DPW Facility Committee, September 29, 2016

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee

Meeting Minutes

September 29, 2016


Call to order

Daniel Nason called to order the regular meeting of the Holden Department of Public Works Facility Committee at 7:04pm on September 29, 2016 at Holden Senior Center, 1130 Main Street, Holden, MA .


Roll call

Daniel Nason conducted a roll call.

Committee Members present:

Chair Daniel Nason

Mark Johnson

Dawn Michanowicz

Eugene Stirchak

Jack Cross


Committee Members absent:

Jim Kempton

Bill Randell


Others present:

Geri Herlihy, Board of Selectmen Liaison

David White, Finance Committee Liaison

John Woodsmall, Director of Public Works

Ryan Mouradian, Water & Sewer Superintendent

Jeff Alberti, Weston & Sampson Engineers

JP Parnas, Weston & Sampson Engineers

Dan Hazen, Supervisor of Operations

Isabel McCauley, Senior Civil Engineer


Review and Approval of minutes from last meeting

Changes were made to minutes of September 7, 2016. Correction of spelling of Ms. Herlihy and Ms. Michanowicz names, revise size of vehicle room to fluid storage and strike a mistyped comment.

Ms. Michanowicz made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from September 7, 2016. Mr. Cross and Mr. Johnson abstained as they were not present during last meetings minutes approval. The vote was postponed until Mr. Randell arrives.


Review process and votes to date                                                                                                                                    Mr. Parnas passed out the space needs sheets and matrix based off the vote taken at the last meeting.

Mr. Woodsmall said an additional item the Town Manager had was the desire for a stand-alone (town) training/muster room.

Mr. Woodsmall discussed the Facilities and Locker room size changes. The lockers were changed to a 24” size. - Men’s locker room increases to 960 square feet. Women’s locker room increases to 357 sq. ft. Community training room now sized to seat 30 people. It is an extra room with access from outside.

Mr. Nason discussed the redundancy of the kitchenette.

Mr. Randell arrived at 7:15.

Mr. White commented that this adds $400,000 more to the project.

Mr. Alberti commented that an alternate use for the space is a sleeping quarters. This would be an ideal space as the break room is currently used.

Ms. Michanowicz reiterated the need for a space to accommodate cots for sleeping. Particularly during long duration storms.

Ms. Michanowicz made a motion to include the community training room in the master plan.

Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote.


Ms. Michanowicz made a motion to accept the revised employee facilities alternate large lockers on sheet 8A.  Mr. Johnson seconded the motion.


Mr. Johnson asked if any lockers had been added to the plan.

Mr. Parnas stated he took liberty of sizing it similar to the facility in Wayland

Ms. Michanowicz asked for clarification when that change was made; she was referred to the new sheet, 8A.

Vote approved by majority vote.


Mr. Nason asked Mr. Woodsmall if there was anything new on the process.

Mr. Woodsmall stated that since we last met the Committee’s recommendations were placed in the Town Managers miscellaneous report at the last board of selectmen meeting, in order to give a rough update of what this committee had been doing.  The Board of Selectmen invited this Committee to present their recommendations at the October 3, 2016 Board of Selectmen meeting. Town counsel drafted a Purchase & Sale agreement that has been provided to Mr. Woodsmall and the Town Manager.

Discussions followed with Mr. Alberti and Mr. Parnas regarding the provisions of  M.G.L. Ch. 23E and the MCP, and what protections the Town and sellers would have. There is a process under M.G.L. Ch. 23E called a Brownfields Covenant Not To Sue.  This is an agreement entered into the by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s (AG) office and the successor owner of a contaminated property. The Covenant prevents abutters/effected parcels from taking action against a new owner if there were any unknown releases to the site.


Mr. Woodsmall is also trying to get a quote from the Town’s insurance company for the liability coverage. There was a general discussion regarding what triggers the policy coverage start and completion dates.


There was a general discussion regarding the Brownfields Covenant Not To Sue. Mr. Alberti offered that it was intended for a site where you aren’t the cause of pollution and is intended to promote someone to buy the site and clean it up. It has some really good protection measures to encourage potential buyers to purchase and clean a site.


Mr. Woodsmall stated that the Covenant process is generally targeted at economically disadvantaged cities and towns in order to use it as an economic development tool.  The Covenant is offered by the MA AG and not the Department of Environmental Protection.


Review draft report and presentation for Board of Selectmen Meeting, October 3.

Discussed the draft letter to the board and discussed the purpose being to inform the selectmen. Operation costs that are known will be on a separate spreadsheet but not included with the letter. Mr. Woodsmall asked if the board wanted him to include expected utility costs in the letter. Mr. Stirchak and Mr. Nason both expressed that it should not be included. Discussion/changes to the content of the letter drafted by Mr. Nason for Chairman Renzoni, Board of Selectmen.

#1 Mr. Johnson – 2nd page, last paragraph, 1st sentence. Change to “In summary, the DPW FC has voted that this parcel IS the preferred site for a new DPW Facility.”

#2 1st page, 2nd paragraph, last sentence belongs in the following paragraph after the first sentence right after “square feet”. Also, “61,135” will be increased by 1,478

#3 1st page, first paragraph5 lines down change to “…..and determined to be the most favorable sites…”

#4 2nd page, second paragraph “$35,000 year until site is permanently closed.”

Ms. Michanowicz suggested that the summary page be put right up front.


Mr. Johnson made a motion to approve the letter from the Chairman to Mr. Renzoni with tonight’s edits and to authorize the Chairman to have final edit.

Ms. Michanowicz seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote.


Mr. Woodsmall asked the Committee if they wanted Weston and Sampson present at the Board of Selectman meeting. The Committee all agreed it was important for Weston and Sampson to be present.


Ms. Michanowicz made a motion to approve the minutes from September 7 as edited.

Mr. Cross seconded the motion.

Vote approved by majority vote. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Stirchak Abstained.


Discuss outreach efforts

Mr. Randall suggested using Facebook photos to show the work being done by DPW in town.


Mr. Woodsmall referenced the social media policy from the town managers office that he will send it out.


Mr. Randall explained that the Facebook page clearly states he does not represent the town.


Mr. Woodsmall reiterated that once the meeting with the selectman and special town meeting is set, we can have finance committee meeting, meetings with the general public utilize public TV to stay transparent and encourage questions.


Ms. Herlihy stated that Chairman Renzoni was not planning on scheduling a Special Town Meeting until the Finance Committee is approached.


Avenues discussed for outreach are The Landmark, Worcester live local web based news and School Committees, PTA parents, sports, brochure/bill stuffer, baseball league, soccer, senior center, Chamber of Commerce and the October 15th dedication of Mount View School.


Mr. Alberti suggested a video with voice overs that will hammer home what the DPW does, why they need a new “home” and why a new facility is needed. The townspeople should see the conditions and danger to the workers’ health they are in the current building. Also, an updated brochure with a photo of the whole fleet parked inside and outside.


The pros and cons of taking the time to inform the townspeople of the project–vs- waiting too long and missing the opportunity was discussed.





Old business



New business



Set Future meeting schedule

Tentatively set for October 13 @ 7PM.



Mr. Randall made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Cross seconded the motion. Vote approved by majority vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.


Minutes submitted by:  Maureen Burke

Minutes approved by:  DPW FC on October 13, 2016