Planning Board, October 14, 2014

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 14, 2014


October 14, 2014



Members Present: William Ritter, Tina Stratis, Jeff Head, John Michalak, David Lindberg, Scott Carlson


Not Present: Otto Lies


Others Present:  Pam Harding, Town Planner, Elizabeth Fotos, Recording Secretary


7:00PM           Meeting called to order by W. Ritter


Approval Not Required- ANR

190 River Street, Riley, LLC


P. Harding handed out the plans for a previously approved common driveway for 190 River Street.  The proposed ANR creates a lot line and one additional lot not associated with the common driveway.  There were lot width violations and incorrect notations on the plans which are being revised. 


W. Ritter asked what was going to happen to lot 8.1 and P. Harding responded that there was an easement.  W. Ritter asked if engineering had reviewed it.  P. Harding responded that they had and that they asked the applicant to delineate the meets and bounds.  She stated that while that wasn’t something that could be required through the ANR she did forward the request to the owners.


Motion by J. Head, seconded by D. Lindberg, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE THE ANR FOR 19 RIVER STREET, RILEY, LLC.


Public Hearing

Definitive Subdivision/ Special Permit/ Open Space Residential Design

Wachusett Valley Estates

325 Bullard Street, Greenstone Realty


W. Ritter began the public hearing by cautioning the developer that the Board was down one member.  W. Ritter stated that this matter required a super majority which was 5 votes to approve. 


Mr. Jeffrey Brem the Principal Engineer from Meisner Brem Corporation who represents Greenstone Realty, LLC conferred with his client, Mr. Josh Olson; they stated they wished to move forward.

J. Brem updated the Board on the status of 325 Bullard Street; Greenstone Realty and indicated that they had submitted an updated yield plan.


J. Brem updated the Board on the status of the Sewer Pump Stations.  He stated that the issue they were running into was that DPW wanted the sewer pump station to be designed so it had the same parts and components as the other stations in Town.  J. Brem told the Board that J. Olson (the developer) went to a 3rd party engineer to have those plans completed.  At this point the plans have been completed and submitted (~ 7-10 days ago).  J. Brem explained the delay was the time it took to research the requirements for these specific pump stations, determining that Meisner & Brem couldn’t do these pump stations and then finding the engineering firm that could do them.


J. Brem updated the Board on the DPW review from August.  J. Brem stated that they had responded to the 38 items that DPW had originally noted on the original plans and that they were currently waiting to be re-reviewed. 


J. Brem stated that the largest item that needed to be addressed was the Wagner Road offset.  J. Brem stated that the Town required 125 FT.  J. Olson hired a consultant, Green International, and together there was a plan change made.  DPW wanted 75FT from closest pavement to closest pavement and the change was made and resubmitted.  J. Brem stated that they had moved the road into the right of way and all the rest of the requirements were met. 


J. Brem stated that they had also met with White Oak regarding the open space on the property.  He stated that the plan was to put a trail through the open space and provide 4 parking spots off the road way.  He also stated that White Oak was not interested in the open space in section B, the middle, and that space would go into the home owners association.  J. Brem told the Board that there were legal requirements that were currently being work on with regards to the open space. 


J. Brem updated the Planning Board on the wetland area.  He stated that Eco Tech was hired and that new wetlands were added to the middle of the site.  Based on the new wetland area, adjustments needed to be made; lots and sewers both changed.  J. Brem stated that with the new wetland areas, they are staying 25FT away to adhere to the Town bylaws.  J. Brem also stated that there is a stream area/ culver that is still being addressed with the Conservation Commission.  He stated it does not effect the subdivision, just the two lots when they get developed. 


W. Ritter asked if it was still the same number of lots.  J. Brem responded that there were more lots on a previous yield plan; the updated lots for the plot were 36. 


W. Ritter asked if the Town engineers had reviewed the yield plan.  P. Harding replied that they were still being reviewed. 


J. Brem showed the Board where the Zone A was located; he stated the critical component on Zone A was that they cannot discharge into it.  The applicant (Greenstone Realty) does not believe this is actually a Zone A as there is no tributary.  Paul McManus, Eco Tech, Dave Getman, DCR, and members from the town all analyzed the area.  J. Brem stated that they were currently working with DEP and the Conservation Commission to change the designation of this property to no longer be considered a Zone A. 


Currently DEP escalated the matter to the Boston office and it is pending review.


J. Brem stated if the area is determined to not be considered a Zone A, a plan will be submitted that has a discharge into that space before the wetlands 25FT away. 


P. Harding also told the Board that soil testing had been conducted and was still being reviewed by the Town.


W. Ritter asked for Towns comments.


P. Harding stated that the Town is in the process of reviewing the revised plans.  She stated that DPW has frowned upon paving up to the edge of the right of way as there would be no place to put snow and it would make maintenance difficult.  P. Harding also stated that the Town does not want it to drain into the catch basins. She stated that everyone is in agreement that there is not a tributary; however DEP is the only entity that can remove the designation of Zone A so we are waiting on them.


P. Harding stated there is a request for peer review and DPW is going to review as well.


W. Ritter opened the hearing up for public comment.


Mr. Bob Coleman, 299 Bullard Street was present.  He asked the Board to take his home into consideration before approving any project.  He stated that his home is in the middle of the construction and he was very concerned with the displaced water from the project. 


W. Ritter reminded J. Brem the Board had asked them to review B. Coleman’s property, he asked what they had found. 


J. Brem stated they had reviewed it.  He showed B. Coleman and the Board the flow of water and the location of the catch basins that DPW had requested. 


B. Coleman asked if all the displaced water was flowing towards his property.


J. Brem replied that there is more water flowing into his property now then there will be with the new development because of the minimizing pavement and the addition of catch basins.


B. Coleman clarified that he would have less water after the construction is completed than he currently has.


J. Brem confirmed this and stated that there would be a peer review completed to confirm this information as well.


B. Coleman asked what happened if J. Brem was wrong.


J. Brem stated that if there was an issue, he could contact the Town and the Town had the ability to step in.


B. Coleman asked the Board for confirmation.  P. Harding replied that it was correct, but that B. Coleman would have to prove it.


B. Coleman asked how he would do that.


P. Harding detailed how the Town would intervene. She stated that the Town had 4 engineers reviewing these properties in addition to a peer review.  She stated that this is above and beyond what usually happens.


W. Ritter asked who was conducting the peer review.  P. Harding responded Graves.


W. Ritter asked if they could look at the 2 existing homes.  P. Harding confirmed that they would do that.


P. Carolan, 301 Bullard Street was present.  He asked if the detention facility that was spoken about had standing water.


J. Brem replied that no, it was a buyer retention facility that had an upper and lower cell.  He stated there was a special feature that absorbed the water at different elevations in addition to a pipe that discharged it. 


P. Carolan stated he had the same concerns as B. Coleman.  He asked about the current drain and if that was still going to be used. 


J. Brem stated it was still going to be in use.


P. Carolan stated he had reviewed some of the Town bylaws and asked about ownership of the 50FT buffer.


J. Brem replied that it was open space b and that it will be owned by the home owners association.


W. Ritter stated that there was no requirement that it needed to be owned by separate owners.


P. Carolan replied that his concern was if someone could go in and alter it.


W. Ritter replied that it will be in an easement.  He asked the developer if they had corrected the buffer for the ANR lot (Lot 37).


J. Olson replied that the lot in question was in the open field so there was no buffer.


W. Ritter replied that it should be delineated regardless.  He asked if it affected the building area for the ANR.


J. Olson replied that they could put it on the deed.


W. Ritter asked about standing water.


J. Brem outlined the system that was used.  He stated standing water goes for 24-72 hours and as it rises, more water flows through.


S. Carlson asked how many of these systems J. Brem had built and the locations of them. J. Brem responded 3. 


S. Carlson asked if they were doing the building or if it was being subcontracted.  J.  Olson replied both.  S. Carlson asked for the location again as he wished to visit an existing one and view the work.


W. Ritter asked P. Harding if she could let the two members of the public present (B. Coleman and P. Carolan) know about the peer review and the responses from DPW. 


W. Ritter stated that the developer was at the end of their allotted time.


P. Harding confirmed and stated that the applicant would need an extension of time.


W. Ritter suggested the developer proceed with a written request for the extension of time to December 1, 2014 to file and December 10th for a decision. 


B. Coleman asked if once the Planning Board voted on the project, if it would also have been approved by the Conservation Committee.


W. Ritter replied not necessarily but that if anything is changed, they needed to return for Planning Board approval.  He explained that most people work with the Planning Board and the Conservation Committee on a parallel track and that while there is some overlap each Board had different areas of expertise and responsibilities. 


J. Michalak asked about drainage.  He stated that J. Brem had spoken about an impervious area and asked if there was any consideration being made for the roof runoff. 


J. Brem replied that the front half would drain to Liberty Circle.


J. Michalak asked about the other half. 


J. Olson replied that there could be rutters put in but that they want to pitch back to front.  He stated that there were no trees in the area to collect water.




W. Ritter asked J. Brem to get in touch with P. Harding and the Town by early November so the public (B.Coleman and P. Carolan in particular) could review the results.


J. Brem replied he would be in touch as early as possible and would let P. Harding know the status updates of DEP as well.


Holden Youth Soccer Fields


The Zoning Board of Appeals received a Special Permit to allow recreational soccer fields run by a non profit in the R-1 Zoning District.  This application will also be before the Planning Board as a Site Plan/ Special Permit so no recommendation will be made.


Next Meeting:  October 28, 2014




P. Harding updated the Board on CMRPC.  She told the Board that they have been using the tech assistance grant to evaluate issues at the Oriol Health Facility.  She stated that some of the CMRPC hours would be needed to further analyze the area.


W. Ritter asked what the hours would be taken away from.  P. Harding responded nothing.  


D. Lindberg asked if the Oriol Property was leasing at a slower rate then they anticipated.


P. Harding replied they were but that they were not concerned.  She stated that there is a traffic analysis required at 80% occupancy but that the facility had not yet reached that.


W. Ritter asked if there were any complaints from the Salisbury Street Project.  P. Harding stated she had not received any complaints.


Motion by D. Lindberg, seconded by J. Head, it was UNANIMOSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE OCTOBER 14, 2014 PLANNING BOARD MEETING AT 7:53PM.  


The October 14, 2014 Planning Board meeting minutes were approved on December 16, 2014



APPROVED: _____________________      __

Pamela Harding, Town Planner