Eagle Lake Committee

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Eagle Lake Committee

Meeting Minutes

November 1, 2017


The regular meeting of the Eagle Lake Committee was called to order at 7:00pm on November 1, 2017 in Stoddard Building by Mark Taubert and seconded by Sarah Edmonstone.


Gerald Kersus

Dan Marinone

Mark Taubert

Stephen Isabelle

Mark Aucoin

Sarah Edmonstone


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the October 25, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made regarding the spelling of Robert Lavigne and deletion of a name that was not in attendance, Brian Vitalis. Dan Marinone made the motion to approve the minutes with those corrections being made, and Mark Aucoin seconded that motion. All members voted to approve the minutes.

New Business

The Chairman brought the second meeting to order and focused out attention by reviewing the goals of the committee that were given to us by the Holden Board of Selectmen. He also talked to us about the three areas under consideration spoken to us at the last meeting by Bob Lavigne, the condition and future prospects of the dam, the park and the pond.

Questions were posed regarding the DEP and issues involving what approvals are needed to work on the land, how does the Environmental Protection or Conservation Commission get involved in the process of improving this property and are there past rulings that may apply to how the property may be changed. A question regarding what the abutters rights currently are and what would those rights look like if the pond were drained.

Gerry Kersus reminded the committee members that each of us is expected to provide help in each of the three areas and support the goals of the group. One example of this help was the report provided to the committee by Stephen Isabelle. The Eagle Lake Current Conditions report outlined the conditions as of 10/27/2017. Mr. Isabelle read his report of the entrance, playground, picnic area, beach shack, parking area and trails. The committee agreed that most of the issues are cosmetic in nature with land clearing, pruning, painting, inclusion of needed railing for safety, new sand for the beach, signage, and tree removal. A copy of his report will be included with these minutes for the official record.

In general, the committee talked about the need of a specific type of sand for the beach and the ability of grading the beach but not altering the pitch of the property.  Signage is needed for safety and informing the public that loitering was not allowed, and a Police Take Notice signage was needed along with informing the HPD of the need for patrols to the park to lessen illegal activities and damage to the property. The immediate need for a locking gate was discussed and possibly a sign regarding contaminated water at the dam site.

A motion was made by Sarah Edmonstone and seconded by Stephen Isabelle to ask for patrols to be made by the HPD as well as having a locked gate placed at the entrance to the park. The motion was unanimously approved the motion.

It was brought to our attention that Eagle Lake is 57 acres, and a depth of 6 feet at its deepest. The length of time it would take to lower the water is nine weeks. What exactly were the property that is owned by White Oaks below the dam was needed and what was the extent of the property deemed under the water that is owned by the Town of Holden.

A question was posed regarding the earthen dam that once was in place between the two main bodies of water to the lake and what effects the inclusion of that dam would have on the main bodies of water.

A discussion of the percentage of the Town had children who might want to use the lake property and what was the overall population of the Town who could possibly us the area.

Chairman Kersus reported that Earl Nezuch has agreed to take the lead regarding the status of the dam.  Dan Marinone volunteered to take the lead regarding the physical condition and recreational uses of Eagle Lake. Steve Isabelle is taking the lead regarding the Town’s recreational area and his report at this meeting did review the current status of the park.


A motion was made to adjourned at 8:10pm by Mark Taubert and seconded by Sarah Edmonstone. The next general meeting will be at 7:00pm on November 8, 2017, in the Starboard Building.

Minutes submitted by:     Mark Aucoin

Approved by:                   [Name]