Planning Board

Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 15, 2015


December 15, 2015

Memorial Hall



Members Present: William Ritter, Scott Carlson, Otto Lies, John Michalak, Robert Ricker


Members Absent: Jeff Head, Tina Stratis


Staff Present: Pam Harding, Town Planner; Liz Fotos, Recording Secretary


W. Ritter called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.  He welcomed R. Ricker back to the Planning Board; R. Ricker had previously served on the Board and then left to serve of the ZBA; W. Ritter and the members of the Planning Board welcomed him back. 




Eric Smith, CMRPC was present for the meeting.  


P. Harding gave an overview of the project for R. Ricker’s benefit.  She stated that CMRPC started a DLTA program where the Town applied for assistance and they (CMRPC) are working on a model for Jefferson Village.  She stated that the Board did a walk through in October and now E. Smith was back in front of the Board in order to present the preliminary findings.


E. Smith presented to the Board power point presentation entitled: Model Village District Bylaw Initiative Town of Holden, MA, Holden Planning Board, Jefferson Village Existing Conditions Assessment Presentation, December 15, 2015. 

(See attached presentation)


After the presentation W. Ritter asked if the Board had any questions or comments.


O. Lies stated that he would like to see this project move forward.  He stated that it is a terrific opportunity and now the Board needed to decide where they wanted to go from here.


W. Ritter stated that he thinks that the single family homes should be made into conforming properties to make it easier and give them some flexibility for non heavy retail commercial use.


P. Harding stated that she believes that the mixed use bylaw adheres to the model that is presented and if they use what they have mixed use may be the best fit.


E. Smith stated that it was very similar to the Oriol Program. P. Harding replied that it may fit, or may need to be more village.


W. Ritter stated that he was surprised that all the properties conform with regards to the frontage; he stated based on the years that they have been there he is surprised.


E. Smith replied it was a pleasant surprise.


W. Ritter stated that there are houses on Main Street and there are people who live in those homes that are protective of that strip of property and don’t want it to be changed.


J. Michalak stated that when the Board went out on their site walk and it was getting dark; he was concerned with the speed of traffic going through the area.  He stated that it may be beyond the scope of what the Board was looking at however he felt that there needed to be some sort of traffic calming measures; sidewalk safe crossings implemented.  He asked if there was some sort of way that the Board or the Town could meet with MA DOT and look at what options this area could have.  He stated that he feels that if they want a village feel and want people to shop there, people need to feel safe and there needs to be some sort of traffic calming that is implemented.


W. Ritter stated that sidewalks would need to be installed.


O. Lies replied that he totally agreed with J. Michalak. He stated that he has asked a number of people and that many people think it is run down and an eye sore.  He stated that if the Town moves forward that there may be an opportunity with Complete Streets.  He stated that he knew Isabel McCauley, DPW and Peter Lukes, Assistant Town Manager were aware of the program.  He stated that there is a lot of money available and that maybe they could merge these two things; Jefferson Zone and Complete Streets.  He stated this could be something good to do to a rundown section of our Main Street.


E. Smith stated that from his work with Spencer, MA, he knew that one of the things that the Town needed to do was adopt a Complete Streets program.  He stated there is also a checklist that is needed and he can reach out to get more information about it.


P. Harding stated that this was a state highway so Mass Highway would need to be bought in. 


E. Smith replied that it was state highway in Spencer as well. 


P. Harding replied that they were still pursuing it; she just wanted to know if MA Highway needed to be the applicant.


E. Smith replied that they would definitely need to be included.  He stated that in Rutland on RT 122 they have bike lanes and space on the sides for example.  He stated that is an area where Complete Streets has been implemented.  He stated that the idea is that when they redo the area, the whole thing will then be finished.  He stated that there is a best practices and that DLTA is now tied to it so there is a way to connect the projects. He stated they would be able to provide assistance in that way.


O. Lies stated that there is other ways to connect the projects as well.  He stated that the Town could apply to DOT to fix that section of town and that although it may be a long process it may not be because it is a small project.  He stated that he agreed with J. Michalak that it needed to be looked at simultaneously.


S. Carlson asked if the Town would be able to get in on the plan that was being designed for MEMA and FEMA; the evacuation routes. 


E. Smith replied that he would take these questions to their transportation staff.  He stated his boss, Chris Ryan, was looking to do a village toolkit; which encompassed everything together; sidewalks, economics, infrastructure, etc. 


W. Ritter stated that the mill and the redevelopment of it was an ongoing concern.  He stated the condo’s behind it had done such a great job maintaining it and the mill is deteriorated.

E. Smith stated that there was a Mill redevelopment workshop that was being held on December 16, 2015.  He asked if P. Harding was going to it.  P. Harding replied she was.


W. Ritter asked if he needed anything further from the Board.  E. Smith replied that he did not need anything at the moment and that he would get another report out and follow up on the streets.


W. Ritter thanked him for coming out.


PROPOSED ZONING BYLAW CHANGE- Removing the School Bus Exemption from the Prohibition of Commercial Vehicle Parking in the Residential Zoning District


W. Ritter stated that this was not a public hearing and he did not want to get too much into it but he did want to give an overview to the Board.


P. Harding stated that the short version was that there was a bus driver in the Wyoming area that has been bringing the school bus home and the neighbors are aggravated.  She stated that the neighbors have petitioned the Town to remove the school bus exemption from the bylaw.  The bylaw prohibits commercial vehicles over 10K from parking in Town however excludes school buses from that bylaw and allows them to park in town. 


W. Ritter asked if the petition was submitted to the Town Clerk.


P. Harding replied that they petitioned for a zoning change to remove the exemption and it was signed by 34 registered voters so the Planning Board is required to hold a public hearing on the matter.


W. Ritter asked P. Harding the time frame on the hearing.  P. Harding replied that there was some time and that it can be held as late as March.


R. Ricker asked if the exemption would be grandfathered in.  P. Harding replied that it may be and that she would need to look at it and speak to town counsel.


J. Michalak stated that he would like to hear from others in town that it would impact as well.  P. Harding replied that they would need to take inventory to see how many buses were parked in town overnight.


W. Ritter asked P. Harding to get more information for the Board.


O. Lies stated that it looked like this was a neighborhood dispute.  He stated he doesn’t believe that it has any planning significance and asked if it was required to be heard by the Board.


W. Ritter replied that the Board was required to hear it because it was a Zoning Bylaw Change.  He stated the Planning Board was the mechanism in which to have a change come about.


W. Ritter asked P. Harding to speak to Town Counsel.  He suggested having the hearing in February so that if the matter needed to be continued it would give the Board plenty of time before Town Meeting   


J. Michalak asked if the Board had a public hearing and did not endorse it what would happen.  P. Harding replied it would still go to Town Meeting.




Stoney Brook Estates

Release of Covenant and Establish Bond for Phase V


P. Haring stated that the Town had just received it today (December 15, 2015).  It was a full bond amount of $206908.13 to reduce to $45,993.95 to reflect the work completed to date.


W. Ritter suggested passing on it until the Board could review.


Bullard Estates- Bond Reduction


W. Ritter stated this was also received today (December 15, 2015); He suggested reviewing it next meeting as well.


Red Tail Estates- Inspection Services Bond Amount




St. Mary’s Drive- Inspection Services Bond Amount






Motion by S .Carlson, seconded by J. Michalak, it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 13, 2015 PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED.  (Ricker: abstain)


Motion by J. Michalak, seconded by O. Lies, it was VOTED TO APPROVE THE NOVMBER 24, 2015 PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED.  (Ricker: abstain).




W. Ritter asked about the subdivision on Salisbury Street.  P. Harding replied that there were no issues; just the usual stuff. 


Motion by S. Carlson, seconded by J. Michalak, it was UNANIMOSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE DECEMBER 15, 2015 PLANNING BOARD MEETING AT 7:54PM. 


The December 15, 2015 Meeting minutes of the Planning Board were approved at the January 12, 2016 meeting.






APPROVED: ________________