Zoning Board of Appeals, May 29, 2014-SCOTT TERRACE REALTY

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 29, 2014


8 SCOTT TERRACE REALTY TRUST                                                           CASE NO.V1404


The Zoning Board of Appeals held a continued public hearing on Thursday, May 29, 2014 in Memorial Hall in the Town Hall on the Petition of 8 Scott Terrace Realty Trust for property located at 8 Scott Terrace for a VARIANCE to allow a multi-family development in the R-2 zone.


Members in attendance:  R. Spakauskas, R. Fraser, J. Deignan and R. Butler.


Attorney Stephanie M. Goodwin, representing the applicants, addressed the Board.  On  Tuesday, May 27th the Planning Board approved the applicant’s special permit; they now need approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals to add one more duplex.


Some of the members of the Zoning Board attended the Planning Board’s meeting on May 27th.


Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m.


R. Fraser made a motion to approve the variance with the same conditions as the Planning Board’s approval on May 27, 2014, a copy which is attached and made part of these minutes.   R. Butler seconded.  Vote 4-0, motion approved.


                                                Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman