 1/12th budget, and there are additional costs, how is more money obtained.

Dr. McCall replied that the District is in a good situation receiving assessments from Towns as they are required to pay.  He stated that the challenging part would be the cash flow because not all bills are due on a monthly basis.

Sel. Lavigne asked if the District goes to 1/12th in September is it prorated back to July 1.

Dr. McCall replied that he believed it was prorated to July 1, however if the Commissioner decides upon a budget in October, he thinks the money kicks in at that point.

Sel. Lavigne made a motion to ask the Town Manager to develop a task force or committee to review the benefits of moving Holden out of the Regional School System.

Chairman Kurtz stated that he was going to table that for the moment.  He stated that he wanted to invite Mr. Robinson, HMLD, to speak and then come back to the discussion of the School Budget.

Sel. Renzoni left the meeting at 7:51PM. 


  1. Renewable Power Purchase Opportunities; Jim Robinson General Manager HMLD

Mr. Robinson, General Manager HMLD, was present at the meeting.  He handed out a packet regarding Ware River Hydropower and Berkshire Wind Expansion.  He stated that he was asking the Board for its approval to enter into a contract to extend and buy more hydropower, and he would provide an update on another expansion of the wind project that we are currently participating in. 

Mr. Robinson went through the packet of information and told the Board that what he explained his recommendation.  The Municipal Electric Power Advisory Board recommends the agreement.

Sel. Renzoni asked for more information from Mr. Robinson about the Town’s power portfolio.

Sel. Lavigne asked where the prices compared to the rest of the portfolio.

Mr. Robinson replied that nuclear power was 8¢/ KWH that will go down to 5¢/ KWH when all the nuclear debt is gone.  He stated that there are a number of year-to-year energy contracts that average 5¢ / KWH to 5.5¢/KWH.  He stated that there are also some entitlements in fossil units that do not run much but the value provides some capacity. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that he thought that some of the renewable energy was about 11¢/KWH. 

Mr. Robinson replied that the cost has gone down over time. 

Sel. Ethier asked what the difference between renewable vs. oil/ gas.  He asked if Mr. Robinson anticipated renewable to be stable for the years to come.

He stated that what was interesting about this was that all the money is put up front when you build it.  He stated that was different for other systems and that the variable is how effective they are and how they run. 

Sel. Ethier asked about the nuclear power and how long they could run it.

Mr. Robinson replied that Seabrook has operated for about 25 years.  He stated it had license to run for 15 years and many plants receive extensions.  He stated that the challenge with nuclear units is the maintenance and that safety is number one concern. 

Sel. Ethier asked about solar energy and if there was land in Holden that could be used.

Mr. Robinson replied that they were starting to look at the landfill to see if it is a viable spot.  He stated that technology had changed significantly over the last few years and that it could possibly be mounted on top of the landfill.  Mr. Robinson stated that it was land that was currently owned by the Town but there is a long list of things that would need to be looked at and he is working with John Woodsmall, DPW to see if that makes sense.

Sel. O’Brien stated that he was grateful to have Mr. Robinson in his position with his expertise on the subject matter.  He asked if there was a minimum standard that the Town needed to buy for renewable resources. Mr. Robinson replied there was not. 

Sel. O’Brien stated that one thing he was concerned about regarding the Berkshire Wind Expansion was the opposition that there was to it.  He stated that he looked forward to receiving more information on this matter.

He stated that he appreciated the Board’s support and that he does look at these things diligently. 



Town Manager Update Cont.


  1. Picnic/ Close Town Offices:  On Thursday, June 18, 2015, the Town will be recognizing all of the town employees, the most valuable resources at the annual employee picnic.  Ms. Kelly recommended the Board to approve closing the town business offices from 12PM to 2:00PM so that all employees may attend.


Motion by Sel. Renzoni seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE CLOSING THE TOWN BUSINESS OFFICES ON JUNE 18, 2015 FROM 12PM TO 2 PM.  


  1. HMLD Monthly Report:  Ms. Kelly provided the monthly report outlining HMLD operations for May 2015 prepared by Jim Robinson, HMLD General Manager


  1. Wachusett Fund:  Ms. Kelly enclosed a notice from Susan McLean, Director of Financial Reporting for UMASS Memorial that discusses Holden’s share of the annual distribution of the Wachusett Area Emergency Services Fund (Wachusett Fund).  This is the twenty-second distribution from the Fund, in accordance with Section 4 of the Memorandum of Understanding dated November 23, 1994.  The Wachusett Fund was established with an opening balance of $2,500,000 in wake of the closing of Holden District Hospital a few years earlier.  Since then, annual distribution have totaled over $4 million with eleven towns participating.  The total annual distribution this year is $166,485 and is based on an amount equal to 6.5% of the average market value of the Fund over the prior calendar year.  This year’s total distribution is based on the 2014 average Fund balance amount of $2,561,306.  Distribution to each town is based on the population data derived from the 2010 Decennial Census. Holden’s distribution of $43,508 is based on a 26.13% share of the total population of the participation area. We expect to receive the disbursement before July 1, 2015.  The Town’s current balance in the Wachusett Fund is approximately $163,830, prior to the above disbursement.

Sel. Ethier stated that Charlie Hugo was a visionary to create this fund.

Chairman Kurtz asked Ms. Kelly to go back to the HMLD Report.  He stated that Mr. Robinson had done a good job of reducing accounts payable however he asked Ms. Kelly about past due balances.  Ms. Kelly replied that she could get Chairman Kurtz additional information on that.

Chairman Kurtz asked if it was because of winter. 

Ms. Kelly replied that there is a period of time during the year that the Town cannot shut off electricity to certain customers regardless of payment so that could have factored into the numbers but that she would get the Board more information regarding that matter.


CPE Program Payment:  The Town received the enclosed notice from the Governor’s Office that the Town of Holden Fire Department will be receiving a $19,521 federal reimbursement payment through its participation in the Ambulance Certified Public Expenditure Program (CPE) overseen by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. The application for these funds required accurate and timely financial information provided by Chief Jack Chandler and Lori Rose, Town Accountant.  Ms. Kelly recognized them for their due diligence to qualify for the CPE Program.


DPW Monthly Report:  Ms. Kelly enclosed the DPW operating report for the months of March and April 2015, including the Water-Sewer Division, prepared by John Woodsmall., DPW Director.  Ms. Kelly wanted to point out that the Town of Holden is a founding member of the Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition (CMRSWC) and our staff participates on the Steering Committee. CMRSWC received a 2014 ‘Stormy’ award for the ‘Best Stormwater Idea in New England.’


Update on Landfill:  Mrs. Kelly gave an update on efforts at the site of the former landfill to fence off an area near the Quinapoxet River where seepage is occurring.  The landfill has been identified as the source of the seepage.


Sel. Ethier asked Ms. Kelly about the overall reaction from the DEP and if they had indicated who would be responsible for recapping the landfill.


Ms. Kelly replied that another part of the preliminary study required the Town to test the landfill cap. She stated that the cap does not appear to be the problem and that while they don’t know exactly why it is happening; it is still the Town’s responsibility to fix it.


Sel. Ethier asked if it was a concern for people down the road.


Ms. Kelly replied that it was ¼ mile away and that they will continue to study it and she will keep the Board informed on any information and recommendations that are made.


Sel. O’Brien replied that this was an ongoing issue for years and that it should not surprise anyone that DEP wants that town to take some precautions regarding it.  He stated that this is no cause for alarm and has been an on going issue.


Boston Post Cane:  The Town of Holden possesses a Boston Post Cane, first distribution to each town and city in the Commonwealth as a marketing campaign in 1909 by the Editor of the Boston Post newspaper.  The cane has been ‘awarded’ from time to time to the oldest town resident and/ or upon the request of the recipient’s family should the resident be a centenarian. We don’t actually give the cane to the recipient but we bring the cane to the recipient’s party or celebration and give a lapel pin as a memento. 


On Saturday, June 13 we will have the honor of presenting the cane to Merton E. Edlin who turns 100 years old and is a life-long resident of Holden.


Pool Attendance/ Opening:  According to Denise Morano, Recreation Director, opening weekend for the pool saw 320 people attend over the two days.  It was a good start but the weather was a bit chilly.  We will be open again on the weekend of June 13/14 and June 20/21 and will open for the season on June 22nd


Lease Agreement for Schools:  Ms. Kelly stated that she had a preliminary discussion with the other towns in the WRSD and representative from the District Administration regarding renewing our lease agreement for town schools. The 20-year agreement expired last summer and all parties are engaged in revising a lease.  Ms. Kelly will forward a draft of the lease for the Board’s review and comment.


Ms. Kelly stated in addition to her above updates, the next Board of Selectmen meeting is for July 13, 2015.  She stated that in that time, there may be some permits that are requested and she asked the Board for approval in issuing these permits. 


Ms. Kelly also wanted to let Board know that there was a plaque in the back of Memorial Hall that was awarded to the Police Department for completing their accreditation.


Wachusett Regional School District Cont.

Sel. Lavigne again made a motion to direct the Town Manager to organize a committee or task force to review the feasibility of Holden continuing within the school district as it is currently structured.  The motion was seconded by Sel. Renzoni.

Sel. Lavigne stated that this was not a “let’s leave the District chant.”  He stated that there had been many changes that had occurred over the last fifteen years and that now was a good time to see what the impact of change would be.  He stated that we needed to control our children’s education and if looking at this meant that class size decreased it may be a good use of the Town’s money.  Sel. Lavigne stated that he thinks this may be a good opportunity for Holden and that he didn’t want to say that our kids are not getting as good an education as others before them.

Sel. Lavigne stated that this has been an ongoing issue and that it should be studied so that when it pops up again next year, some of the leg work is already done.

Sel. Renzoni stated that he agreed with Sel. Lavigne.  He stated that as Selectmen they have a role to shape the community.  He stated that people move to our community because of the School District and that we should be investing in education.  Sel. Renzoni stated that he doesn’t think anyone is advocating for us to leave the District, however he believes that it is the Selectmen’s responsibility to look at all the options and make education a priority. 

Sel. Ethier stated that he disagreed with the wording of Paxton and Rutland being able to afford it.  He stated that he believed this was an unwillingness to pass the budget, not an affordability question. Sel. Ethier stated that he recalled it taking 2/3 votes from not only Holden but the other towns to allow Holden to leave the regional district.  Sel. Ethier stated that it was a difficult road, however before forming a committee he felt that the selectmen should see what the procedure would be to actually leave the regional district. 

Sel. O’Brien stated that he was not going to support this.  He stated that the board should be mindful of a few different things. First, the superintendent comes into a meeting and everyone is reacting to what he is saying rather than proactively speaking with school committee members.  Second, Sel. O’Brien suggested holding a public hearing to publicize this matter and see what the public felt about it. 

Sel. O’Brien stated that a lot of studies were conducted surrounding building a regional district and the consequences of leaving the District, and that it made more sense to build one school with better resources than many schools that would not be as advanced.  Sel. O’Brien stated that the Board should not rush into making motions to study something like that without taking the proper measured steps of communicating with the school committee.  He stated that he could not support establishing a committee right now but that if the proper steps were taken he could possibly support it down the line.  Sel. O’Brien stated that education was an extremely important investment but he wanted to prevent the Board from having a knee-jerk reaction and wanted more input from appropriate parties first. 

Chairman Kurtz suggested tabling the motion until September or October and asking the Town Manger to provide the old reports that were conducted regarding the school districts.  He stated that additionally, the Board should look at the process to see what it would entail and in the meantime allow the other Towns to work through their budgets without the looming threat of Holden leaving the district. Chairman Kurtz stated that he wanted to work with the District for a solution and look to discuss this again in the future. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that this was not a knee-jerk reaction and that he had been thinking about this for a long time.  He stated that he felt the time to look at it was right now and that he does think that it made sense to see what the process would be; however, it wouldn’t make any sense to ask Town Counsel to see how to do this if the Town didn’t want to do it anyway. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that he understood Sel. O’Brien thought process of calling a public hearing but that more information is needed first.  He stated that his motion was not a vote to leave the district, it is simply to say let’s see the ideas and cost that it would be to do so.

Sel. Renzoni stated that he doesn’t disagree with asking the school committee members to be involved.  He stated that school delegation from Holden would need to be included as they understand the impact on the day-to-day.  He stated that maybe this goes no where, but a problem exists and should be looked at.

Sel. Renzoni stated that they needed to look at all options but that they couldn’t know their options until studying the issue.  Sel. Renzoni stated he disagreed with putting this off for a few months for no reason.

Ms. Kelly replied that she was involved in the study that was being discussed and the committee membership was a careful balance of school committee members and other stake holders.  She stated that she does not believe even forming the committee is something that could be done quickly if they wanted a quality and balanced report.  Ms. Kelly recommended everyone on the Board to read the study that was already completed that spoke about the District options and regionalization.  She stated that if a committee were to be formed she would be hopeful to draw from the entire community in order to get the same quality of people that were originally involved. 

Sel. O’Brien stated that if you looked at the agenda, nowhere was a discussion to establish a committee to speak about breaking away from the district written.  He stated that he respected process and that if a committee was going to be established then it should be done judiciously.  Sel. O’Brien stated that he got the impression that Sel. Lavigne and Sel. Renzoni wanted to do this and that they wanted to do it tonight (June 15, 2015) and he feels as though they are rushing it.  He stated that through his experience, town’s financials can change quickly.  The formula for Chapter 70 funding can change again as it had in the past. Sel. O’Brien stated that he appreciates the passion that the other selectmen feel about education, but he wants to make sure no rash decisions are made.

Sel. Ethier stated that he too appreciated the passion that other Board members spoke about education with, but that he agreed with Sel. O’Brien.  He stated that it was going to be a long process and that he would like to see the study that was completed in addition to involving the school committee. Sel. Ethier stated that he felt it would be wise to table this motion and bring it up again in the fall and in the meantime gather more information on the process.  He stated that he wanted more information as well as questions such as who would take possession of the high school and other details would need to be addressed.

Sel. Renzoni stated that he believed the discussion as to who would take the high school was putting the cart before the horse.  He stated that this is an ongoing issue and that they would be looking to reduce text books ($75K), technology ($75K), teachers (8 teachers), and maintenance.  He stated that this study was something to look at for the years to come.

Sel. Renzoni stated that as far as the parliamentary concerns as to making a motion on this item tonight; this is something that the Board does often because they do things that make sense; such as voting to allow the Town Manager to sign permits until the Board meets again.  He stated that the school district is a listed agenda item and discussing the budget lead to making a motion because something needs to be done now.  He stated if all the motion does is get the other communities moving then he would consider it successful. Sel. Renzoni stated that they should start now because if the Board waits until July a lot of time would be lost.      

Sel. O’Brien stated that there is more and more pressure put on towns that did not approve the budget.  He stated that he was all for inviting school committee members in next month (July) to bring visibility to the issue in a constructive way that helps empower them to be more effective.  Sel. O’Brien stated that he did not support Sel. Lavigne motion but that he would support actions going forward.

Sel. Lavigne stated that when he asked Dr. McCall to be invited to the Board of Selectmen meeting, he asked that the school committee be invited as well.  He stated that his fear was that if they waited until the fall to do anything about this, they would be entering political season again and it would be put off.  Sel. Lavigne stated that there is always going to be a reason to not do this, however he felt as though there was a will to do it and he wanted to move forward. 

Sel. Ethier offered an amendment to Sel. Lavigne’s original motion.  The amended motion would be to consider establishing a committee to review the possibility of Holden withdrawing from the Regional School District but to begin by reviewing the old report and speaking to the school committee prior to establishment of the committee. 

The motion was made by Sel. Ethier; it was seconded by Sel. Renzoni. 


Sel. Ethier stated that he thinks that they will know more in September.

Sel. Renzoni stated that all Sel. Lavigne is asking is to get the ball rolling.  He stated he was asking the Town Manager to start to figure out where to go from here, to review the old study, and put some people together.  Sel. Renzoni stated that he wanted to support something that moves the Town forward now.  He stated that if the Town waits until September then the Board is right back here next year.   

Ms. Kelly replied that she does not have the resources in her office to do this.  She stated that she could provide the Board with support but that they would have to work with their peers on the school committee and define what it is that the committee wants to do.  She stated that she has heard a lot of ideas, but that specific goals need to be identified because it is a large undertaking and a lot of data to review.  Ms. Kelly stated that she would support the Board’s efforts, but as far as the leg work, she does not have the resources to do it; and it would need to be a group effort. 

Sel. O’Brien stated that he does not support this and that it is a reaction to a presentation.  He stated that he wanted to proceed with a measured and thoughtful plan and to see what the scope was before it is proposed.

Sel. O’Brien stated that there were questions such as what would happen to the high school that needed to be answered.  Additionally he stated that the other Towns were going to look at Holden as meddling in their affairs.  He stated that Holden needed to be respectful of the finances of other Towns. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that he was not concerned with the other communities as their not passing their budgets meddled into Holden’s affairs.  He stated that he is more than happy to work with Ms. Kelly and that either motion is fine with him.  Sel. Lavigne stated that he is not looking for a formal vote, just information gathering in order to help answer some questions.  Sel. Lavigne stated that he is not saying that we want to leave the District, but that he wants the information in front of us so that questions could be answered. 

Chairman Kurtz asked if it would be pertinent to have Sel. Ethier draft a charter and have some Board members work through it.  He stated then the Board could come back and see what its options were.  He stated that during this time, the Board could receive and review the old study from the Town Manager. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that would be the first step and that’s what he was asking to be accomplished.

Sel. Ethier stated that the amendment to the motion was to consider setting up a committee and prior to seeing if a committee was to be created, to get information from the past study and ask the school committee to come in to a Board meeting speak to the Selectmen. 

Chairman Kurtz asked if they were looking for authority to create a draft charter for school options.

Sel. Ether replied that he was not.  He wanted to consider it with getting information first and then voting to see if a committee made sense.

Sel. Renzoni stated that they were suggesting tabling the matter until the July Board of Selectmen meeting and coming back to the meeting with a more thoughtful charge.  He stated that while he hated to lose time, the conversation had been going in circles without accomplishing anything. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that he had asked the school committee to be present at the Board of Selectmen meeting and they did not show up.  He asked what happened in July when they again did not show up. 

Ms. Kelly stated that she knew they were invited but she did not think they knew the extent at which this matter would be discussed. 

Sel. O’Brien suggested Sel. Lavigne and Sel. Renzoni form a subcommittee within the Selectmen to clarify the charge and show leadership on this matter. 

Sel. Lavigne asked why they would do that without the vote.

Sel. O’Brien replied that they wanted a subcommittee, so they could establish one and report back to the Selectmen.

Chairman Kurtz gaveled and stated that this was getting out of control.

He stated that there was an amendment to the original motion.

Sel. Ethier withdrew his amendment.  Sel. Renzoni withdrew his motion.

A motion was made by Sel. O’Brien to establish a subcommittee of two selectmen to study the problems that are present in the school district.

Sel. Lavigne replied that is what he requested.  Sel. O’Brien replied no, just to have Sel. Lavigne and Sel. Renzoni do the work. Sel. Lavigne stated that there was no way two people could do this as it was too large an undertaking. 

Chairman Kurtz gaveled the Board again and stated that the he was moving the vote on tabling the motion until the July 13, 2015 meeting.


Sel. Renzoni moved to have the Chairman establish a subcommittee to explore a charge for potential committee regarding the school district. 

Chairman Kurtz replied that he would look into that a reach out to the Board.


  1. Selectmen Subcommittees

Sel. O’Brien stated that he was unable to attend the June meeting for the Light Advisory Board and there were not meeting scheduled for the future at this time.

Sel. Renzoni stated that the Veterans Advisory Committee met last week and had some great conversation.  He stated that he recommended linking up with the Memorial Day Parade Committee and having the VA Committee take over the parade planning. 

Water Sewer Liaison: Sel. Renzoni stated that they reach out to him with emails and if they need Selectboard input they will reach out. 

Sel. Lavigne stated that the EDC had not met and that Winter Festival had not yet met.

Chairman Kurtz stated that the 275th Anniversary Committee would be meeting tomorrow, June 16, 2015. 

Chairman Kurtz also stated that he had assigned Sel. Ethier to the Agricultural Commission Committee. 

Chairman Kurtz told the Board that he had added Committee Liaison positions for each of the Board members as well to help better the communications within the boards and committees.

Sel. Lavigne asked the Chairman if he had reached out to the chairmen of each of these boards / commissions to see if they wanted a Board of Selectmen liaison.  He stated some of these chairmen may have strong feelings about this even though the intentions of the chairmen were good.

Chairman Kurtz replied that he had not reached out to the chairmen of these boards/ commissions but the intent was to see what is going on and to reach out in order to thank the members for serving on the committees.  He stated that he did not foresee the selectmen participating in these meetings.


  1. Follow- Up to Citizens Address

No Citizens Address


  1.  Selectmen Miscellaneous

Sel. Renzoni stated that the Code of Conduct was not yet completed.  He stated that he thinks it was very important that those documents are signed and that the Board needs to adhere to them regardless of signature.  Sel. Renzoni recommended placing this matter as an agenda item for the next meeting. 

Sel. Renzoni requested again to talk about the recreational rate structure.  He stated that while he was not the longest servicing selectman, he wanted to have a briefing or conversation on the rates for the recreation director.  He stated that every May/ June he gets complaints on policies and rates and he does not fully understand them so he wanted to have the conversation to help better understand them.

Sel. Lavigne stated that he had instituted a School District Liaison and it needed to be done away with last year.  He stated that he would like to see them come back in quarterly and increase communications with this committee.

Sel. Lavigne stated that last week most of the schools in town had a Holden Day.  The students were able to meet with Mr. Lukes, Ms. Kelly, and the Town Clerk.  He stated that he was able to speak to the students about the Town and who ran it and how they as residents impact the Town.  He thanked the schools in addition to the staff that spoke with them.  

Sel. O’Brien thanked Ms. Kelly for following through with her efforts on Rte. 31 bridge. 

Sel. Ethier left the meeting at 9:52PM.

Sel. O’Brien also asked for a timeframe on the Shrewsbury Street Construction.

Ms. Kelly replied that over the next few weeks they were raising the manhole covers and then they would be repaving.  She stated that repaving would probably be the last week in July and that this was the first project on paving contracts.

Sel. O’Brien asked if there would be progress by the end of July.  Ms. Kelly replied that there would be.

Sel. O’Brien stated that they had been getting the agendas from the Planning Board and that the subdivision control regulations were being discussed.  He asked if they could get a better understanding on what the Planning Board was discussing.

Sel. Ethier reentered the meeting at 9:54PM.

Ms. Kelly replied that the Planning Board looked at all regulations.  She stated one example was LED lighting. 

Sel. O’Brien asked if the Board should send a liaison to the Planning Board meeting.

Ms. Kelly recommended reading the Planning Board minutes to see what they were discussing.

Chairman Kurtz stated that about six months ago, the DPW Director stated that he was going to come back to the Board with a presentation regarding a policy on large capacity meters and he had yet to see that policy.  He stated that he was concerned that going into summer, the Board had not seen anything and this would be the time to do maintenance or replacement of these meters.  He asked Ms. Kelly to follow up with the DPW Director on this matter.

Chairman Kurtz stated that the Kids in the Kommunity invited the Town Manager and himself to an event and it was a great send off to the State House and great recognition for all they did. 


  1. Selectmen Minutes

Sel. Renzoni moved to table the April 27, 2015 Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes until the next Board Meeting.

Motion by Sel. O’Brien, seconded by Sel. Renzoni, it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE MAY 4, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINUTS BY A VOTE OF 4-0-1.  (Ethier: abstain).

Motion by Sel. O’Brien, seconded by Sel. Ethier, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE THE MAY 12, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINUTES.

Motion by Sel. Ethier, seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE THE MAY 18, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINUTES. 

Motion by Sel. Ethier, seconded by Sel. Renzoni, it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 1, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINUTES FOR THE 6:15PM MEETING IN THE STARBARD BUILIDNIG BY A VOTE OF 4-0-1.  (Lavigne: abstain).

Motion by Sel. Ethier, seconded by Sel. Renzoni, it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 1, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD IN MEMORIAL HALL BY A VOTE OF 4-0-1 (Lavigne: abstain).

Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lavigne, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JUNE 15, 2015 BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AT 10:00PM.


APPROVED: August 3, 2015__________________