Chapter 3.4 Regulations of Raffle and Bazaar Permits



Adopted January 5, 1982


SECTION 1.       Authority


Chapter 271 and 138 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Chapter 406 of the Acts of 1951, more commonly known as the Town Manager Charter.


SECTION 2.      Application


2.1     Any person or organization requesting a Raffle or Bazaar Permit from the Town of Holden shall be required to make application in writing to the Town Clerk, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the proposed event.


2.2     Any person or organization requesting a Permit shall present evidence that they are a qualified organization as required by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 271, Section 7A, and subsequent amendments thereto.


2.3     The applicant shall submit, as part of the application, a list of all organization members as of the date of application.


SECTION 3.      Hours of Operation


3.1     The function shall not commence before 7:00 PM and shall terminate no later than 1:00 AM, and in no case be run for more than five (5) hours.


SECTION 4.      Limit on Permits to be Issued


4.1     No person or organization shall be permitted to run more than one (1) function every six months.


4.2     No liquor licensee, owner, or authorized occupant of the building or structure to be used for such function shall be permitted to hold more than one event every six (6) months on said property.


SECTION 5.      List of Personnel To Be Provided


5.1     A list of the sponsoring organization's members, who are to work as bankers, cashiers, runners, dealers, pit bosses and count room personnel, shall be supplied to the Chief of Police no less than seventy-two (72) hours before said function is to be held. This list is to include: name, date of birth, address and social security number. Non-organization members are not allowed to participate in any manner.


5.2     No person shall assist in the conduct of a function/bazaar except a bona fide member of the organization whose name appears on the list as required in Section 2.3.


SECTION 6.      Employment of Public Safety Personnel


6.1     A uniformed off-duty police officer must be retained by the organization conducting the function at the expense of the organization. Such officer, or officers, to be designated by the Chief of Police for the purpose of protecting the patrons.


SECTION 7.      Effect of Statutes, Rules, Regulations


7.1     Chapter 271, Section 7A, of the Massachusetts General Laws and the Rules and Regulations of the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission 961 CMR 4.00 as may from time to time be amended and any additional regulations pertaining to raffles, bazaars, Las Vegas, Casino or Monte Carlo nights shall be complied with by all licenses.


SECTION 8.      Severability


8.1     The invalidity, unconstitutionality or illegality of any provision of this regulation shall not have any effect upon the validity, constitutionality or legality of any other provision or provisions of the regulation.


Date: January 5, 1982                           BOARD OF SELECTMEN