Community Garden Committee, July 10, 2018

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

July 10, 2018


Mission Statement:

The Holden Community Garden Committee is a volunteer organization working to provide and support Holden residents, individually and collectively, to grow food, flowers, fruits, and herbs on town land including the redeveloped property on Highland Street.  Our efforts will enable residents to enjoy the beauty of our town while developing a sense of community through cooperative action, learning about sustainable and environmentally conscious gardening as well as ethical harvesting. 

The Holden Community Garden Committee also exists to foster the education of the children of Holden through the support of community gardens in local schools and community groups.  These gardens will help to develop the appreciation of future generations for the importance of agriculture and responsible environmental practices, and provide education and positive experiences through gardening and physical activity.


In Attendance:  Marcia Hastbacka, Chair:  Members:  Jessica Cosenza, Sarah Edmonstone, Mike Trigiano


Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m.



Minutes of June 25, 2018 Meeting

Motion #1: To approve the minutes of June 25 2018 Meeting with correction of name

Voted and carried.



a. Donations – Letters need to be sent to Bolton Orchards and Busy Bee Nursery for their plant donations.

b. Water Catchment System - The screens for both water catchment systems are now in place.  Mike K. will need to be reimbursed[WBB1]  for the monies he paid for the screening.  Marcia will ask the DPW what type and height they prefer for reflectors on the poles.   Discussed planting some morning glories to “dress up” the poles and decided to wait until we find out the height that the DPW would like the reflectors.  Due to lack of rain and evaporation of the water in the cisterns, Marcia will ask the DPW about getting them re-filled.

c. Invasive Plants – Discussion of types of invasive plants and some plants (invasive) have been put in pots.

 Motion #2:  That gardeners must follow the guidelines of the Holden Community Garden Committee regarding invasive plants which also include potted plants.

Voted and carried.



A discussion ensued about the Girl Scout project and the need for the Girl Scout and leader to be present at our next meeting to present the plan as well as a timeline.  It was noted that all volunteer projects have adhered to this process and we expect that this project will be handled in the same manner.

Motion #3: That the Girl Scout member and leader in charge of this project need to present to the Committee at a meeting with plans and timeline for approval of the project and especially address the community concerns about the spiral herb garden.

Voted and carried.



Marcia will submit an application for a booth for Holden Days and contact Robin W. at Town Manager’s office about getting a check to pay for the booth.  Cost is $85.00.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Next meeting will be at the Starbard Building on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 6:30 pm.