Community Garden Committee, February 9, 2016

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Holden Community Garden Minutes 2/9/2016

Members in attendance: Jess Bader, Jess Cosenza, Stephanie Goodwin, Anthony Renzoni, JoAnn O’Brien                    

Absent Members: Tanya Lewis, Todd Miller (WSC Intern), Eileen Charbonneau

Open meeting 7:20
7:25 minutes approved Jan. 26 meeting.  Stephanie abstains from the vote.

Davis Hill Update:  meeting with staff updates

Matt Riley (fence volunteer) met at site over the weekend.  He will create a measurement and number of pallets and get this to us to make calls for materials.

Senior center letter- inviting the seniors to get involved, sharing updates, will be in their newsletter once Jess submits to them.

Tree Company/Poison Ivy Update with Town Meeting
Master plan was requested to get approval on budget of spending, to obtain bids
(Dave's, Kent, Elliot, Busy Bee currently considering estimates).  John Woodsmall and Stephanie will create specifics on the map to get a bid on tree and poison ivy removal.

Jess to get sample of Fir tree to send to UMass.

Discuss plot plan/master plan to be submitted to Town Manager.  South side has not been fully evaluated and now can't be assessed due to snow, so that are will be listed as "to be assessed", and we will keep this as a priority.  Current "turnaround area" drawn out and described- agreed upon and Anthony believes that DPW will grade it after tree/landscape company removes and mucks out poison ivy.  Concerns about carbon release of site if left open, so we will ask for chips or other cover.  DPW will allow for water access.  Rain barrels would be ideal to implement long term.  “Fluid plan"- to allow for changes as we go.   We will ask them to save gravel for future use.  Nature trail area discussed. 
Leave dates out of master plan.
Find out what to do after spray of poison ivy (ie: leave plants to die or remove them?)

Future projects: sign posts, archway/entryway/shed/beds, tools that may be shared
Hand pump/ground water/spot well- ask town to assess Davis Hill and Creamer for ground water access
Irrigation piping (when, who, how)

Discussed herbicides- all resources have assured us that we have to use herbicides to get rid of the poison ivy. Half life considered, safety.  Still consider the goats in smaller areas, short term, avoiding treated areas.

Monte tech Shiela Harriety coming to speak to Board of Selectmen. Anthony to mention that projects will be available (such as a potential gazebo, tool shed, beds, etc.)

Briefly discussed ground breaking/ribbon cutting TBD
Adjourned at 8:45 pm