Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mountview School Building Committee

April 14, 2015



7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department


Present: Chairman Paul Challenger, Margaret Watson, Chris Lucchesi, Bob McCarthy, Jacquie Kelly, David White, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Erik Githmark, Sue Lucia

Others Present:  From LPA: Bill Senecal

  1. OPM Report

Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. CTA site work continues – infiltration basin has seen considerable progress. Rocks and boulders are mostly broken up. The snow melted at an easy rate, so there were no issues with that. Interior HVAC continues on all 3 floors. Rough wire on the 3rd floor and plumbing continues on 2nd and 3rd floor bathrooms.

Basin work continues weather permitting. The metal panel system is ongoing. Light Gauge Metal Framing is also ongoing. The partitions, closets etc. are taking shape. The metal gauge on the back of the gym and the inside completion of HVAC is expected in the next week. Seismic bracing and plumbing rough continues on the 3rd floor followed by the 2nd west elevation. The windows are going in around the building. The mock-up passed the test. They are redoing some of the brick work. The performance of the wall is fine. It has all gone well. Once the west wall is done and flashed they will perform another test. Paul Challenger asked how long until it will look like a school. Gary said the brick is coming on Friday then they will start precast followed by brick work. It should start looking good sometime by the end of June for the exterior brick in B building. Next week during vacation the install of the primary duct bank will begin and they will run the gas line in back of the tennis court area. Within a week or 2 HVAC will show up and be installed on B building.

Gary reported that they are on schedule and he feels comfortable. Feels we will hit the schedule. He also commented that the quality is excellent.

Gary addressed the HVAC system in the gym, locker and cafeteria areas. There are 3 units AHU1, AHU2 and AHU3. The AHU1: unit handles locker room area, AHU2 handles the gym and AHU3 handles the cafeteria. There is no dehumidification or conditioned air in these areas. The original units have been built and can not be retro fitted. New units will need to be purchased. The work has been estimated at $300,000- $350,000.  It is now the decision of the committee whether or not to move forward. If committee decides to pursue this route 1/3 of duct work can be eliminated and that could add up to a substantial amount of savings. In order to get a hard number we need to issue a proposal request to CTA. The engineers will price it properly. No duct work has been started in A building, so now is a good time to think about this and move forward. Darryll McCall, the superintendent, and Erik Githmark, the principal, have concerns. Erik commented that the cafeteria area is used everyday by 800 kids. The gym is also used everyday and for town events. Gary feels the estimated cost number is on the high side. Paul commented that it seems we are building a quality building and have the money to go forward, but would like more information on the net cost. Dave White would like to first and for most authorize money to have the engineer look at it and give their opinion. Gary asked if there was a number the committee was willing to go up to. Dave said $175,000-$200,000. Bill said the units they bought are approximately $60,000 a piece but is not sure how much they are worth per unit for resale. He also stated that once we say we do not want them we start paying rent on them. Jacquie asked about the timeframe. Gary feels as soon as A building is done we will need to do it immediately. Bill said they will study all 3 areas independently and will get a proposal. Gary asked if the committee wants to make a decision on how much to spend.  Dave wants to pursue an analysis report.  Paul said to get a cost estimate and then they will get together and make a decision. Chris feels they need a better number to authorize and wants LPA to get a number in order to release and do the drawings to use as guidance. Dave stated that if Seamans comes back and says it is worth a couple hundred thousand then we should develop the plan. Jacquie asked if there is interest in going down this path, and if we are then we should go forward. Paul asked if we should pick a number to go with. Margaret asked if the current superintendant was in favor and did he give reasons. Gary said he is on board for the fact that it can get very uncomfortable depending on the weather for events in the gym and cafeteria. Dave feels if the engineering costs aren’t that significant to develop a cost estimate with Seamans, and they give an indication that it’s a couple hundred thousand, buy it. But if it is $350,000 we need to talk about it.  Bob McCarthy asked if we do the initial estimate and go through the process how much for LPA.  Bill estimated at $20,000. Bob asked the committee if they are ok to say yes to $20,000. Jacquie said that seems reasonable. Chris commented that they can’t make a decision without a plan and all the information. Gary reminded the committee that no matter what happens they are moving forward based on current plans. Paul asked LPA to develop an estimate and work up the drawings. He stated that when the time is right the committee will have a meeting.

  1. LPA Update

Bill reported that you can walk in the 2nd & 3rd floor rooms. Gary asked if the committee would you like to meet at his trailer before next meeting to do a walk through. They agreed and will meet at 6:00 before the next meeting. Dave commented that he walked through a couple weeks ago and the quality looks really good. The thing that made him happiest is that it is a very clean site.

  1. Misc

Dave White stated that he is working on the FF&E for tractors, etc and putting a list together. Bill said to put together the specs and Mindi will put it out to bid.

Next Meeting: Tuesday May12, 2015 6:00pm, Mountview site and 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

Chris Lucchesi motioned to approve the revised minutes from December 2, 2014, Paul Challenger seconded. Voted 6-0 all were in favor to approve the minutes.

Paul Challenger motioned to approve the revised minutes from January 6, 2015, Dave White seconded. Voted 5-0 to approve the minutes with 1 abstention, Jacquie Kelly.

Chris Lucchesi motioned to approve the revised minutes from February 10, 2015, Paul Challenger seconded. Voted 5-0 to approve the minutes with 1 abstention, Bob McCarthy.

Paul Challenger motioned to approve the revised minutes from March 10, 2015, Chris Lucchesi seconded. Voted 4-0 to approve the minutes with 2 abstentions, Jacquie Kelly and Dave White.

On a motion by Paul Challenger, seconded by Bob McCarthy the meeting was adjourned at 8:33.

Prepared by Sue Lucia


   Approved Date