DPW Facility Committee, October 25, 2016

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee

Meeting Minutes

October 25, 2016


Call to order

Daniel Nason called to order the regular meeting of the Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee (DPWFC) at 7:07pm on October 25, 2016 at Starboard Building, 1204 Main Street, Holden, MA.


Roll call

Daniel Nason conducted a roll call.

Committee Members present:

Chair Daniel Nason

Jack Cross

Bill Randell

Jim Kempton

Mark Johnson


Committee Members absent:

Dawn Michanowicz



Others present:

Geri Herlihy, Board of Selectmen Liaison

David White, Finance Committee Liaison

John Woodsmall, Director of Public Works

Ryan Mouradian, Water & Sewer Superintendent


JP Parnas, Weston & Sampson Engineer

Jeff Alberti, Weston & Sampson Engineer

Eugene Stirchak Arrived at 7:25


Review and Approval of minutes from last meeting

Mr. Randell made a motion to approve the minutes from October 13, 2016 with edits.

Mr. Nason seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote.


Discuss Results of Board of Selectmen October 17 Meeting

Mr. Nason stated his view of how Chairman Renzoni seems to now fully support accepting the 18 Industrial Drive property. A week before there seemed to be no way he would be ready to go forward. He is not sure what changed his mind.


Sel. Herlihy stated that the Chairman Renzoni has been the most supportive and he loves that piece of land. The Board needed the opportunity to be together to discuss the project and bring up questions.


Mr. Kempton stated that Chairman Renzoni said he had “time to reflect” in the two weeks between the two meeting. He heard discussion that the DPWFC Committee was misinterpreting the October 3rd Board of Selectman meeting. He feels the Committee interpreted correctly as everyone had similar interpretations. He saw two different meetings between the 3rd and the 17th. He still doesn’t know where we stand.


Sel. Herlihy responded that the Board of Selectmen wanted her to come back and ask the DPWFC to do a Special Town Meeting after the first of the year for the land and go back for the building. If the town approves the land, hopefully getting they would get approval for the building in May.


Eugene Stirchak Arrived at 7:25


Mr. Randall stated that the Special Town Meeting the DPWFC was calling for was to accept the donation of the land. He recalled that Chairman Renzoni said at the Selectmen Meeting that the Special Town Meeting was to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate the agreement, which the Committee is doing already. He would like an accepted agreement and a copy of the liability insurance before asking to go to Town Meeting.


Sel. Herlihy stated that Chairman Renzoni didn’t appear to know that the Town Manager is already in negotiations.


Mr. Randall reiterated that the request for Town Meeting was rescinded because the DPWFC wanted an agreement and liability insurance in hand before requesting a Town Meeting.


Mr. Nason agreed.


Mr. White stated that he didn’t think Chairman Renzoni flip flopped at all. He thinks he has always supported the acquisition of the land. He feels that the simple questions being asked were not answered. He also stated that the DPWFC has no authority. It is appointed by the Town Manager to look into something at which time the Town Manager brings that information back to get approval from the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Nason stated that in a two week time frame the Chairman stated the Board of Selectmen wouldn’t do anything without a response back with the answers to their questions. We hadn’t answered those questions and without any more answers to those questions, Chairman Renzoni decided to move forward.


Sel. Herlihy recalled that at the last Board of Selectmen meeting, the other members had to pump the breaks on Chairman Renzoni and remind him that a Special Town meeting couldn’t be called without the answers to the questions that had been posed.


Mr. Nason reiterated that those issues are why the DPWFC put the brakes on asking for Town Meeting and why he was surprised that the Chairman wanted to move forward.


Sel. Herlihy stated that the Board of Selectmen still feel like doing the land first ASAP.


Mr. Nason added that was exactly the way the DPWFC was told NOT to approach this.


Mr. Kempton agreed and recalled that from the first meeting, this was one lump project. That would be well and good if the town already owned the land. That is not the case. Time seemed to be of the essence and waiting and losing the land would be a pretty lousy alternative.


Mr. Nason stated that everyone involved in this project needs to be on the same page when this is presented to the town.


Mr. Johnson expressed that we have a communication problem. Everyone is off in their own groups but clash when people ask and expect answers to questions that we don’t have. He feels we should be on the agenda every 2 weeks at the Board of Selectmen meeting to update progress on open and closed items.


Mr. Nason stated that we need promoters to help.


Mr. White stated prior to the meeting with the selectmen it was suggested there be a meeting with DPWFC, FinCom and the Board of Selectmen. Someone decided it wasn’t a good idea. In hindsight, that was the right thing to do because then all the answers would have been available. He added that the FinCom has discussed that there is great concern on going forward with two Town Meetings. The following question arose. “What are we actually taking this land for?”  If we are taking it for a DPW project, the cost (of the building) should be known in advance. Discussing with all three committee first would prevent having a difference of opinion on the Town Meeting floor. The other thing the DPWFC Committee needs to be keenly aware of (is) this project is going to get one chance. The town has to do a population growth study immediately because the Town is running out of space in the grammar schools. Once that is done and it is determined that more seats are needed guess what project will rise to the top of the charts. We need to get this to a town meeting and passed because once a 12-15mm addition to Mayo is made known, it will hurt this projects chances.


Mr. Nason asked when that study is proposed to happen.


Mr. White answered he guarantees it will happen before next summer and it will be about a $125,000 study.


Sel. Herlihy stated that she thought it was slated for FY 2018.


Mr. Randall asked if there was a movement to get this done in the short term.


Mr. White stated that there is movement that if there is going to be a Special Town Meeting to talk about land for the DPW, there will also be a second warrant article.


Mr. Randall asked for clarification on if there was a vote scheduled to accept the land, there will be an article piggy-backing on it a second vote to fund the population study.


Mr. White said it would be his guess that it would happen.


Mr. Randall suggested that it would be DPW fighting against schools.


Mr. White stated it would not.


Mr. Randall stated his concern that the Special Town Meeting was to be a one issue meeting to approve the DPW project but now he is being told there is a plan to piggyback the second issue of the population growth study.


Mr. White took the Committee through the lengthy timeline of a project such as the Mayo School expansion from approving the funds for the study to when the first shovel hits the ground. (Approximately 5 years.)


Mr. Nason expressed his view of public perception will be to forget the DPW Facility, people will want to fund schools. People will not want to put an X amount of millions of dollars DPW Facility up just to have to spend 10-15 million on schools 3 years later.


Mr. Cross stated that the DPWFC should sit down with everybody (boards) and ask how which direction should we take and how do you want us to do this (project).


Mr. White stated the FinCom and Board of Selectmen pushed for funds to be approved at Town Meeting for the DPW project. When the town committed to spending $350,000 (approx.) to the project for designing, it committed the project to the town somewhat. But, 10 or 11 months later we have no more information now to deal with than we had at that time, relative to the property.


Mr. Woodsmall stated that the committee has been working on site selection and that was the focus of the committees’ activities through much of the spring and summer. It wasn’t until July that the committee went to the Board of Selectmen with a preferred site. Prior to that, there was no need to spend $350,000. It has only been 3 months, not 10 or 11 months.


General discussion regarding a good date for the next meeting including the Board of Selectmen and FinCom took place.


Discuss preferred project development process – Tabled until after Joint Meeting


Vote as needed, on project development process recommendation to the Town Manager-Tabled


Old business

Mr. Woodsmall reported that a formal negotiation document is going out to Reed-Rico tomorrow. Town council took at standard Purchase and Sale agreement and edited it into donation agreement. The Town Manager didn’t give specific permission to discuss going forward.


Mr. Nason recommended going into Executive Session when the finalized document is discussed.


Mr. Woodsmall stated that Mr. Randall got some more refined quotes regarding the insurance. Previous quote was $25,000 -$30,000 cost with a $25,000 deductible for $1 million worth of coverage. A formal quote of $26,000 for $1 million worth of coverage with a $100,000 deductible. Other options are $42,000 for $3 million worth of coverage. $52,000 for $5 million worth of coverage. The deductible on these two are not known.


Mr. Parnas updated the measurements of the existing facilities vs the proposed facilities. Now included are the indoor storage at Adams Road, an approximation of what is being used at Reed-Rico, Spring Street, small garage at the landfill and an estimate for outdoor use for stored vehicles at Adams Road and Spring Street. He then discussed some expansions and a few deductions in space as well as new programmed spaces that currently don’t exist. Current footage 42,000 sq. ft. The proposal is for 34,000 sq. ft. This reflects inefficiencies in current parking and vehicles that will be parked in canopies. Lengthy discussion during previous meetings justify the space needs in more detail.

Mr. Alberti suggested that there is more that can be done to get some more answers to be more prepared when/if the project is presented at Town Meeting.


New business - none


Discuss and plan outreach efforts

Mr. Woodsmall showed videos of Hometown Holden that included interviews and tours of the DPW. There were also videos of road work recently done in town.


Mr. Nason stated short videos of the DPW doing their jobs should be included on the town Facebook page and website.


Other ideas discussed were a town history showing the progression of the town from the 1950’s to now, the inefficient way the DPW facilities are functioning now –vs- the proposed new facility, drone footage, get ahold of Joe Giotta for video production.


Set Future meeting schedule

November 16, 2016 @ 7PM with the Finance Committee and Board of Selectmen



Mr. Randall made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Kempton seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:51pm.


Minutes submitted by:  Maureen Burke

Minutes approved by:  DPW FC on December 8, 2016