Mountview School Building Committee

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Mountview School Building Committee

December 13, 2016


7:00pm                                                                        Holden Municipal Light Department

Present:  Chairman Paul Challenger, Dave White, Larry Galkowski, Chris Lucchesi, Jacquie Kelly, Margaret Watson (7:15), Bob McCarthy, Gary Kaczmarek, OPM, Sue Lucia

Others Present:  From LPA: Mike Pagano, Bill Senecal

      Not Present: Erik Githmark, Darryll McCall           

  1. OPM Report:  Gary Kaczmarek gave a construction update. Since the last meeting the front stonewall has been completed, the sod has been installed, and the sign has been installed at the main entrance. Gary asked who would be controlling the sign. Jacquie Kelly said it would be the school. Gary mentioned there was a complaint from a Mt. View Drive neighbor regarding the sign being on all night and being very bright. The neighbor asked for the sign to be turned off at night. Jacquie mentioned she has gotten many compliments on the stonewall. Gary said they are at the end of the site construction. There are a few things left to be done. The breach of the level spreader is not fixed. They are waiting on pricing and the weather. Dave White asked if it makes more sense to ask LPA for a design to go out to bid outside of CTA in the spring. Gary said CTA submitted a number that is too high. Busy Bee was going to do the work. They may give the town a lower number. Mike Pagano said that is ok as long as it does not result in work CTA will claim possibility. Gary suggested to do it on our own, the town may be better off. Mike Pagano said it might be a simpler task to give instruction to CTA. If there were potential damage or limits, it would be CTA’s responsibility. Larry Galkowski suggested having LPA take a look. Gary said that no matter who does the work it could affect what has been done. There may be some disruption to some of it. He reached an agreement with Graves to take silt material and put it in another area instead of hauling out. This will save money. It is frozen, so now is not the right time.  

The PCO for additional lockers was discussed. Gary said nothing has been done yet. They are waiting for official approval. CTA could do it or he could find someone to do the work. Gary asked about the procurement laws. The lockers are particular for that school, so he asked if it needs to go out to to bid or sole procurement. Dave said if they are matching what is in the building we can do sole procurement of materials then labor. Gary said he can get someone local cheaper and asked the committee to consider it.

Gary said the AP schedule did not have the original req., and CTA did not get back to him. The number they sent via email was not the correct number. Bill Senecal changed it to the right number. He will bring it tomorrow to be signed.

Paul Challenger motioned for CO#15 approval not to exceed $26,437.73 so moved by Chris Lucchesi and seconded by Dave White. All were in favor and unanimously approved CO #15 not to exceed $26,437.73.

Mike Pagano brought up the issue of unsuitable soil. The cost of $77 per yard is excessive. He wrote a letter describing their position. The PCO did not have back up. Gary wants to resolve this issue right away.

  1. LPA Update: Bill reported the punchlist has approximately 15 items left. His report is done except for a few items. Mike will provide documentation. He noted the quality of work is very good. 
  1. Misc: Paul Challenger asked as the project is winding down and the punchlist is in good shape, if the staff is also winding down. Gary said Larry Connors is done at the end of December. He said he would remain another 6 months until the closeout documentation and punchlist are complete. Dave White asked about the final resolution with the concrete slabs. Gary said they replaced them. Bill said the biggest item remaining is the exterior white dots in the back of the building. Paul reported there has been some movement on settlement discussions. Dave and Paul met with Lyle Coghlin and after discussion came up with a settlement offer of $477,000. Lyle said there are a number of things against him, but he is willing to write them off. Paul said they are at the point where the number is at the lowest and they can accept or go into arbitration. It is risky. He is recommending the offer at $477,000 with suitable language and all-inclusive. Dave feels that if they come to an agreement with language that wipes the slate clean it is in their best interest. Jacquie Kelly also supports Paul’s recommendation. Mike Pagano asked if the town wanted help with the verbal agreement. Paul Challenger said unsuitables and ledge were not considered settled. The changes to the CO may change things. Mike is good with the quantities, but feels the $77/yard is excessive.

Paul Challenger asked Jacquie Kelly what directions they should go in. The committee agreed to to have Jacquie Kelly start the settlement process.

Dave White motioned to have the town manager start the settlement process, Margaret Watson seconded. All were in favor to have the town manager start the settlement process.

Dave White asked about the contract after substantial completion. Mike Pagano said the MSBA form of agreement has a 65-day closeout period after all phases are complete. In 10 months, they will return to take a final look at the building to satisfy contractual obligations.

Paul Challenger asked when the committee would disband and the project will become a town issue. Gary will look into the timeframe.

Margaret Watson suggested framing and hanging the certificates in the front hall of the school.

Dave White motioned to ask for the lockers be sole sourced to the exact manufacturer and color of existing lockers by Gary Kaczmarek and Jacquie Kelly, Larry Galkowski seconded. All were in favor of asking for the lockers be sole sourced to exact manufacturer and color of existing lockers by Gary Kaczmarek and Jacquie Kelly.

Dave White motioned to give the town manager, Gary Kaczmarek and Paul Challenger the authority to resolve the issue of unsuitable soil not to exceed $53,000, Bob McCarthy seconded. All were in favor to give the town manager, Gary Kaczmarek and Paul Challenger the authority to resolve the issue of unsuitable soil not to exceed $53,000.

Next Meeting:  January 10, 2016, 7:00 pm, HMLD Meeting Room

Larry Galkowski motioned to approve the minutes from the November meeting as presented, Bob McCarthy seconded and all were in favor of approving the minutes from the November meeting as presented. Chris Lucchesi & Jacquie Kelly abstained.

Dave White motioned and Larry Galkowski seconded, with no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10.

Prepared by Sue Lucia


Approved Date