Community Garden Committee, July 25, 2017

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 25,  2017


Mission Statement:

The Holden Community Garden Committee is a volunteer organization working to provide and support Holden residents, individually and collectively, to grow food, flowers, fruits, and herbs on town land including the redeveloped property on Highland Street.  Our efforts will enable residents to enjoy the beauty of our town while developing a sense of community through cooperative action, learning about sustainable and environmentally conscious gardening as well as ethical harvesting. 

The Holden Community Garden Committee also exists to foster the education of the children of Holden through the support of community gardens in local schools and community groups.  These gardens will help to develop the appreciation of future generations for the importance of agriculture and responsible environmental practices, and provide education and positive experiences through gardening and physical activity.


In Attendance:  Marcia Hastbacka, Chair:  Members:  Jessica Cosenza, Tanya Lewis, Michael Mazloff,

Mike Trigiano (Member of the Community)


Not In Attendance:  Ryan Fahey, Geri Herlihy (Liaison to Board of Selectman)


Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m.





June 13, 2017 Meeting



To approve the minutes of the June 13nd Meeting

Voted and passed.




The Landmark covered Davis Hill in a recent edition:

The Garden is being tended to by student and family volunteers through a water brigade:

Volunteers are encouraged to sample from the garden and donate clean kitchen scraps (fruits, veggies and coffee grounds) to the compost tumbler, and give it a spin!

Family volunteer Mike Kendrick is taking on the water collection wall and gutter project and has clearance through the town office as well as the school dept., central office, and principal.  Construction should take place and be completed this summer.

Steven and Spencer Braithwaite have been in contact about completing their projects.  Kindergarten beds are completed, and tables are to be installed.

Teachers will have a back to school plan regarding use of the garden in September.


Marcia reported that the DPW has put done lime according to the recommendations of the UMass Extension Service and according to Chris DeMourville will put down a 2nd application in the fall.  Chris also stated that the DPW has order winter rye seed to put down as a cover crop.  The DPW also weed-wacked the area around the spiral herb garden and brought in a load of wood chips for us to use.  Marcia and her daughter pulled out the many weeds in the circle between the herb garden and the rocks surrounding it.  Jess and her husband put down the weed block in the spiral herb garden area and covered the weed block with wood chips.  They also made some small irregular beds (covered with weed block and wood chips) for the girl scouts to plant flowers in these small areas.  The plan is to have several other similar areas surrounding the spiral herb garden as a place for community groups to plant flowers as well. A discussion ensued about the town and DPW re-testing the area after the 2nd lime application has been put down.  Marcia will follow-up with P. Lukes to get a commitment from the town that re-testing will be done before we offer beds to town residents for vegetable gardening.

Michael M. left the meeting at 7:00 pm.


Marcia contacted Jen Stanovich of the Wachusett Chamber of Commerce about renting a table for Holden Days.

Holden Days will be held on Saturday, August 26, 2017 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, and table must be manned all day.

She was told that the DPW had a space and did ask Peter Lukes if the HCGC could use a small section for a display.

Before Peter responded, Jen called to offer a space on Main Street near the Clock and the Committee decided to grab that space.  It has high visibility with a perfect location to promote the Community Garden.  Mike T. offered to start some herbs from cuttings and we should have over 100 pots to give away.  Marcia will make labels for the pots.   Jess has some coloring pages to give out to children and Marcia will make 200+ copies as a giveaway. 

Jess has some posters of the Davis Hill Garden that can be put up in the booth.  We will need some sign-up sheets for residents interested in volunteering, signing up for a garden plot, etc.  We will need members to man the booth and at the next meeting will finalize plans for Holden Days.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

The next meeting will be at the Starbard Building at 6:30 pm on August 22, 2017