Planning Board, February 11, 2014

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Planning Board Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2014

Memorial Hall


Members Present:            W. Ritter, O. Lies, D. Lindberg, S. Carlson, J. Michalak, T. Stratis

Members Absent:            J. Head

Others Present:                P. Harding, Town Planner

7:00 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.

2014 GOALS:

Sign Bylaw:

Sign Bylaw Methodology for determining square footage was added to the Bylaw:

  1. The area of all signs will be calculated by utilizing the exterior dimensions of the perimeter of a sign.  If a sign entails stand alone lettering and/or symbols a perimeter must be drawn encompassing all of the lettering/symbols and the perimeter will be utilized to calculate the area, spacing and line separation must be contained within the same perimeter to calculate the area.


Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.


Marijuana Treatment Facilities:

The Board reviewed the power point presentation on Marijuana Treatment Facilities.  35 licenses will be issued in the State of Massachusetts with no more than 5 licenses permitted in each county for cultivations centers and dispensaries.  One license has been issued in Worcester County to the City of Worcester.  The proposed site is located on Harrison Street and will include cultivation.  One cultivation center can supply a maximum of three dispensaries.

O. Lies recommended checking with the police department regarding the industrial park, and Steve Madaus about limiting facilities to industrial.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.


The Central Massachusetts 13 Prioritization Plan, CMRPC, completed a collaborative effort focusing on 13 communities in the central part of their region with an objective to create a shared framework for identifying regional and local priorities for growth, development, higher education and land preservation, as well as transportation and other infrastructure investments.  This planning effort engaged the public, private, and non-profit sectors to form the framework for public involvement in future land use decisions and infrastructure investment within these communities.  By continuing to identify local priorities for development and preservation, a set of larger regional priorities can be established to build into the over-arching identity of the Central Massachusetts region.  The final report can be viewed at

The three sites identified in Holden include;


Village Center PDA (Jefferson Mill Area)



Commercial Re-use PDA (Industrial Park)



Oriol Health Care Campus (Boyden Road)



CMRPC is revisiting the Central 13 Prioritization Project and allocating DLTA funds to focus on a prioritization site identified in the plan.  Regional PDAs were identified.  CMRPC will be analyzing PDAs for the following information:

1.         Environmental resources (wetlands, floodplain, etc.)

2.         Zoning (allowed uses, dimensional controls)

3.         Utilities (water, sewer, stormwater, natural gas, fiber optic)

4.         Transit

5.         Roadway connection/access

6.         Proximate to housing

7.         Surrounding land uses; compatibility

8.         Topography; soils

9.         Contamination

10.       Existing land uses on site; existing structures

11.       Parcel size and configuration

12.       Visibility

13.       Amenities

14.       Ownership

15.       Permitting process

16.       Community-identified vision for the site/area

Project Deliverables:  Packet of information for each PDA, including map/plan, photos, possible development scenario if applicable, etc.

Project Goal:  There is a packet of information for a priority development area that can be used to guide communities in identifying possible zoning changes, 43D application, grant applications (MassWorks), promotion to developers, template for future analysis of additional PDAs, etc.

The scope of work is intended to include no more than one Regional PDA from any participating community.

The Board had previously chosen the Oriol Health Care site last year.  The work never commenced.  P. Harding will submit the information to complete work on this area again.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.

NEXT MEETING:  February 25, 2014

S. Carlson motioned to adjourn.  J. Michalak seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:05 PM.

February 11, 2014 Minutes approved:                         


Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary