DPW Facility Committee, November 16, 2016

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee

Meeting Minutes

November 16, 2016



Call to order

Daniel Nason called to order the regular meeting of the Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee (DPW FC) at 7:05pm on November 16 2016 at Holden Senior Center, 1130 Main Street, Holden, MA.


Roll call

Daniel Nason conducted a roll call.

Committee Members present:

Chair Daniel Nason

Jack Cross

Bill Randell

Jim Kempton

Mark Johnson


Committee Members absent:

Dawn Michanowicz

Eugene Stirchak



Others present:

Alan R. Berg, Finance Committee Member 

Joseph Dolak, D.C., Finance Committee Member 

Karl Makela, Finance Committee Member 

Marilynn L. Foley, Finance Committee Member

John Lambert, Finance Committee Member 

David White, Finance Committee Liaison

Geri Herlihy, Board of Selectmen Liaison

Anthony Renzoni, Chairman, Board of Selectmen

Timothy Ethier, Vice Chairman, Board of Selectmen

Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager

John Woodsmall, Director of Public Works

Ryan Mouradian, Water & Sewer Superintendent


JP Parnas, Weston & Sampson Engineer

Jeff Alberti, Weston & Sampson Engineer


Introductions of Committee Members

Dan Nason introduced the committee and the invited guests.




Presentation by Facility Committee on Work Progress to Date

Dan Nason made a presentation that discussed the proposed DPW Facility.

Question and Answer Period

Karl Makela asked for a comparison on the current insurance costs on the existing building (18 Industrial Drive) vs the insurance on the building on Adams Road.

Dan Nason explained that the Adams Road building will still be in existence because of Fire Department use.

David White explained that the $35,000 policy was for the Cost Cap Insurance. It isn’t typical insurance and he gave a brief description of how it works.

Bill Randall elaborated explaining the nuances of the Cost Cap Insurance and how it covers over the remediation of the known contaminants if the cost goes over the projected cost.

Al Berg offered his opinions on the site. He said he would be opposed to a 2 stage project.

Mr. Nason stated that at this time the board is recommending going forward in a two stage process to be able to gain access to perform more testing.

Mr. Berg stated his concerns about the building.  One being the 30 seat community room. Another being the price point. He believes the $20 million budget will turn people off. Lastly, he discussed the design costs budget and recommended the numbers be précised up.

Mr. Nason said that bringing something to the town meeting floor that isn’t going to work spatially doesn’t make any sense. That said, efficiencies in design will be made.

Mr. Makela asked why all the vehicles cannot be stored in a canopied area.

Mr. Nason explained that many of the trucks are old and need to be warmed before responding to emergencies.

John Lambert had no questions.

Marilynn Foley asked about clarification on utility costs.

Mr. Nason referred to the previous year’s costs in the presentation. As it is partially in use by the town, it is being heated and utilities are on to support the fire suppression system.

Mr. Makela offered that the taxpayers will want to know how much the increase in their taxes will see.

Joseph Dolak asked what would happen to existing buildings in use.

Mr. Nason stated that hasn’t been part of the charge to the committee but offered his opinion on what he believes may happen. (Fire Station still being used.)

Mr. White offered that the message going forward needs to be what goes on in the current building and how the town and employees will benefit from a new facility including potentially consolidating other departments into the building also. It is an easier sell by developing this piece of property to discuss it as a multi-use property.

Anthony Renzoni expressed that answers to questions, even those not in the charge of the DPWFC should be able to be answered to townspeople at the time of the town meeting. Some of those questions include potential to add on and consolidate other departments/facilities into 18 Industrial Drive and the tax implications. He also asked if everything at the property needs to be remediated.

Mr. Nason answered not everything needs to be remediated and the issues that do not need to be addressed right away.

There was a lengthy group discussion regarding various opinions.

Mr. Renzoni discussed the need for education to the community about why the DPW building is needed and why it should be at the Industrial Road property.

Mr. White believes that general consensus supports the DPW Facility Committee and after the due diligence is done, there would be support for the 18 Industrial Drive site.

Mr. Makela is of the opinion that the project should be introduced as one project and not two.

Mr. Renzoni suggested meeting again.  He feels that community leaders together and on board with the 18 Industrial Drive project.

Set future meeting schedule (Facility Committee)




Mr. Kempton made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:27pm.


Minutes submitted by:  Maureen Burke

Minutes approved by:  January 19, 2016