DPW Facility Committee, August 14, 2017

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 14, 2017

Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee

Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2017


Call to order

Daniel Nason called to order the regular meeting of the Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee (DPW FC) at 7:01 on August 14, 2017 at Holden Senior Center, 1130 Main Street, Holden, MA .


Roll call

Daniel Nason conducted a roll call.

Committee Members present:

Chair Daniel Nason

Jack Cross

Jim Kempton

Mark Johnson



Committee Members absent:

Dawn Michanowicz


Others present:

Peter Lukes, Town Manager

John Woodsmall, Director of Public Works

Gary Kaczmarek, Project Manager

Geri Herlihy, Board of Selectmen

Jeff Alberti, Weston & Sampson Engineer

Chris DeMoranville, Supervisor of Operations

David White, Finance Committee Liaison



Review and approve meeting minutes

Jim Kempton made a motion to approve the minutes from July 10, 2017. Jack Cross

seconded the motion. Mark Johnson abstained. Vote approved by majority vote.


Jim Kempton made a motion to approve the minutes from July 24, 2017. Jack Cross

seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote.



Site survey

Gary Kaczmarek reported that additional quotes came in and Control Point Associates, Southboro. They came in at $13,800, substantially lower than the others. They started before the PO was in and had good reviews. They will be onsite next Monday and Tuesday marking the boundaries. It should be completed by September 1.

There was general discussion regarding what the survey entails.




Building materials sampling

Jeff Alberti reported that Weston and Sampson was on site last week and is waiting on lab results. He is expecting them as soon as tomorrow (8/15/17). So far, there have been no surprises.

Dan Nason asked when he would see the formal report.

Mr. Alberti said he expects them 1- 1 ½ weeks after all the results are in and are written up.  Weston and Sampson is going back out to check cutting oils for PCB’s and to take core samples of the concrete and concrete coatings.

Gary Kaczmarek said he met Craig Meyer at the site and asked if he was looking behind the brick façade for anything “hot”. He said he has.


Environmental liability insurance

A new quote was passed out and reviewed. There were 2 major changes. First was an addition of a 4 year policy for either 3 or 5 million dollars coverage. Second, they confirmed that if a 3 year policy was taken out it could be renewed for additional years if the town felt the need.

The consensus agreed that the 4 year policy was the best option.

Mr. Nason added that no further action was needed. The town manager can decide now based on the vote taken at the last meeting.


Incorporation of other Town Departments

HCTV space needs

Mr. Nason asked Mr. Lukes if there are any other town departments that he or the Board of Selectmen feel should be incorporated into the new building. Mr. Lukes reported HCTV’s interest and space needs requirement. HMLD expressed interest in touring Adams Road for the purpose of storing supplies currently being stored at Alden Research. The Fire Department will continue to use it as a satellite location.


Jim Kempton made a motion to have Weston and Sampson to explore the feasibility of 2,000 square feet of space to be incorporated into the project for HCTV. Jack Cross seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote.


Continue discussion on Project Delivery Methods

Mr. Kaczmarek said that he, Mr. Lukes and Mr. Woodsmall met with town council to discuss the different project delivery methods. They discussed the importance of using high quality contractors.

He also added that most of the bids come from repeat group of contractors that bid on buildings of this scope.

Town Council recommended Design Bid Build for the project.

Mark Johnson asked questions regarding CM at Risk.

There was a general discussion regarding DBB vs CM at Risk. Most feel comfortable with the Design Bid Build method.

Jim Kempton made a motion to recommend to the Town Manager to utilize the Design Bid Build delivery method. Jack Cross seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote.


Holden Day Booth

Mr. Woodsmall reported that the location of the table at Holden Days is D37.  It will have DPW operations and project information. He asked for the Committee’s participation. DPW equipment is also being brought down. Mr. Alberti was asked to provide glossy boards about the DPW Facility project.



New business not previously anticipated to be discussed

Mr. Woodsmall referenced the Wetlands Flagging Report that was handed out and gave a general overview. He pointed out that there are no real crucial resources on the property. There is an area on the west side but nothing that impacts the use of the property. There is a flood plain in dispute that is being worked on being removed.


Mr. Lukes recommended speaking to Jim Robinson at HMLD ASAP to have him tour Adams Road.


Mr. Kempton asked about the status of new board members. Mr. Lukes said they should be in next week.


Set future meeting dates

August 28, 2017

Mark Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Jim Kempton seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm.




Minutes submitted by:  Maureen Burke

Minutes approved by:  DPWFC on August 28, 2017