Recreation Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 8, 2020


DECEMBER 8, 2020

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Rob Owens, Erin Bradbury, Melissa Staiti, Robin Floyd


OTHERS PRESENT:  Denise Morano, Recreation Director


Erin Bradbury called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Motion was made by Melissa Staiti to accept the minutes of October 13, 2020, seconded by Erin Bradbury.  Minutes were accepted as written.



Programs:  Denise reported that the schools are closed to the student body, except for high needs children, until at least January 19, 2021.  She also stated that there was to be a continuation of last nights’ School Committee meeting to tomorrow night, and on the agenda it refers to reopening the schools for hybrid learning for grades K-2 no later than December 14.  Denise asked Robin how her children were doing at Bancroft.  She responded that there was only 1 day in the upper level where they closed that level to the students.  The other 2 levels were in school, and the upper level returned the day after the cleaning was done.  Her children have been in school since September, and except for that 1 day closure in the upper level, everything has been fine.

Denise stated that the licenses to run the Before and After School Programs haven’t been reissued because the children aren’t in school.  She has to submit a reopening plan to the Dept. of Early Ed and Care, and all staff have to complete a health and safety re-opening training.  None of this can be done until she has a date when the children will be in school.  She has to update all the information on the online registration page, so that parents can then register for the programs.  Robin asked if Denise could increase the capacity of the programs to accommodate more children, and she responded yes, but because there is so much difficulty finding staff to work in the mornings, that it probably wouldn’t happen.  The student to staff ratio has to be at least 1 – 13, and finding at least 3 more staff to work is difficult.

Denise reported that the Halloween House Decorating contest was very well received, and 30 photos were submitted. The winning house received more than 400 “likes ”.  The pictures are on the Recreation Facebook page.

Melissa asked if we could do a contest for children, and it was decided that a Snowman contest will be held in either January or February, depending on the snow.  Anything made with snow is accepted.  It will run like the house decorating contest, with pictures being sent in, posted on Recreation Facebook, and the number of “likes” decides the bragging rights winner.

Melissa would like to see people doing “pay it forward”, and will submit some ideas.  Robin suggested this would be great if children could do something for the elderly.


The annual meeting with the Holden Youth Sports leagues director’s to discuss field assignments for 2021 won’t be necessary this year.  The fields weren’t used in 2020 because of the pandemic, so the schedules from 2020 will be used in 2021. 

Because of revenue uncertainties, the only capital project requested in my 2022 budget is $50,000 for field maintenance.  The fields are all in good condition because they were hardly used all year.  A lot of work was done on the Mountview fields, and they all are in much better condition.

Teresa has transferred to the Treasurer’s office, and Angela is still laid off.  I’m hoping to bring her back into the office in January to help out with summer planning.  She was the senior clerk when she was first hired, so she is familiar with all the paperwork that needs attention.  I will advertise for the senior clerk position once I know when I can begin programs.

Santa lit the Town tree on Sunday, December 6.  This was a very small celebration, and very few people were in attendance.  You will be able to view the tree lighting on demand at at a later time.

I want to wish you and your families a peaceful, happy, healthy and safe holiday season – Happy New Year!


Motion was made by Erin Bradbury, and seconded by Melissa Staiti to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.


The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. if needed.


Minutes submitted by Denise Morano, Recreation Director