Community Garden Committee, June 12, 2018

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June 12, 2018

Mission Statement:

The Holden Community Garden Committee is a volunteer organization working to provide and support Holden residents, individually and collectively, to grow food, flowers, fruits, and herbs on town land including the redeveloped property on Highland Street.  Our efforts will enable residents to enjoy the beauty of our town while developing a sense of community through cooperative action, learning about sustainable and environmentally conscious gardening as well as ethical harvesting. 

The Holden Community Garden Committee also exists to foster the education of the children of Holden through the support of community gardens in local schools and community groups.  These gardens will help to develop the appreciation of future generations for the importance of agriculture and responsible environmental practices, and provide education and positive experiences through gardening and physical activity.

In Attendance:  Marcia Hastbacka, Chair:  Members:  Jessica Cosenza, Mike Trigiano, Sarah Edmonstone

Meeting called to order at 6:50 p.m.


Minutes of June 5, 2018 Meeting

Motion: To approve the minutes with one correction

Voted and carried.



Marcia reported that she had a message from Chris D. of the DPW.  The DPW will spread the loam sometime during the middle of next week.  At that time, the cisterns will be brought to the site.  The materials for the water catchment system have been sent to 2 building supply companies for a quote; no quotes as yet.  Jess reported that there have been no new applications and it was suggested that we run our message on the electronic sign for another week. Sarah has contacted local churches about the community garden and that a plot will be designated for a community harvest.  Sarah will also post about the gardens on another website.  Sarah will contact Joseph’s Pantry as well.  Jess will give the Landmark a heads-up about our progress and Marcia will contact the Landmark once the loam is spread to get some publicity.  Jess also reported that the volunteer who was going to till the area reported that the ground was too rocky/hard to till and that if we had 6 inches of loam, that would be sufficient.



Jess reported that the Girl Scouts met with a master gardener who showed them his gardens.  After visiting his gardens, they are working together to plan a layout as well as working to get some funds for this project.



Marcia reported that we now have 4 current active committee members and the updated Town of Holden website reflects that.



Jess reported that because the school year is ending, there is nothing new.  The beds are flourishing and a watering schedule for the summer months is online.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Next meeting will be scheduled for June 25 at the Starbard Building.